From minnow to baby dolphin in only a few weeks - Why can't you do the same?

in #steem-help9 years ago (edited)

I have done many exciting things in my life.

177 Scuba dives all over the world ...

189 Sky dives across Europe and Africa ...

Traveled the globe and have been to 5 continents during my travels. ...

But the most exciting thing that I have done recently was to join Steemit!

I have now been on the Steemit platform for just over a month. I can promise each and every one on this this platform, that I rate this experience in the same category as jumping out of a moving airplane or swimming with the creatures of the ocean. It is just amazing!!!

I love the conversation topics, I love the people that I meet, I love assisting the authors I feature, I love the way that the community around me have real opinions on the way the world should work! O man, I just love everything about this new social platform.

From minnow to Baby dolphin in just a few weeks!

I want to share my experience over the past few weeks with everybody on the platform, especially newbies that comes on board, as I want to ensure that each and every user on the platform, do not lose faith in the future of the platform. I hope, my story inspires new users and I also those who have not received the recognition they deserve. I hope by telling everybody, what happened to me, each of you might see something that you haven't explored or tried yet. I hope that this post, can maybe train another baby dolphin ... like me!

So here is what happened to me in chronological order.


I did my introduceyourself post, before the time when most of the introduceyourself post's hit the trending list. I am sure all of us that have been on the platform can remember the times, (which now feels so long ago) when the trending list probably only consisted of these posts. I persevered in writing at least 1 post every day. It became part of my daily routine to write an article, and some steemit accounts were hacked. I was getting serious withdrawal symptoms of not posting!!

Being Featured as an author

Steemit Addict and I can't get my fix here . Then the most amazing thing happened, my post Time Budgeting vs being managed by time was trending as No 1. This was probably the single most exciting thing that happened since I joined the platform. Why? , because it proved to me that my content can reach the top! All I needed to do is to keep on writing.Luckily I knew @gavvet, who was so kind to feature me as one of his first authors that he now does on a regular basis. This blew new wind into my sails as firstly I was able to get rid of some of the withdrawal symptoms and secondly my posts were actually being seen!!! This was step 1 of growing my reputation in the community. You can read @gavvet's post where he featured me

Then I was featured by @cryptogee 's

Steemit Spotlight No. 6 - The Rising Stars Of Steemit! here This single post probably gave me the biggest boost in my mission to build a community around me.Cryptogee runs an amazing feature, once in a while, where he showcase a few new authors in a post. This is an amazing initiative. I haven’t seen one of these posts recently. @cryptogee if you are reading this post, please do another of your Spotlight post's again. This is extremely helpful for the community. You can read @cryptogee 's post

Why Steemit Dolphins Will Become More Important Than Whales here Although I always had it in the back of my mind to grow my reputation , this post gave me the focus that I needed. I now had a burning need to become a dolphin. It didn’t matter to me how small a dolphin I would become, I just want to be one :)At the time, I wrote many posts about building a reputation on the platform. This is probably the most important aspect in Steemit in my view and secondly you have to build a community of like minded people around you. I realized this when I read a post from @timd where he explained how important Dolphin's is in the Steemit ecosystem. In this post he explained that Dolphins will soon be more important than whales!! You can read @timd's post

craigrant Topic Tag

I then read a post from @craig-grant which made a lot of sense. @craig-grant was trying to help other users to be seen, by posting their content into the craigrant topic tag. Again, I love helping other people and I thought I will try it. It boosted the amount of upvotes in my posts dramatically. Instead of only getting 20 or 30 upvotes , the upvotes started streaming in! @craig-grant Thank you for a wonderful idea. I believe you helped many people to be seen, by this idea that you had!

Now I am featuring other authors.

Image Credit
I was humbled by the unselfish way that @gavvet featured authors to promote diversity on the platform, that I promised him that as soon as I have built my own following, that I will do the same to further his cause in expanding the diversity of content on the platform. I now feature other authors in exactly the same manner that he featured me. All Steem Based Dollars are transferred to the author which is featured in the post. This is important to the whole community as new authors are being seen. The next logical step, is that people that like these posts, follow the featured author. So not only do the author make some steem dollars, which is usually used to powered up to Steem power, we also learn about more authors and get diversity of content.

Now I have a base of followers which are growing on a daily basis.

Image Credit
For me, this is the most important of all. Growing a your base of followers is the key to growing the platform in general. Obviously I am hoping that the guys that am following me, will all become Dolphins. Why ? To get to the point where you do not have whale votes to take you out of the deep black hole.

Final thoughts

My recommendation to everybody on the platform, is to not stop trying! You will be noticed at some point, but if you do not keep on trying, this cannot happen. You must always try to add value to the community, just like @gavvet , @cryptogee , @craig-grant and many others are always trying to do. Do not be greedy, try different things. Write on different subjects and most importantly, always be honest! Build a community of like-minded people around you. Help these new friends around you to be seen - Remember that this is a social media based community and it is all about meeting new friends!

I hope you enjoyed my Steemit journey up to now and I hope that there are many more exciting things to come in the near future.

Happy Steeming and chat soon!

Please follow me on my blog @jacor if you enjoy my topics and content.

features authors to promote a diversity of content and new authors. All STEEM Dollars for these posts go to the featured author.@jacor

If you are looking to be featured as an author, please contact me via email - [email protected]


Nice read. One of those that keeps me motivated. Thanks!

You won't succeed if you don't try. Thank you for the post!!!

Having only done 1 of the 2, I would have guessed sky diving was more exciting than joining Steemit but I will have to defer to someone who has done both.

OK, maybe Skydiving is a bit more exciting :) ,but just like everything it became boring if you do it too much, Where I am now with Steemit still very exciting!

Wise words always... never ever give up, words to live by. Great inspiration.

Great post. Very encouraging. I've gone sky diving twice and it was amazing :)

Interesting...i am liking to get to know the people of the is called the STEEMIT ENTERPRISE.

There are a lot of interesting things going on with online media outside of Steem. You can grab ideas from places like YouTube, Medium, Twitter, etc and adapt them to Steem.

Thanks, @jacor! We agree, this is a VERY exciting--even revolutionary!!--platform, and we've done many exciting and revolutionary things too. This IS the new paradigm, where we're creating the economy based on real values. Loving the thoughtful exchanges with keen minds, the flashes of inspiration, and the meaningful support. It's a great day to be ALIVE!!!

Wanted to support you @jacor, so upvoted your article...only to observe that made the value of your article DECREASE. In removing our vote, the value went back up. We're still brand new on here--do you understand why that would happen???

Hi @gardenofeden , don't worry, it is not your vote that is decreasing the value. The way that it works is that there is pool of money allocated for doing payouts each day. It all depends on the way that it is distributed across all the posts for the day. When a lot of Whales votes it averages out across all the posts, hence looking like your vote decrease the value. It is not really

Sweet, thanks for that info! Upvoted your article, glad to hear it will actually support.

I also had been wondering about the workings behind upvote values. It WAS weird to upvote and see the author's reward decrease. Even more weird was seeing my humble minnow upvote count for $25+. This information truly saved me a lot of time researching the causation of this phenomenon. Thanks for the enlightenment!

Great post. It is nice to hear about your journey and it has happened fast! I have been lucky enough to watch some of it since following you in #craigrant :)

Thanks for the comment @thecryptofiend . I have been following you as well for some time. You always have nice comments :)

Spot on. When the tide rises, all boats rise with it.

Thank you, this is so nice of you to share your experience with those just getting started. I am so very grateful. I will email you right now.
Thank you,

Thanks for sharing! Love the positivity too. So many are looking to become a "dolphin" over night. It just takes a lot of effort and a little bit of luck.

Especially like the focus on showcasing others. I think that will help build a stronger community in the long run. I have an idea I'm working on that might help improve discovery. :)

Hi Jacor,

What Steem Power Rate would you class as a Dolphin?

Nice article. I've only gone skydiving 3 times and for me it far exceeds anything I've done on Steemit so far. But who knows maybe someday Steemit will take my breath away too...

Hello, @jacor! Can you see what wrong with my #introdusemyself post? Thank you.

I would like to be featured as an author at some point. Is there a certain topic I should write about? @jacor @gavvet @cryptogee @craig-grant

An inspiration to us all, hope your success just keeps on growing and growing.

@jacor good post my fellow minnow....oh wait, you're a dolphin. Flat leaver...haha I kid. Congrats on the growth. A combination of hard work and connecting with one or two of the right people is always a recipe for success.

Good work! Man you are holding a lot of Steem Dollars. You might be a fully grown dolphin if you power all that up!

👍Nice article.. always support u @jacor

Thanks for this helpful article, from a Steemit newbie.

Thanks for the great post. I've only been here a few days, but my goal is to become a dolphin. Now I just need to figure out what it takes to become a dolphin.

It's really interesting to read other people's journeys. I'm a newbie so most (all?) of your references (e.g., cryptogee feature, craig-grant, gavvet) are foreign to me. Now I have a clearer picture of one person's map.

As a fellow Scuba Diver I was thinking where else would we rather be than amongst the company of Whales, Dolphins, and Minnows, LOL!
Psst.... You should put a word in the Whales collective ears to start a MERMAID category! :)Thank you for sharing your journey so far @jacor Very inspiring! Onwards and upwards :)

Good job, maybe I can catch you by the dolphin pool sooner than later

Congrats, I think it's a bit pitiful for the other users to need to ask someone to be featured in their accounts instead of posting the content themselves. I don't like how things are working around here.

Thanks for the encouragement @jacor , i have been trying to get to dolphin but have yet to have a post succeed as you say though just keep on writing so I will :)

Excellent idea - I'm glad you are empowering it forward!
This is an awesome method for newbies not to have to worry about chasing whales or other similar games but to focus on what they themselves can contribute. I think this is a very important task and I'm very happy that you decided to do what you do. It will help to grow the altruistic attribute within Steemit. High five! ;-)

This is one of the most beneficial posts I have yet read!
I have not been on Steemit that long but when I found out about it I was INSTANTLY inspired. So as I always do when I come across something important I RESEARCH! I did a lot of research and decided Steemit is the place to be and if I am going to be curating internet content (which I do a LOT of anyways) Steemit is the place to do it!
So I am now investing ALL my internet time into contributing my valuable time and knowledge into curated articles here on Steemit so that I can participate in this truly revolutionary platform!
Thanks for this article as it is the most helpful one I have seen for a newcomer and I got a lot out of it!
Keep up the great work I appreciate it and I am sure many others do as well!

Here is the newest article that we have contributed to the community
Here is the article I wrote about why this platform is REVOLUTIONARY

Thanks for a truly encouraging post @jacor. It was helpful to see your outline of what you did, and when... and that you followed a plan of posting every day. Will be looking at more of your posts to see who I know (or maybe it's me!) who'd be a good match for your featured author posts. Love this idea of featuring new authors, and will be following suit. Thanks!

Nice and motivating, Never give Up thats the Key.

Geniuses are usually introvert and anti social. These guys will never get noticed because they will never be able to get some reputation. So we are back to the old model where popularity wins over quality. Sure there will be some exception but overall the more noise you make the more you will get noticed

@jacor firstly thanks for the early follow. I was on for about 2 days then. Now I have made it to a whopping 11 days and learning exponentially. I'm also just slightly obsessed! I'm curious, are you and @gavvet South African?

I simply love these knowledge nuggets. I've seen the @craig-grant tags on people's posts and wondered about them. Part of me thinks it's rude because it never seemed appropriate - but now I see there's a reason why - and it is encouraged. That's food for thought! Thank you for sharing your journey. :)

So much value! I love the possibilities this site holds. To be honest I first came here for the moeny and totally forgot the value which individual relationships provide. Not to mention the tremendous learning experience and personal development I am going through.
I read a lot more, I write more so it is amazing! :)
I hope you don't mind that I featured you in my article: