Britain is a proud nation that refuses to be ruled by foreigners. That is the epicenter of the result called Brexit. Sure a group of nations meeting as equals could be achieved without this empire structure. Rights and responsibilities can be agreed upon but no nation should be forced into ever closer union where the true intention is the abolishment of that nation state and the erecting of a new nation state or even empire on it's ashes. The EU can be great but it must have the backing of the public. And it must be transparent. Right now it looks like a bunch of overpaid, over respected vip's giving themselves a fat career and filling their bellies on the backs of tax payers. Not that this isn't already the case in many nations but now to create another level above the nation state where this repeats itself is vulgar. Next the EU will create a military and the argument for puplic consumption will be that they want to protect trade routes, and that may or may not be true but the even bigger and much more important reason the one that they cannot tell the public will be the intention to use that military to prevent any future brexit style scenarios from coming about in the European Union. You cannot leave if there is an army preventing you from leaving!
With that Army will also come new laws dealing with anti EU sentiments that the EU will declare as sedition. People will be arrested for statements against EU membership. The EU will behave like a injured animal. It will bite any hand that tries to touch it. If I am mistaken with my prediction then that's great but time will tell.
Ofcourse I could be wrong. Ofcourse the EU could go for 100%transparency, freedom and democracy. Ofcourse the EU could Implement direct democracy, publicize all their secret meetings, bring the public in to give their opinions in real time, cut the salaries of the highest paid people in the EU bureaucracy, raise the salaries of the poorest people in the EU Nations either directly at the source or through subsidizing them with some kind of specially created EU fund. The EU must earn it's legitimacy if it wants to survive.
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