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RE: Burn cards for Rift Watchers packs (EDITED TO MATT'S PROPOSAL for a burn event)

in #spsproposallast year (edited)

I'm assuming that Matt's ideas will be used to modify this proposal so based on that I'm asking these questions:

What if we announce with this that Untamed/Dice will be moved out of modern at the end of this burning event? Instead of waiting for Rebellion this could remove one of the reasons why some people will vote no on this, it could maintain RW card values and land owners could use those older cards on land or sell them to wild format players. Would that take too much coding?

for every proposal we make, I think we should discuss how it could possibly be exploited. If this proposal passes how could it possibly be exploited? Maybe there needs to be caps/limits on what kind and how much each account can burn. In the past when Dice and Untamed were selling out (down to to the last 5-10%), before we had the secondary market, people would buy up the remaining packs and list them on atomic hub for 10 to 15X. That was a problem for me at the time as I was a 9 to 5 worker and I had to wait 2 weeks for each paycheck and slowly plug away at the dice and untamed packs. It felt unfair to me that what I saw as whales could come in and buy up the remaining packs and make them impossible to get so I was stuck. I had to wait for CL to come out.

Burnception - If this passes can we have the Artwork for this event be the Heatsmith burning piles of cards and when you scroll down or click to the next page it zooms out and he is really the one getting burned by a Riftwatchers fire card? I would suggest that this become a tradition so it keeps going like this for any future card burning event artwork.

I have to think how is this going to affect me and then try to extrapolate that out to all the other players. If this proposal passes, it along with land, will likely at least half way fix the rental maket. I bought, opened and combined a ton of CL packs because before the land white paper I didn't know what kind of workers I would need for land so I just kept buying CL packs. On the mav land server I opened like 2200 CL packs & I'm no where near matching my real account's CL deck. I spreadsheeted everything out to work out what cards go on what plots but I keep buying additional plots. Since I haven't been able to max out my RW deck despite buying 345 packs from store & somewhere close to 100 more on the secondary this proposal will help me but I will have to stop buying plots and go back to my spreadsheet & figure out what maxed cards I can burn for this event which leads me to this question - How many other people out there have plots that can use my maxed cards because their plot type is different than mine and they are in the same situation and neither one of us want to sell because the market is garbage right now but what if we could trade? But instead we are going to burn these cards for this event which might lead to less land getting utilized which hurts the economy. Is there some kind of maxed card worker swapping market we can create or ask peakmosters to create?

Now that land is going to be a reality why not make a portion of future packs element specific and use these as prizes for future events, quartlerly events, where there needs to be economy corrections or as a chance to win as a daily focus? Example - Let's say rebellion has 10 million packs. Lets say 2 million are reserved as element specific. If my daily focus is water I have a chance to win a water pack that only has water cards and neutrals. If I want to change my focus I'm going to burn vouchers. I need water cards as workers for my land.


"for every proposal we make, I think we should discuss how it could possibly be exploited. If this proposal passes how could it possibly be exploited? Maybe there needs to be caps/limits on what kind and how much each account can burn."

Excellent point. And the only clear answer is that only one account per KYC verification should be allowed to enter, but they won't do that, they'll just let the bot farms clean up some more