Shooting videos in Stanley Park is my latest sport :) It involves a lot of cycling, walking and sometimes a bit of running.
I strap a tripod to my back and can cover a large amount of space in a short amount of time; getting off the bike and setting up the tripod quickly is always challenge; sometimes I miss the subject/action, other times I get the footage :)
Or, I'll just go for a walk with tripod extended, camera mounted; this is the golfing like stage of my sport :) I never know what might be around the next corner and I'm ready to shoot whatever it might be! Now and then, I find myself running with tripod in hand to position myself for the ideal pan of the beaver/otters/raccoons/birds/etc.
The best part of my sport is that it gets me outdoors breathing that fresh air and witnessing some of the best that nature has to offer in a beautiful urban park; all within a short ride from home :)