Contest for 2x Legendary LEAS (30 USD+ value) and one common card for lucky comment

in #spt5 years ago

We all love Steemmonsters and Splinterlands and that's why I am here with this giveaway.

Primary for small players (Bronze and Silver)

I would like to help all newcomers, beginners with Steemmonsters and the people who need help with their level up and have 2 great things for you:

Legendary LEAS of Spirit of the Forest on 2 weeks

Spirit of the Forest.PNG

Legendary LEAS of Phantom Soldier on one month

Phantom Soldier.PNG
And a common card for free (from my daily chest).

What do you need for it?

  • Common cards will win one random people, who give me any comment here (upvotes, resteem, beer is welcome but not necessary)
  • For Legendary LEAS I want a story!

Give me your story, try to write something about you or your experiences with Steemmonsters. Do you have some tips? Do you have some lucky wins? Why you play it? What do you want? Write it in the comment!

The best story wins!

Do you love Steemmonsters and want some tips? Look on my tutorial how to get from nearly ZERO to SILVER 1 in 4 hours and if you need some help, write to me!

Soutěž o leasing 2 legendárních karet + jedna common karta zdarma

Rozhodl jsem se uspořádat malou soutěž o tyto karty:


Kromě těchto dvou legendárních karet za více než 30 USD, přidám kartu z daily chest ze zítřejšího questu.

Co po Vás chci?

  • podělte se o dobrý příběh, historku nebo cokoli Vás napadne spjaté se Steemmonsters, nejlepší 2 historky vyhrávají
  • k získání obyčejné karty stačí jakýkoli komentář, třeba pivo! Šťastlivce vyberu do týdne :-)

Co ode mě můžete očekávat?

Hodlám tu udělat více soutěží o karty a také se podělím o nějaké ty rady ;-). Pokud Vás zajímá, jak se zdokonalit ve Steemmonsters, podívejte se na můj návod: Jak se dostat z nuly na Silver 1 za 4 hodiny.

Děkuji a těším se na výherce a vaše komentáře!


Přiznám se, že Steem Monsters znám jen z doslechu. Nikdy jsem na tyto karetní hry moc nebyl, nějak mě to minulo. A bylo mi líto dát deset dolarů pouze za odzkoušení. ;)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Great contest! You should teaser it on Discord. I hope you get a few participants as these prices are juicy. :)

Thank you! Can you help me with IT? I dont use Discord much.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Here is the link:

There you find a channel called #sm-post-promotion-only where you can drop your post link. Under #general you can mention that you have cool cards to give away, that's where most people read.


You have been manually curated by the @steemmonsters team!

Enjoy your juicy upvote and keep creating excellent Splinterlands content!

I want to share the story from @shyaren. New players must be supported. ;-)


You have won my friend! Do you want this card Leas on your account or @shyaren?

Hey! Thanks for choosing me, but please leas the cards to someone else! Im set. I rent champion level cards on my account! :)

Wow, amazing! It was not my contribution, so @shyaren is the winner. Thank you! :-)

BEER Hey @podnikatel, here is a little bit of from @godfish for you. Enjoy it!

0.30220088 TRDO from below listed TRENDO callers:
Congratulations @podnikatel, your post successfully recieved

0.20146725 TRDO curation@krakonos earned :

To view or trade TRDO go to
Join TRDO Discord Channel or Join TRDO Web Site

BEER Hey @podnikatel, here is a little bit of from @petecko for you. Enjoy it!