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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Require DEC Burn for Soulbound Cards to be Used on Land

in #spsproposal2 years ago

B. Allow them to work.

I am more concerned about the current DAO Proposal to use stable coins to purchase DEC. I urge you to reconsider your Yes vote. I've left at least half a dozen comments on various posts outlining my concerns and agreeing with the concerns of others.

To me, it represents the single worst decision the DAO may be about to make in Splinterlands history. I really love this game, but this most recent proposal reconfirms all the concerns I had in my lengthy "departure" post that I wrote recently.

Please reconsider your position.


Ok thanks for your answer of B. I personally would do better with B as I have a lot of soulbound cards, but I don't think its fair to those that don't. On top of that, I am pretty sold on the idea that burn value of the cards should be infused in them so that they are net DEC neutral. (1x is ok with me, but not less)... So anything that is 1x+ would get my vote, but definitely I wouldn't vote for just letting them be farmed and thrown onto the market or burned.

Also, I did reply to you on the stable coin vote as well, when I get your reply back I will respond after I see your thoughts.