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RE: Proposal to Sunset Vouchers into DEC-B (FINAL EDIT DONE - PLEASE READ)

in #spsproposal8 months ago (edited)

100% agree with the fact that vouchers need to go.

The big problem with the economy is that the 'solution' for years has been to create assets to 'give value' in the short term often with the promise of future utility. DEC, DEC-B, SPS, SPT, Vouchers, Validators, Grain, Cards, Land, Totems, GLX, COLONY, .... This while in the end each one just eats value of the other with everything crashing and becoming overly complicated and inflated. It's time to reverse some of this damage taking a short term hit with the hope to come out better in the long run.

I fear however that it's never going to pass since most people with just see it as something being taken away from them.