This proposal should of been coordinated with the splinterlands the moment Vruz was confirmed because this sounds like a small test whether someone if they put forth a proposal with this tiny clause could bypass the entire splinterland vote by saying oh we got this number of votes within a short timeframe before 70% of the splinterland population even knows about this and can discuss this.
This sets a precedent for future proposals where this could be abused by saying we have this tiny clause and doesn't matter if the final vote is dovnvoted and failed within the 7 days and that only the first 24-48hrs matter.
We had so much time to have this kind of proposal made inbetween the time vruz was announced and till when the stats were announced why wasn't this made then?
@bakuoni just make sure to vote in the next election and vote for new Community Leaders. I was one of them and I can say for certain that I was not able to spot this issue ahead of time. I'm sure there are more talented people out there that can do a better job than me!