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* OPTION 1 - Try to check the beat up looking truck for anything valuable before moving on.

There are 3 pages

I have a magnesium fire starter and I choose Option 1. Thanks

Upvoted to illustrate an excellent example of an appropriate response. Thanks for leading my example @matthewtiii!

I have a pistol and choose option 1

This post received a 3.2% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @rkrijgsman! For more information, click here!

I have a Pistol, I'll choose Option 1 this round.

I have a pistol and elect Option 1:
To search the truck.
"Now I have a gun; ho ho ho"
@scan0017 🙂

I have a pistol and I choose Option 1
Thank you

I have a magnesium fire starter and I choose Option 1. Thanks

With my unloaded pistol in my hand - Option 1 for me. Hopefully I find some chewing tobacco in the truck so I can look like a badass.

I choose Option 1! I have firestarter 🔥

I have a magnesium fire starter and I choose OPTION 1.

Can't believe I finally got firestarter! I wanted to have it all last season.

I have a pistol and I'll take option 1.

  • Your truck is not beat up sir, its seasoned 😆

I have a pistol and I choose option 1

Day 16

Dear Diary,

I left my room today. It was a huge pain getting those boards off but I finally managed it. I was right that there was no one up here with least anymore.... I decided to search a couple of the apartments before heading out. Sadly most all of the were cleaned out of anything useful, neighbors must have had time to leave and pack up there stuff. When I got to the apartment at the end of the hall I was not prepared for what I found. When I kicked the door down I almost immediately vomited. The stench and sight of it was horrible. My neighbor had decided to take the easy way out and shot himself in the head. It took me forever to get the nerve to get near enough to him to pry the pistol out of his hand. I was so overwhelmed by the smell I didn't bother to search the rest of his apartment. This of course has left me with a pistol with no ammo.... I cant afford to make mistakes like this. I hope I can find some ammo somewhere but at least for now I can appear as if I have weapon so that is worth something. I have the cloths on my back, this stupid unloaded pistol and the real fear I wont make it out of here. Time to start moving. God I hope she made it out alive...


I choose option 1 and I have the pistol

I have a Pistol and I'll choose option 1. Thanks.

Checking the two cars would be too risky and most probably would get you killed.

I choose Option 1 (I don't have anything)

After searching my floor, I stumbled upon a pistol. Unfortunately, it’s not loaded but having a weapon is better than not having one. Time is almost up and I must make my way outside. Reaching the ground level and seeing the sun setting much faster than anticipated makes me fear that I won’t make it out of town in time. Then a thought occurs to me, what if Kai is still alive? If she is and she’s in trouble, should I save her? I mean, she’s the one who left. I begged her not to go but she wouldn’t listen. I can’t think about it too much since I have to focus on getting out of this place and staying alive.
I started heading towards the edge of town. After a while of walking, I come across a car on the side of the road. It is a newer car, I’m not sure what kind, nor do I care. Something doesn’t sit right with me about it. Then an image explodes into my mind. The image of me trying to search that car, its alarm going off and the next thing I know I’m surrounded by cannibals and criminals. The dark times are almost here and I can’t risk that. I won’t stop at the car. I walk as far to the other side of the road as possible.
Further down, on the other side of the road, is another vehicle. This one is much older and is a big white truck. It is off in the bushes that line the street. It’s covered in dents, scrapes, and the tires appear to be nearly flat. It’s very unlikely that it runs. This truck is much less likely to have an alarm and looks like a possible stop to search for more supplies. This is something that I am very uncomfortable with doing, since my gut says to just leave both vehicles and just get out of town, but I can’t afford to pass up the opportunity to get some supplies. Even though it’s nice to have a gun, it’s kind of useless without any ammo. The light is diminishing and still I can’t stop thinking about Kai, what if she didn’t die out here? What if she’s just been wandering through this wasteland, lost and broken? Then another thought, what if she did die out here? And how long before I follow the same path? No one knows the answer to that question, but eventually we will all know. Whether we want to or not.

I have found a pistol and choose option 1.

Firestarter option 1

I have an empty pistol and choose option 1, search the old truck.

I have a pistol and I choose Option 1.

I have an unloaded Pistol and I choose to check out the beat up truck.

Might find something of value, and if it still runs it'll probably keep running longer than the suspiciously unharmed nice car.

option 1 please papa. i have an unloaded pistol aswell

I have a magnesium fire starter and I choose Option 1. o/

I choose option 1. I have a firestarter in my pocket.

I have a pistol, and I choose option 1 this round.

I have a Magnesium Firestarter now I choose option 1 .

I have a pistol and choose option 1. Pew pew

I have a pistol, I chose OPTION 1. The nicer looking car may potentially be a trap, as it's a lot more alluring. Moving on without checking either car would be the safest bet, but would definitely be detrimental later on. The 'beat up' truck might just have some pistol ammunition, as no one would bother checking something that looks this bad.

I have the magnesium firestarter and I choose option 1.

I have a pistol - Option 1 for me

I would search the beat up car. I figure there is a better chance something is still in there.
I have a magnesium fire starter

I have a magnesium fire starter and I choose Option 1.

With my pistol in hand, empty as it may be, i still feel a slight sense of courage. Not willing to look in the car I cant really see, I will attempt to quickly peer inside the beat up truck. I am also more visible here but hopefully I am quick enough to survive to live another round.

I have a pistol, and I choose Option 1

I have a Magnesium Fire starter. I choose Option 1.

I have an empty pistol and choose option 1

I have a pistol and choose option 1

I have a fire-starter, a wicked fire-starter. Option 1, cuz you know the old beat up trucks have the best survival equipment in them.

I have a pistol and I'm going with Option 1! Thank you.

I have a magnesium fire starter and I choose Option 1. Thanks

Pistol, option 1. I have to admit, this seems the obvious choice... but papa is tricksy, sometimes the obvious choice is the right choice and sometimes it's the wrong choice.

I know you'll see this, Papa-P: Did you see that the contest is ready to accept entrants?

i have a pistol, option 1

In the earlier round I got a pistol that is unloaded .In this round I will go with option 1 and check the truck I guess that there will be something valuable there .

I have a pistol. I'll choose Option 1 for this round.

l have a pistol and I choose Option 1

I have an empty pistol and choose to search the beat up truck. Option 1.

I have a Magnesium Firestarter and I choose Option 1

Im gonna check beat up vehicle with my unloaded pistol at my belt.

I have a pistol, I'll choose option 1 this round.

i have a pistol. i choose option 1 pls.

I have a pistol and confidently choose option 1.

There are 3 pages