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RE: Splinterlands Ranked Battle Overhaul

in #splinterlands11 months ago

Yes, it is removing a lot of things that were put in over the years to address certain problems, but the game has changed significantly since many of these changes were put in place which has made many of the changes no longer necessary or even some having the opposite effect than originally intended. Also, some of the changes were more like band-aids that tried to cover over a problem rather than addressing the underlying cause, and those often cause other problems.

So since there were so many little changes over so many years, and it is very hard to separate out the effects of each one, I felt what was needed was to rip everything out and go back to a simpler system designed with the above stated goals in mind. From there, as mentioned in the post, it should be easier to see what, if any, problems arise and it should be easier to pinpoint the cause and an appropriate way to handle them.


Yeah, that approach makes a lot of sense. I cant even recall how many little Band-Aids were dropped over the years. So many that even the problems they might have fixed didnt even need fixing after bandaid 3,7,15.
And theres also the player mentality shift that exists as the game matures. The investors understanding their role in the preservation of the game. Not something visible in code but still affecting the game.

All very well but you still haven't sorted anon bots out. PSE gaming of any description cannot survive long term with anonymous multi accounting, and hey if you've nerfed the rewards in wild even more (is that true) expecting us to keep buying new sets every year even though their values will get destroyed once they're rotated out of modern, well you're going to lose even the most habitual players like me who've played almost daily for several years. Fix the botting in wild and give us fair rewards for the thousands we've invested. Sure, a little more in modern to incentivise purchases is understandable, but not a gulf like this.