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RE: Who are we?

in #sports7 years ago

I don't like the unpatriotic unsportsmanlike Behavior. Any organization that's against its own country, president and national anthem is not something I want to be associated with. They have slapped in the face of all the war heroes War veterans soldiers and troops abroad and domestic


This is what makes us great :)
That we can differ about things and still remain sports fans. Which ever the side of the pitch we sit on.

No we can not be sports fans when those who we support become traitors or against God, President, Country etc. What they did was political not sports related. What they did was betrayed us, our land / Country etc. Never forget that or you have to just accept it's all a "Propaganda Program" just programming the masses. Your statement claims you're just a Robot, do you stand for anything ? or fall for everything ? Peace