Trash Talk: On Blast

in #stalker9 years ago

Non ironic image © @klye

I’ve only been posting on Steemit for 2 weeks, and I already have some controversy surrounding me.

When I first joined, I was ecstatic. I spent hours browsing, eager to upvote and to share some of my stories and art. I signed up and posted some life experiences, and got into the blogging format. Sharing some of my thoughts and how I’m excited to write about experiences, unpopular opinions, and theories...

Yet something else gave me the motivation to continue my involvement: effecting discussions. Which is probably what I’m more well-known for.

A female feminist's perspective on Women Oppression And Porn

Warning: strong language.

A lot of times, I get support from the community for my articles, even if we disagree. The important part here is that we are contributing quality content, whatever it may be. Simultaneously, there are those that abuse their privilege of subsidizing Steemit, and flood it with spam, hate, and abuse.

Here are some lovely contributions from some of my biggest fans.


I suggest you get on your knees and suck my c*ck.

you can have my word I will destroy your reputation.

lets see what kind of stupid sh*t vera replies, I can see it coming

you are insane and cant comprehend basic logic, did anybody ever tell you that?

You are full of sh*t and I will expose you as the fraud you are,
give it a month... :)

The comments were in response to my articles talking about nsfw content, sharing research on gender inequality in the U.S., and discussing the differences between empowerment and objectification in regards to women.

Comments like this are one of my main motivators. While I appreciate feedback and well-versed conversations more, stuff like this is the reason I started sharing my opinions in the first place.

Here’s one from my introductory post:


I don't know, looking pretty hipster here. I'll give you a free upvote if you denounce feminism and take a picture while licking a life size, cardboard cutout of Donald Trump.

I guess I should have stated in my bio that I’m also an activist and feminist. Here’s to hoping one of the next site updates is an “about me” section!

There’s a lot more hateful comments, but I won’t bore anyone. If you’re interested, you can go to any of my blogs and see for yourself.

Blockchain’s are transparent.

Note that Steemit is a blockchain. If you have a problem people quoting you, calling out your misbehavior, you probably shouldn’t have posted it. That being said, I have no shame for the content I have created and shared. Period. It’s informative, unique and well curated. I don’t regret any of it.

If ever I am wrong, I will admit it. If I am unclear, I will do my best to be concise next time. If there are questions to my integrity, I will back it up. I will conduct myself in a constructive tone.

To those of you who have posted or upvoted comments like the ones listed above:

You cannot silence me.

I don’t mind criticism, but that doesn’t mean I have to tolerate abuse.

Be professional. You’ll find this platform to be much more rewarding.

Thanks for reading, lots of love, Vera. :)


You have said what is necessary and I definitely commend you for being strong and also magnanimous. Being nice in these abusive situations is really difficult. The truth shines through, and unfortunately, a lot of us women have been verbally assaulted by earnest.

Even I have been verbally assaulted, when he claimed in his comment that "you're sucking Stellabelle's cock".

Last time I checked, I didn't have a cock, but hatred often results in misguided and illogical conclusions such as this. Well, I guess it wouldn't be the internet without unfiltered hatred towards women. You're definitely a strong person whom I admire. Thanks for being a positive light in a murky sea. I'm waiting for the devs to create a block feature so that stalking victims don't abandon Steemit and we can be free of the wasted energy we spend on monitoring such horrific abuse and hatred.
Sometimes we do need to get some light and think about solutions to the hate that has been flung into us. Let's think about how we can be shielded from hate that we never caused...

I'll be upvoting your article with my somewhat underpowered vote when it hits 30 minutes.Many thanks to @veralynn for reaching out to me to illustrate her post! Official #klyeart on a wonderful and empowering article by a young up and comer on Steemit. <3 :)

edit: @earnest is a bit of a wasteman.. likely he doesn't know how to talk to women so lashes out.

Yep fair enough response to abuse. I think insecure men don't actually understand themselves enough to grasp intellectual concepts pertaining to gender stereotypes and roles they have been indoctrinated into. If they knew how to be secure within themselves they would see a whole curious world open up to them as they explore intelligent positions with others. I don't know how in this day and age there can be so much discrimination and hate. Ah well Steem on my friend.

Keep bringing your experience and perspectives to the table! Those unfortunate few absolutely don't speak for the community as a whole.

I've had to deal with that guy too. He doesn't need our help to metaphorically dig his own grave.

Thanks for the encouragement @sykochica. I listened to Steemit Talk and applaud you and @mrwang. Awesome stuff you're working on! Keep it up! :)

Thank you!
I 'ranted' for decades and now Steemit handed me a microphone. Now were all in trouble because I can't let it go. Lol

Right on @veralynn! It is light years easier to tear someone down than to bring yourself up to that level. Keep up on your level, nevermind the noise.

I think what @stellabelle was trying to say, is that we shouldn't have to ignore "the noise."

It should be confronted and dealt with. (in my opinion)

Thank you for this. I completely agree.

Well for some, the noise inflicts a lot of pain. That is unfair.

It was not my intent to be unfair, but encouraging and supportive. I am sincerely regretful if my words did not indicate that.

I will vote you ruler of the universe

I have also heard that negativity spreads much faster than positive energy does. Never give up!

Abuse in any form is completely unacceptable, it takes a strong and confident voice to make these things heard. Thank you for sharing, let's hope it produces a response?!! Good work @veralynn

I hope so too. This is something that needs to confronted, yesterday.

Good work @veralynn I have enjoyed watching your posts! You are very diverse in all of your posts and well thought out!

just ignore it, those guys are assholes! i was told that i shouldn't post so much "tits and travel". All my hard work in working on my posts and i was summed up in 2 words.

you had me at tits and travel, il be following! :P

How unfortunate and unacceptable. Just stay strong and keep creating--the number of women in the community will grow, and your work will be here waiting for them.

Who do feminist, that supposedly promote "equality"

have post with titles like Women of Steemit: Artist Edition and Women of Steemit: vol 1

Where is the equality on that?
Can't people see through you? That is what I don't understand.

Good question!

You're right that it is exclusive to women, and I can see where that can further the gap. However, if you missed it, when I was talking about that project I also mentioned doing another one including all genders.

I still argue for this project to have a women's only feature. I think it is important for women to support each other.

Does this mean women's only spaces are sexist? No. Reverse sexism doesn't exist.

"To argue for men’s inclusion into women’s political and structural spaces is not only fundamentally heterosexist; it also serves an old nationalistic claim that women need to take care of men, no matter where they are located and or what they are engaged with." -Patricia McFadden

Also you respond insulting my intelligence (or anyone's for that matter)

Isn't creating women's spaces "fundamentally heterosexist" to the same degree than to "argue for men’s inclusion into women’s ... spaces"?

To want to make people belive you want equality with your posts and then come up with posts for women is equally insulting.

Either you accept and want equality for better or for worse, or you don't. Making excuses for when equality doesn't suit you is of very poor taste

It was never my intention to belittle anyone. If I have insulted you, I am sorry.

Isn't creating women's spaces "fundamentally heterosexist" to the same degree than to "argue for men’s inclusion into women’s ... spaces"?

No. The heterosexist dynamic does not affect women in the same way it affects men. A majority of spaces are by default, male spaces.

While I agree that it may be overcompensating to have female only spaces, it is also necessary. The deck is always stacked against women.

I went into more details about sexism and privilege here if you're interested.

Writing your statement in bold letters does not make it any less false.

Can you give me scientific proof of anything that you are stating (as opposed to a quote )?

Yes, and you keep insulting me

So far all you have proven to me is that you want a set of rules for women and one for men, because of reeasons. The reasons don't matter, you cannot use means oppsed to the end you say you seek.

Here is the link, since it is impossible to read in the image below

How can you be so full of shit and not realize it. I can't comprehend it.

All this victimhood feminism, all it wants is power. there is always the double standard where equality is one set of rules for one and one for the other. you should be ashamed of yourself

You were the one with the post about "separating from the archaic mind" funny to say the least

To argue for men’s inclusion into women’s political and structural spaces also serves an old nationalistic claim that women need to take care of men

Are you crazy?

I can't understand you, i am in awe

The examples listed in the comic above are examples of privileges, not sexism.

Reverse sexism doesn't exist because the dominant group does not suffer from institutionalized discrimination. The same reason white people cannot be victims to racism. Cis men cannot be a victim of sexism because they are not systematically oppressed.

That being said, I never downplayed men's issues. My whole point is that gender constructs are harmful to everyone.

The definitions of sexism comes from the dictionary, ´please look sexism up, and show me a dictionary in which sexism excludes men as victims

Also, while you are at it, find me a definition of racism that states that white people cannot be victims.


About gender constucts, please don't play dumb with me vera, you are anything but

It is clear we have different definitions of privilege and sexism.

Can you give me an example of what I said that can be perceived as a harmful gender construct?

Western women are not systematically opressed for being women either. I am not, and neither is any other women I know.

Nor my female friends or family are or have been opressed for being women, and we are just regular people.

gender constructs are harmful to everyone.

That is what you have been doing in every one of your posts

women are aaaa

men are bbb

women ccccc

men pppp

maybe you don't believe in equality as much as you say