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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Offer Land "Starter Packages" for Sale by Burning DEC / DEC-B

in #spsproposal2 years ago

They push us closer to the sps being burned we need that lol would you not like to see it get burned and maybe 3-5X catapulting nodes to new highs where ppl can cash out all there costs and just leave profit to keep playing that's my ideal situation i cash out 75% if we have like a real rip in sps or glx making me like 1-2 million plus then 75% instant sell 25% play with. As a 2 million payout would provide me with 200K for life adding to my forever cash flow would be important to the goal my number one goal never needing to do any sort of work only work i want to do and i would do if i was not paid. IM there just not as securely there as i want. Would like to beef it up more so if things decline 50% im not worried at all. Even if we hit .25 id sell a good 1/4 of my tokens to profit on or nodes which ever spikes the most and reinvest when the pullback most likly happens usually does more than not so id risk selling and buying back at half