We are SportsPodium and we are a sports community and we rock. And YOU are part of the collective.
The power of sport lies in the community, in us cheering for the people on the field and the track. Do you get swept up in the moment when a stadium erupts and ROARS with a cheer or an anthem? Whether it is U-S-A, U-S-A, U-S-A or Scotland The Brave, "Liefling" (Darling) if you are a Blue Bulls supporter in South Africa, or the Rammerjammer-rammer-jammer-yellow-hammer cheer if you are in Alabama.
These are the things that bind us - the Mexican waves, the team jerseys - a sea of red Manchester United fans is almost as impressive as the team below on the pitch - and the sense of being part of something bigger.
I love how we rally together - when You-Know-Who called a fellow American and a footballer a son of a b*tch because he kneeled to show support for his own community back home, other players kneeled in subsequent matches. They tweeted. The phoned television and radio shows, they SUPPORTED. Along with the coaches and fans. And this makes US great. Not because we are rebels, but because we are brothers and sisters.
When countries were fled due to all sorts of reasons, the International Olympic Committee gave refugees their own flag to compete under in Rio. Because that's how we roll. We are one. And sport transcends all the other drama of live to unify us. Even President Mandela said so - and the roars and tears and pride the day when Mr Mandela walked out on the rugby field at the Rugby World Cup in Johannesburg wearing a Springbok jersey had such an effect on the New South Africa that people are still talking about it with a far away look in their eyes.
Canada has their hockey season - and unless you have been to a hockey match or seen how the Canada comes to a stand still when big teams play, you have no idea of esprit de corps and national mania. Girls - and some guys - even coined "hockey butt" as a phrase in Canada to describe, well....uhmmm, a bonus of playing AND watching the hockey players do their thing on the ice.
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When Phil Hughes died of a cricket related injury, Australians lined the streets, gave him an official funeral and grown men cried like children.
And this is our magic - we are brothers and sisters in the sports community. We quarrel about teams, we know better than the coaches, the selectors and everyone else, but at the end of the day we are family and we put our differences aside.
Welcome to the SportsPodium family. Tell us in the comments below about your favourite cheer or anthem - AND of course who your favourite team is.
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Nice..we want post like this
Thank you
Amazing! There is so much pride in this post! :)
Thank you so much for your SPOT ON reply ;)
yey blockchain holligan
Nice article
Keep it up!
Thank you for your support!
You are welcome
I love sports among others. Particularly football. But in this medium, I choose to blog about health and travel as I can't be everything LOL.
But, keep up the sports articles, I be sure to read them!
You rock!
Every supporter helps, good luck with your own blog too. And keep an eye out for us!
No we can't be sports fans anymore, when those who we support become traitors or against God, President, Country etc. What they did was political not sports related. What they did was betrayed us, our leader, our land / Country etc. Never forget that or you have to just accept it's all a "Propaganda Program" just programming (Spots Program/ Hero / Gladiator Worship) the masses. Your statement(s) claims you're all just Robots in a rat maze matrix, do you stand for anything ? or fall for everything ? Peace
Great job
Nice..you'r article
I am a die-hard West Indies cricket team supporter, particularly like your capture of the Phil Hughes story, your project definitely seem like an exciting mission moving forward
I have HUGE respect for Phil Hughes. And I was very moved by how Australia grinded to a halt to see him off. And what a send off.
Thanks for your time & response.
It was an emotional period for everyone, very saddened by the incident, cricket has been so integrated these days with 2020 club cricket making foreign players no different local home grown players
All of your efforts is very great . I love sports. You are promoting sports throughout world and bringing new heros everytime. My favourite team-indian cricket team and Indian hockey team. My favourite cheer- Hoolaa laa hola ho, team India hola ho.
Watch out for SportsPodium on the Sub Continent! We hope to do close work with India and your various sporting disciplines. And we are very excited about this!
I don't like the unpatriotic unsportsmanlike Behavior. Any organization that's against its own country, president and national anthem is not something I want to be associated with. They have slapped in the face of all the war heroes War veterans soldiers and troops abroad and domestic
This is what makes us great :)
That we can differ about things and still remain sports fans. Which ever the side of the pitch we sit on.
No we can not be sports fans when those who we support become traitors or against God, President, Country etc. What they did was political not sports related. What they did was betrayed us, our land / Country etc. Never forget that or you have to just accept it's all a "Propaganda Program" just programming the masses. Your statement claims you're just a Robot, do you stand for anything ? or fall for everything ? Peace
Excellent @sportspodium
there is joy in being part of something bigger than us.
Hell yes! 👏
Amazing! Thank you for sharing this valuable information!
Upvoted. I'll be resteeming this now :]
Thanks for the support!
Amazing job @sportspodium Followed...
Welcome to the SportsPodium family!
Ah. No mention of Formula 1 or MotoGP or Dakar or Isle of Man or Tour de France or MTB XCO.
None of the sports you have mentioned are of any interest to me. But i completely agree with the fact that sports bind people together in a very strong bond!
Ahhh. Man, if you know how much two of my colleagues at SportsPodium like the Grand Prix and F1 you are going to get goosebumps. Our one partner actually went to a Monte Carlo GP and they are dedicated petrol heads.
I will make sure they blog about this JUST for you. How's that?
Awesomesauce :D
This community is great !! Congratulations!
We are great because YOU guys are great. And together we are going to knock the global sports industry out :)
Yes, you are right: D
Sports is one of the beautiful things in the world that has the power to connect people globally.. Whenever there is a sports event held at an international level, all political, historical, regional and cultural differences are put aside and humanity gets a chance to prosper as 'one'.
Being an avid cricket lover, I still remember the day when Phil Hughes died of an injury he sustained while playing the beautiful game of cricket. Not only Australia, the whole cricketing world mourned for him. Fantastic batsman to watch!
I think we need to dedicate a blog post to Phil Hughes and his legacy, don't you?
That would be a wonderful thing to do in his memory.
Hello @sportpodium
You guys have managed to capture the true spirit of sports with this post. There are a lot of ways sports can bring people together and it was highlighted perfectly in this post.
I also have some amazing ideas that will be beneficial to the sports community. I will share this on Twitter and follow the sports podium account.
Thank you very much for that! If Steemit had sound you would have heard us cheer for you right now. Join our Telegram group (details on sportspodium.io) and share your ideas ; )
@tytran would like this
I admit I am interested in learning more.
I'm reading through the info now. I may not be grasping the whole concept, but what kind of sports data are users supposed to provide? And what will the stats be used for? Also, what services on the web site will we be able to use them on the site.
Hi @xfedy, the easiest way to understand the wider concept is to join our Telegram group where we can have one on one discussions.
Telegram https://t.me/SportsPodiumPublic
Nothing brings people together like destruction and sports. Both have no race, color, nation, etc. All know sport and destruction. We can identify with each other through these 2 things. Great post.
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Great post and couldn't agree more! My teams are Lakers, Dodgers, Cowboys and Los Angeles Kings :)