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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Ghost Card Liquidity Bots.

in #spsproposal10 months ago

The current exploit of maxing just one or two splinters with the lowest cost cards to get easy wins over evenly assembled lower level decks takes much of the fun out of the game. No one enjoys getting thumped indiscriminately by higher level cards.
How about you petition the SPL team to only allow bronze level cards to be played while in bronze and allow players to stay at the level their cards are suited and progress to the next level when they are ready and at their own pace. Then a whole bunch of players will go back to modern and the game would be so much more enjoyable to play.


I don't think this is an exploit. The reason why you are playing against teams with max level cards is simply you don't have enough teams in Modern and that is keeping everyone down. With more teams those accounts will be much higher and then you won't face them.

I play Wild myself and play many matches against teams equal to me. My win rate is very close to 50% and my account plays at Diamond. So the problem isn't the summoner issue, the problem is there's not enough matches creating the ratings inflation that is needed to offset the season reset.

And this proposal will actually end up speeding up the solution that the team has chosen to solve the problem you stated. If it passes, then they will be able to many more liquidity bots that will help at all levels to get teams to where they are expecting to be.

The longer there is a denial of all of the problems that the current system creates the worse it will get. How many weeks has it been that it is not a problem and it will sort itself out? A big high to all those who spent thousands and have nothing to complain about. It wouldn't be a proper rebellion set if there wasn't a revolt. All those balls deep in quicksand there is no need to panic unless the next mini set is named rug pull.

ok I guess you have an agenda, so I apologize for trying to reply to you respectfully. I won't try to argue with someone that knows we are all doomed unless we do it his way. That's a waste of time for me.

So have a nice day and I wish you well in the world that caters to everything you want.

Oh no I am just an observer of what everyone can see.

ahh ok. That makes sense!

The number of times and places that you want to repeatedly stick your head in you are the one with an agenda. The way you are posturing yourself it looks like you want to be the next CEO and I would fully support you to this ambition. And maybe you would make a really good one. But before you get all lofty minded you need funding for it. You could continue to suck the life out of existing players who are getting tired of it or recruit lots of new players which is not so easy in a bear market. But if you really want to push it you could advertise the product and hope the SEC does not see it as selling unregistered securities (which you have no way of registering even if you wanted to). Or you could go down the other path of a referral system and hope that no one sees you as an Egyptian trying to build a monster pyramid. Either way it would be like walking bare foot on broken glass for you. Maybe the CEO spot will just fall into your lap so I wish you all the best in your aspirations.

You have a good imagination, I'll give that to you!

ps... if you want me not to stick my head in your conversation, just quit replying to me. Pretty simple actually.