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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Update Minimum Rental Price from .1 DEC to 1 DEC

in #spsproposal9 months ago

I will vote against this. There are several maxed out cards that go for less than 1 DEC. Some of those are legendaries. Yes, we're talking about CL reward cards. However, some of them are pretty good cards. Player probably don't need Venari Heatsmith but they need Pelacor Bandit, Venari Crystalsmith, Djinn Oshannus, and several others. If they rent for less than 1 DEC, when you put an artificial floor for 1 DEC, there will be more people wanting to rent them out and less people willing to rent in. This creates a gamble where some will be lucky and win more and others will not get their cards rented and end up wasting the listing fee and never earning anything from the rents. Also, not all cards need to be maxed out to be rented. Many cards are rented at lower levels. There are several non CL reward legendaries at level 2 going for less than 1 DEC. The fiends are a great example. Most players don't need them at max level. Level 1 is enough. All of them are available for less than 0.4 DEC.

I believe in the free market and there should be as little restrictions as absolutely necessary.

The technical side and fairness also have their issues. Even with your idea of allowing cards to stay on the market for 60 days and being removed after doesn't solve anything. What if someone is renting a card of mine for 0.1 and they keep it rented for longer than that and also keep renewing? Will they force cancel it? Even if they don't allow more renewals after that, there will be many cards being rented for a period of time. It will be difficult and costly to keep making "stops" to anything that goes back to the market after rental to force remove them. And why do I have to pay again a listing fee for a bunch of cards that I already paid a listing fee and they were renting just fine and I was happy to get something out of them instead of nothing?

If this passes many cards will be on the market for 60 days and never be rented. Some will be rented just very few days. If your card is rented the whole time for 0.3 that's 18 DEC over 60 days. If it's rented just 6 days over that period for 1 DEC it's 1/3 of the profit and more risk to pay the listing fee again.


Valid point, but you have the same effect right now at 0,1 DEC - it doesn't make sense to rent out some cards since nobody wants them anyway. With a higher minimum, that would change to a higher value. Also, if the target is to have bot farms struggle - that might be a good way. Even if this proposal is not perfect, I think it's worth the while to think into that direction to tackle bot farms.

As we discussed previously on the draft of my proposal

I disagree with your view because I have a TON of currently unrentable cards that fall into that category.

Please remember, if a card IS rented at least ONE TIME in the 60 Days, it renews the 60 Day Window.

L4 Djinn Oshannus and Djinn Bjilka are a prime example you provided. The both rent for less than 1 DEC per day... but since they are playable cards, they will continue to rent and BENEFIT from the increase.

The L1, L2 and L3 versions rent for less naturally but if the proposal passes, there are only two probable outcomes:

A. The L4's rent for 1 DEC and the L3's and below fail to rent...
B. The L4's rent for 1 DEC but people realize they could list the L2's for 1, the L3's for 1.3 and the L4's for 1.5 DEC or something like that, making them all more profitable.

The benefit to option A is, if the L4's rent out at the Floor and the Lower Levels do not... this is a HUGE incentive to LEVEL UP THE CARDS.

With the removal of Card Level Caps in the Ranked Battles, this isn't a good thing... it's a GREAT thing!!

"Unplayable" cards simply won't rent and they won't clog up the servers with useless Tx's

That is why I see no downside to what you are saying.

I know you disagree but I still think everyone will be proven wrong if this passes. The whole economy will be negativily affected. I just wanted to comment this in the official proposal post.

Thank you for asking, I welcome and genuinely appreciate all feedback on this matter 😊

I think the main positive effect could be saving server costs, maybe, would like some input from the team. Did you talk to them?

I am not buying that bots are renting tons of cheap cards, they mostly play with soulbound reward cards and just happily play each other in wild bronze to gold. If you dont believe me make a new account and play wild. I did it for science and to see how bad it is and I haven't faced a single non-soulbound card until 2200 (where I stopped out of boredom).

Mainly this will push the price of CL rentals, after all you can rent some useful CL cards for under 1 DEC, even at max level. Whether this is a good thing, who knows. I would be curious how much DEC is burned by listing unrented cards. Effectively people stopping to try could mean less DEC is burned, whether this is worth the saved server costs, I can't tell.

I actually created the account @pointonedec and fed it a ton of Single BCX CL cards and others that rented consistently for .1 DEC

The ROI was bananas but as things are changing it started coming down so I added in some RB cards to bolster the falling ROI.

Eventually I abandoned the project and I am simply waiting for the cards to come off rent so I can transfer/combine/sell them.

By doing this and renting these ultra cheap 1 BCX cards I saw most of the rent names were obvious bots with names like abc123, abc124, abc125 etc vs my other accounts where I rent Max Level CL/RW/RB cards and the names were JohnnyBoy69 or TomBombadil1975 - as in actual players :)

In the end, this experiment and data gave me the idea to make this proposal which would then force the Bots to rent at 10x their costs.

I think the pros far outweigh any cons and for the actual players who rent cards 1 DEC, even with DEC at peg is still only a tenth of a Penny or $.001 😄

I believe in the free market and there should be as little restrictions as absolutely necessary.


You are so obviously right... It's like the main reason people shifted to this kind of economy is because their economy was deteriorating because it was like... well what are turning this into.
Proposals like this keep passing because most people have already left the game when they had profit.