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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Ghost Card Liquidity Bots.

in #spsproposal10 months ago

Lmfao, this is just getting ridiculous. We already have non-reward earning bots, they are called 'smaller players'.

Lets review how we got these:

  • 1st its 'Lets remove CP in replace for SPS', ok sure, drive card rentals to the ground but SPS holders are happy.
  • 2nd its 'Ban bots from modern, make it the place to get better rewards' sure, great, make the bots play in wild where all cards are used and give newer players a fighting chance in modern, good change I guess.
  • 3rd its 'Lets remove the ability to stay in lower leagues, where you think you might be better matched'. Accounts with avg decks go from high silver to ending up in champ 3 by EOS.
  • 4th its 'lets change the reward system' This was fine but implemented terribly and changed mid-season and every iteration has been in the wrong direction, but why? oh cause you had avg decked accounts earning diamond lvl rewards, because of the 3rd change.
  • 5th its 'Lets ban bots in wild, by implementing some kind of CP limit' omfg, yeah, lets go in circles and re-introduce the CP system to restrict earnings of these accounts.

This is how it looks with all these changes:
We propose to revert 'change 1' and add a CP requirement again, but only for rewards, keep 'change 3' which forces you into a league you now won't have the CP for, which diminishes your rewards even more as you dont have the sps or CP needed for it, effectively making smaller non-bot accounts 'bots' that play and earn nothing, which is exactly what this proposal wants to create.


I like this summary. The biggest rewards in the game is strongly biased toward the top end players playing modern. These players are crying crocodile tears that there is not enough liquidity. There is not enough middle and low end players wanting to get drawn up and smashed by those maxed out decks waiting for them. The cost of putting in enough high end fake bots to satisfy the demand for easier wins must be prohibitive for the SPL team. This proposal is an attempt to get around this farcical situation brought about by an anti-bot extremist movement that has somehow gained enough influence to bring about reckless changes with little or no regard for the economic ramifications.