You say you want a productive discussion yet you don't even try. You simply stated everything I said and said it is an opinion. Not everything is an opinion. If someone proposes that the DAO pay them all their assets, it's not a matter of opinion which one is wrong and which one is right.
Several of those are facts, not assumptions. How can anyone argue against the fact that a fee lowers the seller's profits?
You literally said you were happy with a 4x fee that Matt supposedly agrees with.
I talked about prices of CL cards because those are the most recent ones and those are the ones that will stay in Modern at the same time as these soulbound cards. There's no need to compare them to cards from a different era.
How do you not see the problems for the game if some meta cards are untradable? Imagine you were a new player arriving after these are out of print and you liked the game. You started playing but you kept losing to some cards. You investigate and you find out you can't get those cards anymore. Do you continue playing a game that is going to be super frustrating because, no matter how good you get, no matter how much money you're willing to put, you'll never be able to compete with people who happen to own those cards?
I explain all of my points. You putting them like makes it look like I simply gave those statements.
Paragraph 1: no one proposed the DAO pay them all the assets.
Paragraph 2: the fact that you don't know this just shows you should learn from someone that might. The answer to how much profit you make is not tied to the fee you pay to unlock. Its tied to the incremental demand OVER the unlock costs. If you can make a profit, so can others. Then its a race to see who can undercut each other to the point where only a bot can out do everyone because all the profit is gone and people have better things than to fight over each 0.001 DEC.
Paragraph 3: no I didn't. I said I was happy he stated his thoughts so that we could move closer to compromise. Without him weighing in, then people didn't know what he thought and thus clung to their side harder.
Paragraph 4: I understand why you did it. But to use them as the examples of the future prices is short sighted. All your examples can be counteracted with examples of other sets that would show the complete opposite outcome. I don't know about you, but when I value an investment of a card I look out over a long time frame. I still have most of my cards from every set and rarely sell any of them.
Paragraph 5: I am for unlocking of the cards or if they remain soulbound then we definitely need to make sure the new players can obtain them. So in this case you are assuming again something I think that isn't true. I agree that new players need to be able to get these cards and also need to be able to get the Gladius cards too.
Paragraph 6: my point to you is you do a lot of assuming. Generally you are not asking me why I disagree with any of your points, mainly because I don't think you believe I have a good answer. Like in paragraph 3, you read what you wanted to read and assumed something that wasn't true. When I pointed out that it wasn't, you came back and said it again.
The bottom line is I'm happy for you to vote how you want, and I'm happy to explain any of my thoughts to you anytime. But when you make statements like "the whales" are "just out to give me the short end of the stick", then its just creating a negative atmosphere meant to stir up emotions.
To make it clear to you, I vote for what I think is right for the health of the game in the long term. I rarely sell my assets and have held them for a very long time. I care that all players enjoy the game and feel that they are treated with respect. That goes for little players and larger players. We are all people in this world and I advocate for what I think is right.
Paragraph 1: it was just a ridiculous example to make my point.
Paragraph 2: The fee to unlock most certainly affects the profit of the sellers. Even if the cards sold for $1k, the less fees paid, the better for the seller. And it obviously isn't that simple.
Paragraph 3: I did not interpret what you said like that but ok. Honestly, the team and Matt have been wrong so many times I value his opinion as much as anyone else's opinion.
Paragraph 4: I have very rarely sold cards. I think I sold a level 6 or 4 Kelya to buy a level 8 Kelya. I would have sold a GFL if I had ever gotten one that wasn't soulbound. I still don't think it makes sense to compare these cards to anything else other than the CL and CL rewards cards, both for the print run and for their lifetime on Modern. Alpha and Beta were different times. Even Untamed was different. All those sets are under printed for the current player base.
Paragraph 5: You say that but you want a high fee. 2x is already pretty high. It will already make many players not want to unlock their cards. I honestly doubt it will ever be worth it for me to unlock my extra rares and commons, especially if it's anything over the fee that is in this proposal. That just means I have literally worthless cards in my collection.
Paragraph 6: I don't need to ask why you disagree. In a discussion, people are gonna say way they agree or disagree. My assumption is for anyone who supports a high fee and time limit is that they have something to gain from it. Even if you personally don't think that, I am 100% sure many do.