Whether 'tis ignobler in the mind to suffer FUD...
Boy, 2020 sure has started off with a Bang. Bitcoin and alts are waking up for their dormant winter sleep, the Corona Virus, Kobe, Down Voting wars for support Steem Basic Income, and now Tron/Justin Sun are one of if not the largest holder of Steem.
From what I understand, at this point, what many felt was a Sell out by Ned or a hostile takeover by Tron/Justin Sun, it seems that maybe Justin Sun doesn't plan to do anything drastic to the Steem Blockchain. The remains an air of uncertainty, but after watching a Livestream of the Steem Witnesses and company, it seems that they mostly remain cautiously optimistic while remaining vigilant. I believe from listening to them that they too have a sit and wait to see what happens attitude, but are looking to make a plan b just in case.
In the meantime, in my personal life, my Truck with 310,000 Original miles on the motor finally had a major mechanical issue. I feel like a pet died or something, but on a good note, it is something that is repairable and has to do with a known failure from the manufacturer. A spark plug blew out of its threads due to the manufacturer making the head with only 4 maybe 4 1/2 threads to hold the spark plug. So 2020 truly has been interesting to say the least. I am pretty confident that my truck will be back on the road soon without any major damage, just like I am pretty confident that the STEEM Blockchain is well looked after and will remain running for many many more STEEM miles.
This question is now for ALL OUR PRIOR SPUD SPONSORS......
to SPUD or NOT to SPUD........?
I have heard from one prior SPONSOR but I ask again one more time now that I believe things will remain the Status Quo for now.
Thank you.
+++ @streetstyle
ps... @drutter's project M.A.P. to bring water to a family in Venezuela is almost complete. I believe it is around 70%+ complete, and with your further support will probably be at over 80% real soon! Please help support! Thank you.
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To SPUD of course ! We need to have more power more than ever ! That's the only thing that will save steem ! I still power up everything in @dcooperation and I will promote the event ! #spud11 ! Nice number by the way. ☺
Thank you for all your help and support for Steem and especially #spud Take care @clixmoney
We give the rocket full throttle and drive SPUD to new heights :)
Thank you @xpilar for your continued support of #spud I truly appreciate it especially in these shall we say exciting times. Take care my friend.
Keep it going, man! As long as SPUD is still a thing, I will continue sponsoring and champion the cause! 🥳
Thank you so much @mcoinz79 for your continued support of #spud It is truly appreciated, and so glad to have you on board. Take care.
Of course, TO SPUD!!!
We are here to spread the word... Thanks for everything you are doing for the STEEM!
I've been saving up my pennies to get some more taters on March 1. Already got free ketchup. Would hate to waste it all, lol.
I'll SPUD as long as I qualify to do so. Just waiting on your announcement for March 1st.
Thank you so much for your support of #spud It is incoming @justclickindiva
Steem ♨♨♨ On !
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곰돌이가 @bluengel님의 소중한 댓글에 $0.026을 보팅해서 $0.016을 살려드리고 가요. 곰돌이가 지금까지 총 7423번 $96.206을 보팅해서 $100.469을 구했습니다. @gomdory 곰도뤼~
Spud the shit out of it. Even double spud if you can. We don't know what direction this plot will take but from what we know so far things are going to keep going in the same line just with more money and marketing which has been the dream for the past 2 years. Lets carefully watch it play out and until then just keep doing what we were doing.
Thank you @niallon11 for the show of support for #spud
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Naturally I will continue my sponsorship!
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Thank you for your continued support of #spud I and I am sure the rest of the community appreciate it @improv
You know, I am proceeding as usual. And, I have to ask, why invest in something and destroy something that's actually working? Not perfect, agreed, but what is?
I will be powering up. Just a little. I'm busy with a project, so not posting for a while.
Sorry about your "baby". Glad she's repairable.
Thank you for your continued support and efforts and for your kind words of support in these trying times. Take care @fionasfavourites
I'm sorry to hear about your truck. Get well soon!
Surprised you didn't mention the return of SBD. We have much less liquid Steem. I cannot power up SBD and converting/trading it to Steem is something else to think about and do.
True that @abitcoinskeptic I should have also included that about SBDs, I knew I was forgetting something. 2020 sure has been exciting, can't let your guard down. Hopefully my truck comes of surgery ok later today.
Yes. Maybe in the SPUD post, info on how to SBD-SPUD for the people who forgot =)
Get a Toyota Hilux/Tacoma truck to get rid yourself of headaches in maintenance.
There is a reason it is used by US special forces and islamic militants in the Middle East. Because it is so reliable.
Anyhow, I did always want a TOYO truck when I was a kid.... so who knows.Thanks for the input @darthnava ..... luckily for me, even after 310,000 miles (or 500,000 kilometers) the motor should still be good. It doesn't smoke, it still runs strong and passes emissions test. The only serious problem I have ever had is the most recent problem of a spark plug thread being damaged (mostly if not entirely a manufacturer problem/poor design).
Thanks for the great reply. Good luck on your truck.
Buen dia,muy bintereante su resumen ,espero su camion solucione el problema y pueda arrancar a toda maquina amigo,son mis deseos,la falla es poca,saludos
Please continue with your SPUD. I would like to SPUD forever! STEEM to the moon!!!!! Upvoted!
I want to see SPUD 11 in 10 days too
Thanks for your support of #spud as well @techcoderx
Thank you for your belief and support in the #spud project!
Amigo lo invito a mi blog y lea una publicacion titulada a quien sigo en steemit y por que?,saludos gracias
Yeah we just got to wait and see. If Justin sees what he has here in Steem he could help us grow way more than Ned could of and in doing so make his investment grow. Why invest all that money to just kill off a project.
I agree. Imagine if Steem price went to half its all time high? I think that would also increase the value of Tron as well. Keeping my fingers crossed @californiacrypto
For your questions, judt wait and see what they can offer for us!
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Hehe.. As usual, your post is really enjoy to read.. Full with humour.. Keep it up, boss of the spud!
What do you call the opposite of SPUD? DUPS?
I think it would be more like SPDD @joshman is that what you are suggesting?
My jokes should never be taken as suggestions or financial advice! :-)
I feel what you're saying... I am thinking about putting my own small Steem project on hold... animated tutorial of how to use the wallet for new beginners... would have made an English and Spanish version as well as make the files open-source for Korea, Japan, China, etc.
But now... even if I personally knew everything would end up cool... would I get backing for my efforts? Or are the supporters of good ideas running scared?
Hard to say... I guess it all depends on what J. Sun decides to do or not do. I think most are still waiting for more clarity from Sun and co.