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RE: Burn cards for Rift Watchers packs (EDITED TO MATT'S PROPOSAL for a burn event)

in #spsproposallast year

I start playing because I consider that the dinamic mana and ruleset where somenthing fresh in a TCG. I'm still playing because I like the game and also because I used to play other TGCs, so I'm not moved only for the need to make more money from my assets (that i dont see it like something negative at all). Thats why, no matter what, I'll continue playing till the game (hope not) bores me or dissapear.

 last year (edited) 

I didn't say you were in it for the money. I said card values going up attracted your attention. The reason MOST of the player base that's here today started playing during the same 4-month window you did is because people were talking about it. Why? Because there was money to be made. Regardless to why you play it, you most likely would never have heard of the game to come play it if there weren't green candles. And if you would have, you're a rare exception.