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RE: Proposal to Sunset Vouchers into DEC-B (FINAL EDIT DONE - PLEASE READ)

in #spsproposal7 months ago

I disagree that Vouchers have any significative impact in DEC not reaching peg.

When you say that the 40,000 vouchers minted daily, are "essentially 2mil DECs minted per day using the rough estimate of 1 voucher = 50 DEC (which is the conversion used for energy + wild pass)" that does not take into account several factors. Many people might not buy energy with DEC and do it with Vouchers, because it's cheaper with Vouchers and maybe it is not worth it with DEC. I'm pretty sure that more than half the energy bought (excluding bought using glint) is bought in Vouchers and it wouldn't be bought in DEC. For the Wild pass it shouldn't be as high but there might still be some people that are only willing to buy it for Vouchers. I would put this % much lower, at 5% or maybe 10%. With this in mind, it is very wrong to say that we are "printing" 2mil DEC per day with Vouchers. I obviously don't have the data, but I would bet that, on average, we are "printing" between 25% to 50% of those 2mil per day, with Vouchers.

On top of that, there's about 2B DEC that can be minted by burning CL core set and CL reward RF cards. Sure, we're not going to be burning all of them. I can still see half of them being burned, when they rotate out of Modern. Most of those cards, when you include listing fees, market fees, waiting to sell time, and potential price cutters, will give you more DEC when burned than when sold. It's already happening on a smaller scale, but it will get worse after CL is not in modern anymore. Even if you consider Vouchers those "2mil DEC printed every day", that's less "DEC" in one year than burning half of those cards. If you consider a more realistic value for those Vouchers, that's less DEC printed during the whole time Vouchers have been given out than half of those cards.

And, let's not forget that the DEC from these burned cards is truly DEC. You can buy packs and promo cards with them. You have never been able to buy those with just Vouchers.

Also, what will happen with GF chances from airdrops? Will they cost 20x36 DEC (or DEC-B), so that they can be used at the same rate?

With that said, I'm not saying that getting rid of Vouchers is a bad thing. But I'm not sure it is good either. What I am sure is that people are talking about Vouchers as if they are what is dragging Splinterlands down and getting rid of them will make everything better. That's not true at all. At most, Vouchers are hurting the economy a little bit, but getting rid of them will not solve anything. It just makes things a bit more simple and removes a bit of inflation.