
I can help with that and you can save time.

We've got some automated tools going in in the next few weeks that will resolve most of it and leave only the ambiguous ones to human review.

We were getting so much spam and fake accounts in (we delegate about $20 in SP to every signup) that we had to do something quick to cut it down. Seems we're on track now, and we'll automate approvals for the obviously-not-spam signups.

Yesterday was a special case, because of the craziness that happened in the markets I didn't want to keep people waiting a few days until we got more automation in - the fastest answer was to just go and click, click, click. :)

indeed, automation is the way to go. in the meantime if you need help just let me know. I know there's a ton of stuff you need to take care of and button pressing shouldn't be one of them I'd say, efficiency wise.
Hit me up on if there's anything I can do.

We actually got a bulk-approve heuristic shipped today for accounts that don't match any abuse signals, and the queue is mostly empty now. There are only a few dozen to manually review each day.

Shoutouts to @val-a and @roadscape for lookin' out for our new users. :)