Football for many people is more than just a game. Football in the broad sense of this word is a whole religion with a huge number of followers and fans. In reality, this is one of the most popular sports. You correctly noted that in order to develop in football, you do not need to get special knowledge. This is available even to children. In addition, even now (during the digital revolution and the development of virtual reality) on the street and in the courtyards you can see the children who gather in courtyard teams and play football. This is such a game that will unite the nation. This game has a "common" language for all countries.
What is the most welcome event for all football fans? This is of course the World Cup. For many, the World Cup is a great event that is accompanied by a "storm of positive emotions." This is what fans from all over the world are waiting for. This is a great adrenaline rush and of course a serious struggle between the teams.
I'm not an ardent fan of football. But I perfectly understand that this is a huge industry that is constantly growing. Video games, sports betting, merchandise and so on. And what are the wages of the players? Yes it is a huge eco system that covers many countries of the world. Nevertheless it helps many people in the world to get real pleasure. I'm sure that this world championship will bring many interesting events for the fans!
Good article
Soccer has always been popular worldwide but the explosion in recent growth is fantastic. I think it has to do with soccer becoming more popular in North America. I don't see anything changing anytime soon either.