Well what a fascinating if not frustrating month with the whole Brexit hype, I am not joking when I say that the whole episode left I and many others I know actually exhausted! But my frustration was different to many others in that I was shocked to see just how many folk still want to give their power away to authority, or even believe in the very idea of having owners or rulers. For me it was always just a choice of being enslaved and ruled by psychopaths from London or being enslaved and ruled by psychopaths from Brussels. They are completely illegitimate in my eyes, they have made the rules and games on this prison Planet and I make no apologies for not wanting to play with war mongering, tax evading, often child abusing maniacs. I feel like a broken record with this message but i will keep repeating it, despite a barrage of abuse from people who do still want to keep voting and doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. When you are born onto this Earth plain, you are by the very grace of the Universe, a SOVEREIGN being. You at no point EVER were supposed to be dictated to, ordered around, or bullied by men in dark suits who PRETEND to have your best interests at heart. The ONLY law you ever need to abide by is Natural Law which is ‘do no harm, cause no loss to others’. EVERYTHING else is null and void, it is MANS law. It doesn’t exist in Nature, it never has and it never will.
Worse over the very people (and I use that term loosely) barking out the orders are not even playing the game themselves! They pay no taxes, they turn up to parliament high on cocaine (Google George Osbourne for readers outside the UK) I mean WHAT ARE WE DOING? We are BEGGING these fuckwits for bits of freedom??? Excuse my French but fuck that!! Its a JOKE and I am so shocked and disappointed at the amount of people who still believe that even though we have apparently left the EU (this won’t happen officially for another 2 years anyway I read) that we now have freedom because of a voting ballot. These maniacs have had us wrapped around their little fingers for THOUSANDS of years, and then you have absolute mass hysteria the next day like we are now suddenly living in Utopia.
People say well its a ‘step in the right direction’ or its ‘progress’ REALLY? I said the other day that the mass hysteria surrounding the US elections (which seem to have been going on for an eternity) and Brexit has got people so excited it has STRENGTHENED the whole idea around government, authority and the State. Our owners have got MORE people tied up in the pantomime. For me, and Im not being negative because I will talk about solutions in a second, but it was a step BACK, a step back in people’s mindsets. They also can now create as much chaos as they want and then blame the British voter. As far as I can see its a win win for them.
The frustration now continues as we have ‘good cop’ Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour party (fabian society member who spent years campaigning to come out of the EU then at the 11th hour changed his mind, but just ignore that nothing to see here) apparently as the new saviour’s of humanity! STILL working within the very system that enslaves us!! Seriously when will people TRULY wake up and smell the coffee. People will be presented to us who appear nice, kind, or whatever in the US you have the dear old man Bernie Saunders, UK its Corbyn gentle souls on the face of it until they get into government where their faces will turn into snakes heads quicker than Osbourne can snort up a line! These people are PUPPETS do not even go there, don’t go anywhere near ANY of them. Unless of course you want a slavemaster. Personally i don’t and I’m sick to death of people buying into it which holds back the advancement of TRUE freedom and the people who REALLY do understand what that means and yes it does mean ANARCHY which literally means in its Latin roots ‘without rulers’. People who vote are lazy, cowardice, and lack any real imagination that humanity can be anything more than it currently is. I don’t buy into that, and many others are starting to feel the same. The only TRUE way to freedom is to start walking away from these quite literal psychopaths. WHY would you want to be ruled over by psychopaths?? They are ALL different masks on the same faces, all owned by the bankers, corporations, its why nothing ever changes no matter who you vote for.
So the solution has to be to start standing on our own two feet, mentally first of all. We as a collective are suffering from Stockholm syndrome where we crave our masters attention, we beg for scraps of freedom by petitions, voting, and protests. Lets firstly get out of that mindset. We are POWERFUL, we can create what we want to here and we are CHOOSING slavery. Do people really think that the Country will come to a standstill without government? ‘Who will build the roads?” you ask? Well with 65 million people in the UK alone 325 million in the US just as examples. Don’t you think we could get our heads together?! ‘Well there would be chaos’ THERE ALREADY IS! Surely its worth a chance? Any positive change is always preceded by chaos, even the so called Elite know that with their motto ‘ordo ab chao’ (order out of chaos) The solution is to REJECT the system wholeheartedly at every turn. Non conformation all over the place, there are not enough police, bailiffs and government agents to control 7 billion people all saying NO. But that takes courage, and while people live in fear of something more risky they will continue to vote, and that is where we are at folks, it comes down to courage and imagination. Courage to say no, and the imagination to know we can create something amazing away from these maniacs. No violence needed just mass civil disobedience.
There is only one way out of all this and that is through consciousness and our mindsets. Think and act like slaves, slavery is what you will get. As above so below, as within so without. This is not rocket science. Time to stand the fuck up. KNOW who you are to the core of your being. Do not be bullied around and told what to do anymore. You are sovereign KNOW IT, FEEL IT, TALK IT, and LIVE LIKE IT. I have been accused of being divisive in trying to get this message across to people well in my eyes there is a divide, and I will not unite in something like the political system which at its heart is holding us all back and based in slavery. Unity in anarchy? Bring it the fuck on, I’m there on the front line 100%. I said today the word ‘statist’ needs to be changed to ‘slaveist’. So humanity which one is it? Sovereignty or slavery time is running out to decide.
Tony Sayers
Love, care, courage.
Hey Tony, good article.I voted out of Europe because i didn't like the thought of being ruled by them, then i realised i don't want to be ruled by anyone.
Thanks yes I think thats the understanding we all have to come to if we truly want to be free.
Humanity discovering its slavery before IoT and all of its infrastructure gets placed is super important and I think we all feel it somehow... if we don't get rid of this authority, whoever is actually at the top, they will co-opt any technology and use it as a digital prison for consciousness where every action is recorded and has an economic effect. I fear that if it gets that bad humanity may be stuck in a slavery machine for a very very long time... I whole heartedly agree with this post, resteemed.
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I sometimes listen to LBC radio to keep in touch with the views of the London people. The presenters have a rigid agenda though to keep people focussed on the looming EU hokey cokey that is distracting everyone from solving solvable problems in their own lives. I still dont know what anarchy looks like. Like the sense of purpose and drive behind this post.
Thanks yes the problem is the word, everyone thinks its chaos when really we just have to start quietly rejecting what they put in front of us.
Yes and glad you added 'quietly'. Violent rebellion will land us in trouble. The forms of corrupt governing face us every day. Perhaps instilling positive altenative choices and be a good example to others is the way forward?
George Carlin is an American HERO.
Absolutely he is, his work is timeless. To get this information over in a comedic way takes a genius, and he certainly was one!
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Britain is a proud nation that refuses to be ruled by foreigners. That is the epicenter of the result called Brexit. Sure a group of nations meeting as equals could be achieved without this empire structure. Rights and responsibilities can be agreed upon but no nation should be forced into ever closer union where the true intention is the abolishment of that nation state and the erecting of a new nation state or even empire on it's ashes. The EU can be great but it must have the backing of the public. And it must be transparent. Right now it looks like a bunch of overpaid, over respected vip's giving themselves a fat career and filling their bellies on the backs of tax payers. Not that this isn't already the case in many nations but now to create another level above the nation state where this repeats itself is vulgar. Next the EU will create a military and the argument for puplic consumption will be that they want to protect trade routes, and that may or may not be true but the even bigger and much more important reason the one that they cannot tell the public will be the intention to use that military to prevent any future brexit style scenarios from coming about in the European Union. You cannot leave if there is an army preventing you from leaving!
With that Army will also come new laws dealing with anti EU sentiments that the EU will declare as sedition. People will be arrested for statements against EU membership. The EU will behave like a injured animal. It will bite any hand that tries to touch it. If I am mistaken with my prediction then that's great but time will tell.
Ofcourse I could be wrong. Ofcourse the EU could go for 100%transparency, freedom and democracy. Ofcourse the EU could Implement direct democracy, publicize all their secret meetings, bring the public in to give their opinions in real time, cut the salaries of the highest paid people in the EU bureaucracy, raise the salaries of the poorest people in the EU Nations either directly at the source or through subsidizing them with some kind of specially created EU fund. The EU must earn it's legitimacy if it wants to survive.