lol this company/game/people involved in the decision making is garbage. My 4-weeks of in staking is finally at an end! Deuces. And my parting gift to you all is this advice. GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN. Things can always get worse. This is a 99.99% dead game. Just look at how many people actually vote on these proposals. 1500? No way in heck are there actually 35k active users on this game. More like 1000 users each with 30 multi accounts that they delegate out too. Don’t be the last person holding the bag. Leave that to clayborn, Matt, Dave and the rest of the people who drove this game into the ground. I ignored this advice years ago. Don’t make my mistake.
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I feel like you talk trash in every post instead of being constructive at all. If you really hate the game that much then why do you continue to waste your time and try and talk it down. Like get over it already my dude it's going to be ok 🤣
lol I did offer suggestions. No one listened. All they do is get butt hurt instead of looking past it. Who cares how feedback is delivered trash talk or not. If it is true it's true. Get over your hurt feelings lol.
I love checking back in from time to time to warn people and see how right I've been. If I'm wrong I could at least be happy seeing the game succeed but I guess I'll have to setting for being right and this game sucking 😆
Final bit of advice focus on adding and maintaining users!! None of these proposals have addressed any of this. Just distractions and bandaids