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RE: Anti Garbage dump survey

in #sportsteem7 years ago

That is by far the most acceptable and still the best way to vote in my opinion, I had started to use an external voting pool that rewards you for voting on fellow members posts prior to my Christmas vacation but I am done with that because of the general vote direction of that group.

Apparently there is a way to give less than your normal upvote on purpose to conserve your power as well but I have not figured this out. I now know this is the case because the pay per vote whales are able to change the weight of their votes based on how much you pay them.


Yep, I think you have to have a certain amount of Steem Power before you get to control the weight of your vote. So far my vote is worth only $0.01 at 75% and 100% and nothing at 50%. Where the threshold is, is unknown to me at this time. Edit: If you go on steemworld (dot) org there is a slide labeled "voting value" that you can grab and move around. I can go down to 71% at this time.

Thanks for the information, that site is nicely programmed but I am opting to keep my keys private for now and vote with my normal percentage and I wonder if the next version of steem (non-beta) will have this vote weight changing feature?

{edit- at least the account displays an easier to navigate followers list though}

Yes, it's an easy way to keep track of comments, responses, payouts and such. Especially with comments, I find it to be the quickest way to stay informed as to who is active. Happy new year!