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RE: Trash Talk: On Blast

in #stalker9 years ago

It was never my intention to belittle anyone. If I have insulted you, I am sorry.

Isn't creating women's spaces "fundamentally heterosexist" to the same degree than to "argue for men’s inclusion into women’s ... spaces"?

No. The heterosexist dynamic does not affect women in the same way it affects men. A majority of spaces are by default, male spaces.

While I agree that it may be overcompensating to have female only spaces, it is also necessary. The deck is always stacked against women.

I went into more details about sexism and privilege here if you're interested.


Writing your statement in bold letters does not make it any less false.

Can you give me scientific proof of anything that you are stating (as opposed to a quote )?

Yes, and you keep insulting me

So far all you have proven to me is that you want a set of rules for women and one for men, because of reeasons. The reasons don't matter, you cannot use means oppsed to the end you say you seek.