Many people have doubts about how long you should stay in the gym so that your training is complete and beneficial to your health. There are those who set a certain time as a rule and try most of the athletes whether they are novices or experts have a fixed rule.
here are several factors that influence your training routine, which are what will determine how much time you can take in the gym. I will name three basics.
1- The level of learning that you have: Since you are a beginner, the first thing you should do is to learn the movements that you will perform in the routines.
2 - The work you want to relizale your body, if it is definition, cardio, or muscle mass gain.
3- Have a routine prepared before arriving at the gym, know what muscle you are going to work and how many repetitions you can perform in a certain time.
You must never forget the FACTOR ENERGY ... That means that the intensity with which you train in general is inversely proportional to the amount of time you are going to be in the gym. What in my opinion does not make sense is to pretend to be 3 hours in the gym and be 3 hours training 100% because it will not happen. If you want to be 3 hours in the gym, keep in mind that it will be 3 hours at medium or low intensity. Whether this is productive or not is beyond the scope of this article.
he most important thing when it comes to training, is to know what training capacity your body can hold and that you discover it as you go to the gym. Be constant so that you know your organism and do an adequate routine.
You can easily do a full workout in 45 minutes no problem at all. But When I go to the gym I try to do 20 minutes of cardio before the workout if I am cutting. After the workout I do a 10 minute ab workout. When I do this I'll probably spend 1-2 hours at the gym depending on what day it is.
Warming up is important, but cardio is always better POST TRAINING in what I think, because when we do cardio we spend the glucose we need to perform the exercises where we need strength. Thanks for commenting my friend publication, I hope to see you in the next ones.
Like you said it depends on person to person. I don't think however that people should be spending more than 2 hours in the gym. When I go to the gym, I have a time I'm leaving regardless of what I want to finish.
Exactly everything depends on what each person friend can do, and everyone knows a place where they can demand their body.