
I have had friends who signed up then left come back on. Lol, they should have stayed!


Like you and I and many others. :-)

Exactly. We all kept plugging away!

We were manning the ship and now it is ready to go.....just like your animation. ^_^

Hehe, absolutely!!

New to the platform and the concept of crypto currencies; I found steemit because I was looking for ways to promote my artwork online and steemit came up in a search. It would be nice to someday subsist at least in part from my artwork; the most many artists can hope for these days.

Thank you for posting @acidyo.

Appreciate your has been great fun....we will remember the drought with fond memories.

All the best to you. Cheers.

Even though I found out about Steem just a few hours ago, I'm very grateful for all those people. I feel like leech.

Welcome to the platform!
Nah its just that the constant downtrend made some good authors leave and brought forth the trolls that liked to spread misinformation and misuse the word "scam".




I hope the approval process was pain free! Nice to have you on the platform! Acidyo is a great follow!!

I was told that it can last up to one business day, but I got an email that my account was ready within seconds.

That makes the hour I spent clicking "approve" on all the non-spam accounts today feel worth it. :)

I can help with that and you can save time.

We've got some automated tools going in in the next few weeks that will resolve most of it and leave only the ambiguous ones to human review.

We were getting so much spam and fake accounts in (we delegate about $20 in SP to every signup) that we had to do something quick to cut it down. Seems we're on track now, and we'll automate approvals for the obviously-not-spam signups.

Yesterday was a special case, because of the craziness that happened in the markets I didn't want to keep people waiting a few days until we got more automation in - the fastest answer was to just go and click, click, click. :)

indeed, automation is the way to go. in the meantime if you need help just let me know. I know there's a ton of stuff you need to take care of and button pressing shouldn't be one of them I'd say, efficiency wise.
Hit me up on if there's anything I can do.

Thats great news!!

Welcome! How did you hear about steemit?

I've known about cryptocurrencies since late 2013 and started buying Bitcoin in mid-2015. However I wasn't into cryptocurrencies all that much. I had 1 full Bitcoin that I lost gambling throughout 2016 and early 2017, but just got really obsessed with all the cryptocurrencies 2 weeks ago. Decided to invest some of my disposable income into multiple currencies and now I'm studying and researching them all day long. Sorry, I went off topic. Long story short I found out about Steemit through researching other currencies.

They sure did start caring! Also, I just started that new season of my STEEM-Pocalypse Survival Game. If you are interested, there is still time to sign up and form a team here.

Thanks, will check it out soon!

Thanks for the post @acidyo. I'm new here since I didn't know about it. I wish I learned about it when it started, but it's never to late. I see the huge potential and I'm here to stay!

You are 100% right dear from last 48 hours i am watching the rush of the Steemiens which have left Steemit but due to great increasing trend in Steem due to seniors and hard workers like you now are back to Steemit platform.

Now all of them will come running and say stuff like "I always believed in this platform" LOL

Due to increase in steem rate ,most of peoples are watching very high amount earned on trending posts and coming back..

Admittedly I was skeptical when I first heard about Steemit but that was mainly due to lack of knowledge about the blockchain and crypto as a whole. I procrastinated a month before I made the dive because of my buddies @allprowi and @loki10 providing insight and info to help with understanding. Glad I did.

Welcome to Steemit!

haha damn right :P