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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Burn NFTy Decks

in #spsproposal11 months ago (edited)

When we set this whole thing up, the idea was NFTy has the access to bring in tons of new players. They just needed the assets and they would be signing on major gaming guilds. I (and many others) was fully against saving these decks for this and said then that players should be building them with their excess cards. But the compromise was, let's just try it for 3 or 4 months and if it doesn't work, we'll burn them. No harm done.

These cards have no reason to exist if this isn't working. We voted to burn them. We compromised on a 3 month reprieve. It's been extended to a year now. By all rights they should have been burned long ago like we voted them to be and like we were told they would be.

There's nothing stopping card owners from building decks and sending them to NFTy except the existence of these cards. We certainly have enough cards just sitting around unused. I'd much rather see the cards owned by players used than these cards that no one ever invested in.

Finally, Matt has already said in order to really get the flywheel going for real, he thinks we need to cut all this fat and burn all this excess. He includes cards in that. I agree and I I include these cards in that because their existence removes usefulness from other cards.

That's my reasons 🤷‍♂


Thank you for your reply @imno. I understand why you feel that way. I guess we just differ on the risk/reward here. I'm viewing continuing it forward as we have nothing to lose and something to gain, whereas you feel its important to burn them so that it will help people perceive a lower supply. NOTE: I don't think if they are in the nftybronze acct or the null account, it makes any difference at all in reality (but I can see where people perceive its different)

Two reasonable people can come to different conclusions based on their perspective. And on this one we will just have to disagree. I love your passion on this and many topics though, and again thank you for the explanation of your thought process.

Well its not just about perception. When NFTy was warming up and Tyler was coming onto the townhalls last year, we were continually told they needed diamond decks. They couldn't keep diamond decks on the shelf.

I wanted to make some decks for them but all they ever asked for were diamond decks and I couldn't do that. I could have made several bronze decks for them and maybe a few silver but they never said they needed them.

Then Aggy hatched this plan and I was irked. There are SOOO MANY CL cards (even more now) that are doing nothing. Had they told us, I think many of us could have created decks for NFTy but now that they opened 500k packs for this, the demand for lower level decks was smothered by supply. And none of that supply came from the massive oversupply of cards we already had.

To me, we should burn these cards because if we do, there's room for asset owners to use our cards to build these decks. My whole thing is find a use for assets or find a way to get rid of them. If we believe NFTy has promise, this is a perfect opportunity to use all these cards we're holding onto, but only if we get rid of the ones that no one ever invested in first.