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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Require DEC Burn for Soulbound Cards to be Used on Land

in #spsproposal2 years ago

I'm sorry, I cannot support this. Many people have echoed the sentiments I have. If the playerbase (Dao) votes for this and then complains of endless money sinks, then the jokes on us but it's more likely no one will bother wasting the DEC on a soulbound to farm and just purchase regular cards to stake...RIP rewards cards if we have to pay to for them.

I get the our DEV's are hurting finacially until flywheel (hopefully wen land) due to a current oversaturation of DEC (We were all warned of this by many wise heads yet we all rushed headlong into DEC-B) and Cards and we need a way to get this flywheel happening.

Here is my counter sugestion: Why not create another avenue for DEC sinks E.G Create Physical Set's to sell to the Gen pop but the only way they can purchase is with DEC or SPS? Get this game out into the physical realm. It's high time we showed the RL the wonderful world of Splinterlands and the true potential of NFT's and Blockchain gaming. Get physical sets made, sell them only in game currency and we all win when this game goes mainstream. Better yet, we allow physical buyers the chance to soul-bound their owned cards with unique identifiers and then PAY to unlock them to unlock earning of rewards if they wish to contribute to the ecosystem. I think a proposal in this area is a must. Heck, I'd even be willing to vote some of the DAO funds to get this show on the road.