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Option 2. I have a pistol & a backup food supply (beans). I ate limes in the last round, so I'm good to go for now. I can keep my backup food for the time being.

Some of our group who were really hungry went foraging and found some roaches and other bugs under an old board. They actually ate them. I'm even more thankful for the limes this morning now, because I don't know if I could have gotten those bugs down without gagging or throwing up. I suppose if I'm unlucky enough to get that hungry, I'll do what I have to do. They're full of protein, after all. But, as long as I can keep eating without eating bugs, that's a good thing. If I can manage to avoid starving while continuing to live my preferred vegetarian lifestyle, that's even better. Thank goodness for the can of beans in my bag.

There wasn't anything useful in the dirt around the tree where I took some rest in the cool shade, and it's time to move on in our journey away from town. We're still woefully short on supplies, though. There's some disagreement among us as to what the next step we take should be. Some want to head straight to the woods. However, if we do that now, we'll be safer, but we'll also lose out on any further opportunity to find the kind of supplies you can only find in a city, even on the outskirts where we are now.

That is why some of us, myself included, think the smartest idea is to search the outskirts one more time before dark, taking whatever we can find that is useful, and then moving into the woods as fully stocked and prepared for what is out there as we can be.

A much smaller number of us want to go deeper into town in search of supplies after searching the outskirts. As the leader, I strongly advise against that, as it is much too dangerous in town now, even during the day. It is too full of violent and/or desperate people, and that is not a good thing. We just did all this careful work to make our way to the outskirts of town and get away from all that. I cannot advise anyone going back in, even if the chance of locating more useful supplies is greater there. What good are supplies if you get killed by apocalypse zombies while gathering them?

After much discussion. we are not able to come to a majority consensus on any of these options, so it is decided we will each go with the group that best represents what we think is the right thing to do. Those of us who survive our expedition, and I sincerely hope it is all of us, will meet up about a mile inside the woods in an hour. We'll decide our next steps from there, based on what everyone finds.

We all go our separate ways for now, wishing each other well. I take my group, and we begin our search of the outskirts of town, looking through what few buildings exist out here as quickly as we can, and looking forward to making our way completely out of this town and into the safety of the woods as soon as possible.

With any luck, we'll find some things to help us survive out there until we can make it through the trees to the freedom and safety of the countryside. Once we get there, we will truly be free.