Day 16
Dear Diary,
I left my room today. It was a huge pain getting those boards off but I finally managed it. I was right that there was no one up here with least anymore.... I decided to search a couple of the apartments before heading out. Sadly most all of the were cleaned out of anything useful, neighbors must have had time to leave and pack up there stuff. When I got to the apartment at the end of the hall I was not prepared for what I found. When I kicked the door down I almost immediately vomited. The stench and sight of it was horrible. My neighbor had decided to take the easy way out and shot himself in the head. It took me forever to get the nerve to get near enough to him to pry the pistol out of his hand. I was so overwhelmed by the smell I didn't bother to search the rest of his apartment. This of course has left me with a pistol with no ammo.... I cant afford to make mistakes like this. I hope I can find some ammo somewhere but at least for now I can appear as if I have weapon so that is worth something. I have the cloths on my back, this stupid unloaded pistol and the real fear I wont make it out of here. Time to start moving. God I hope she made it out alive...
I choose option 1 and I have the pistol