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RE: SPS Governance Proposal: Update Terms Of Service To Prohibit Use Of Battle Helpers in Modern Ranked, Tourneys, and Brawls

in #spslast year

sigh...your a great cheerleader...the problem is your cheering for you and your rich friends to maintain your powerbase. not for the game. this proposal and it's supporters aren't interested in 'competition'...the main point is this: Why now? why eliminate 'helpers' and 'bots' now that non-whales have access to the best earning modes? Because all the regular folks trying for an ROI are butting up against all you established whales and you want your pennies back. CHOKE on them please...


you honestly have no idea what you are talking about. I'd love to debate you, but your comments are just made up BS.

You do know I run a group of guilds with more than 12 separate guilds? Its hilarious that you just spew lies to make your points and so many people know they are not true. I don't blame you for trying to state a case for your point of view, but when you lie and make up stuff, then your really don't make the point very well.

And for the record, I'm trying to help you and every other player in the game. If you can't see that, then you might want to open your eyes.

ps... many people make a name that makes a statement about themselves. I don't know if your name was just a joke or you were serious, but if you want to be taken a bit more seriously as an advocate for the little guy being treated fairly in the game, you might want to reconsider re-naming your account.

Lies? I clearly stated that i don't believe your motives. that's not a lie. it's my opinion. So set aside that i questioned your motives...I'm sorry i hurt your feelings, that was not my intent. but the reality is that there are multiple private services out there that will not cease because the terms are changed. Public services that serve the 'regular' guy will not operate. that leaves those who are using private bots...HAVE BEEN using private bots...and will continue to do so, only with less competition.
Do you really think that limiting tools like this to only those who are already exploiting the game really makes the game better?
Or maybe you don't think that's even a thing? do you really believe there is a subset of our community that are just so awesome that they get a 90% win rates along all ranks/modes because they are just that good? Or maybe that is the 'lie' you are talking about? lol

It's clear that 'Whale Games' are afoot...and while i appreciate the fact that you are trying to help [me] and every other player in the game, it still looks like your really just trying to help yourself

ps...really? your going to talk smack about my VIDEO GAME HANDLE? lulz, you smell like a lawyer.

can you name me one private battle helper service out there, tell me which account runs it? I can't, but if you can then I'm all ears.

you are stating lies. This proposal has nothing to do with protecting any whales using private battle helpers. NONE.

In fact many of the large players voting against it have been know to use private bots. You are arguing on the same side but projecting that somehow you are right and want to save the little guy.

For the record, I have never used a Battle Helper. My guild Team Possible has passed a guild ban on using either bots or battle helpers for many months now, maybe even a year. I have nothing to gain from this proposal passing other than the increase in value that will come from creating an environment where new players can join.

You may think you know things, but honestly you don't. Unfortunately, only one of us will get to see the results of this vote play out. If it passes, then I we will both be able to see the implications. If it fails, we will also be able to see the implications. However we could argue forever about what the "could've happened" if the vote went the "other way".

Its great the community decides, I will learn a lot from the vote and will pay very close attention to the impact regardless of what the outcome is.

on your ps... I was somewhat playfully jabbing you, but trying to not completely inflame you if it came off as I was serious. So that's why I handled it delicately. But its all good, there are all kinds of names out there :) pps... I'm not a lawyer btw :)

Okay. so in your response, you first declare that I'm wrong about private bots...and then two paragraphs later, you admit that they exist. WE ALL KNOW THEY EXIST. you admit it, i acknowledge's real. Maybe you don't run a private bot and maybe your guild is noble and bans them...but that doesn't mean that OTHER players don't use them and that OTHER guilds ban them. If you did that, great...but that doesn't change the fact that there are many shady operators out there and this proposal allows them to continue their parasitic ways without consequence.
in my original response i said something along the lines of 'get rid of the API endpoint and there won't be an issue with bots or helpers or cheaters' obviously not a quote but the point stands. if this proposal offered clear and fair enforcement guidelines (and better definitions) then it would be a pretty easy pill to swallow. my beef isn't with the idea of getting rid of bots/helpers...though i am not convinced they are bad...using them to exploit is bad, but i can see multiple use cases where automation and AI could act as a superior teacher...but w/ beef is that the ONLY people who will be effected by this are those who are using public, non-exploitative services. now i define non-exploitative as a single individual using automation to secure his personal ROI as a deck owner and player. bot farms were sucking the life out of the least in a bear market. but individual players? XBOT and other services are good, but they arent perfect, they say it protects the competitive environment? I would agree that the very top of the ladder, where everybody has just about everything...there skill matters, everywhere else? the TCG model is clear about the level of investment being directly linked to success. I'm not saying pay-2-win...but the whole TCG models is P2W wanna argue just look at Lux Vega. mic drop
SORRY, MY POINT was that competition is just as much about how much you have in your deck as your skill at playing it. the best player in the world will still get smashed in champ if all he has is 700 bucks worth of CL cards.
So what are you protecting? Bots sure, bot farms definitely...but battle helpers? they are killing this game? It's like your trying to polish up a pig to get that flywheel going...SO many other things to put energy in...but whatever
Well i'm generally not into this whole back and forth...and i certainly wasn't trying to be offensive with my positions and opinions...and i acknowledge that's all they are, opinions. They may be wrong or misplaced, or muleheaded, or whatever, but that doesn't mean they are lies...

I appreciate the back and forth. You did misread my points, I realize there are many private bot owners, but no private battle helper owners.

And you will just have to see who I am protecting I guess. I know its not bot farms, OGs, whales, etc... But no matter how much I tell you, you won't believe me. Its ok, I understand.

It was a long 2 weeks for me as well and I don't like the back and forth either. I do it out of respect since I put out the proposal. But I'm happy its over and I can let people observe the consequences instead of debating endlessly about what intentions are.

Again I am glad you voiced your thoughts and perspectives. I believe you feel exactly how you said you did. Only time will show you my motives, so I respect that we will disagree for a bit til the future is revealed! Cheers Loothore!