in #steem-pocalypse7 years ago (edited)

Those that remain are still pressing on...

Food can be hard to come by, but it can help to look around. Yesterday the players had one last chance at some grub before Day 2 ended. Let's see how they did.

To help @papa-pepper run this game, please DO NOT reply if you are not already playing this game. If you are playing this game, please do not reply to this post either, reply to my comment below that contains the option that you want to pick. I will provide a separate comment for each option given. If players do not reply to an Option Comment, they will be eliminated. (Yes, I WILL try to do a better job posting the Option Comments.) Thank you.


Was there any food to be found last round? Let's see who chose which options and how it worked out for them.

OPTION 1 - Try to find something buried in the dirt.

Digging in the earth can be a great way to find something to eat in a desperate situation. Unfortunately, there are no guarantees, and this time the players came up empty.

For those who did not need to eat, not finding anything was fine. For those who needed to eat and had a backup food supply, they have now enjoyed either some beans or some beef jerky and thus used up their backup food supply. If a player needed to eat and did not have any backup food supply, they have starved to death.

OPTION 2 - Try to find something under an old board.

The players who chose this option found a jackpot! Roaches and creepy-crawlies galore!

Eat them up folks! Any player who chose this option will now need to eat prior to the end of Day 4 in order to avoid starvation.

OPTION 3 - Just try to rest for a moment and then get moving.

The players who chose Option 3 got a good rest in prior to pressing on. If they had already eaten, they were fine. If they had a backup food supply and needed to eat, they used up the backup food supply. If they needed to eat and had no backup food supply, they perished.


Being this close to the city is going to be too dangerous. Such a high concentration of violent people cannot be good at this point.

Still, if the players are about to move out into the woods and wilderness, this might be their last chance to get some much needed supplies from the outskirts of town. Of course, there is no guarantee that they will find anything, but they might. Heading even deeper into town could allow them to find even more goods...

Whatever the are going to do, they must choose quickly and get to it.


Options are limited this round. Things are rapidly progressing and decisions should be made with caution, so always choose carefully.

* OPTION 1 - Try to head away from town and go deeper into the woods.

* OPTION 2 - Try to search the outskirts of town for more supplies.

* OPTION 3 - Try to search the outskirts of town and continue deeper into town too in search of more supplies.


Each player must reply to my comment below containing the Option that they wish to choose within the next 24 hours.If they do not reply to the comment of their choice, they will be eliminated. Also, any players who do not reply in time will be eliminated from gameplay and have to wait until Season 6 to try again.

Also, if your player has found anything, you must mention it when you reply or you will lose it. If your player found a pistol, then reply with something like the following:

I have a pistol & ate my backup food supply, I'll choose option 1 this round.

I will post an updated list of current players later. Thank you.


The current Prize Pool is 125 SBD.

A Special Thanks to @liberty-minded for Providing the Title Gif.

Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with



* OPTION 2 - Try to search the outskirts of town for more supplies.

I have a pistol & 1 Backup food and ate Roaches and creepy-crawlies galore. I choose option 2 for now!

This post received a 3.3% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @rkrijgsman! For more information, click here!

I have a pistol & 1 backup food supply, I have eaten some limes in the tree to avoid starvation.
I'll choose option 2 this round and try to search the outskirts of town for more supplies.

I have a pistol, beef jerky as a backup food supply and I choose option 2.

You were eliminated for failure to respond to Day 2 Round 2 before the cutoff time.

Try again next season!

Crap! I just checked and you are right. Dang!

I have to be right, I kept a sharp eye out for you before adding you to the list of the dead.

Edit: Fixed a word. I'm exhausted. XD

I would be too managing this mess lol

You have no idea.

Yesterday I combined through all of the decisions starting from D1 R1. All of them. Well into this morning.

I have a magnesium fire started and 1 backup food supply. I choose Option 2.

I have a pistol & 1 backup food supply and ate limes, and I am going to stay close to town but not go deeper into the woods yet.

  • OPTION 2 - Try to search the outskirts of town for more supplies.

I have a pistol, 1 backup food, i also ate some roaches, i choose option 2

Ate berries last night, have a pistol and jerky, I choose option 2

Just gonna hang up a few more of these fliers around the outskirts of town.

I have a pistol & 1 backup food supply and I ate some berries yesterday, I'll choose option 2 this round.

So far, I'm still alive, but I have no supplies and no food. I think I'll search the outskirts of town for more supplies.
Choosing Option 2

I have a pistol and a backup food supply. I ate roaches. I choose option 2 for now!

I ate berries and I choose option 2 - try to search the outskirts of town for more supplies

I have backup food supply (beef jerky), I ate berries and I choose option 2

I have a pistol & 01 backup food supply (jerky). I ate limes.

Option 2 for me :)

Day 18

Dear Diary,

So far so good on the berries. Still feeling fine after eating them so it seems they were safe to eat and they filled me up. I’m glad I found them because I was starting to get really hungry with all this walking and I didn’t want to have to eat my beef jerky. I rested up bit and now I must decide if I should search around a bit for supplies before heading into the woods or not. I still have this pistol with no bullets so it seems like I should try and look for some ammo if I want this thing to be useful at all. It seems like a risk but if I don’t go too deep into town I should be able to avoid detection. Every day that passes I get more and more terrified of what the future holds. What if I don’t find safety…what if there is no safe places anywhere anymore….what is the point of even trying…. No… I cant think like this. I need to keep moving and focus of staying alive and putting one foot in front of another. If I stop and think too much Ill go crazy or make a mistake that will get me killed. I have to keep going so I can find her…


I have a pistol & 1 backup food supply (Jerky), I ate beauty berries Day 2 Round 2 and I'll choose option 2 this round.

I have a pistol & 1 backup food supply, ate limes, ate some roaches, and I will search the outskirts of the town for ammunition and other equipment pieces, so I will take Option 2 this time.

One has to prepare some equipment, before challenging the wild.

EDIT: Added Option 2 into the context again, because I'm forgetful.

I have the magnesium firestarter and because I am eating bugs, I have saved my beef jerky for backup. I choose option 2 for this round to search the outskirts of town for more supplies.

I have a pistol and 1 backup food supply. After eating limes and roaches I choose Option 2.

I choose Option 2, and search the outskirts of town for more supplies. I have a pistol and a backup food supply, Jalapeno jerky :)

Im choosing to search the ourskirts since I need some more supplies. I dont dare to wander deep into the city though.

I have a pistol and a backup food supply and I ate some limes

I ate all the yummy creepy crawlies under the plank so I still have my backup food supply (beef jerky). I choose option 2 and will see if I can find anything useful on the outskirts of town.

I have a pistol & one back up food supply and I ate some darn good berries the day before. I choose option 2 this round. Man I hope Luke finds me soon!

Hey, to make sure your choice doesn't get lost, please try to reply directly to the correct comment, not on someone else's reply to the comment.

I found you and documented your choice this time, but I can't promise that I'll always catch it if you do it like this.

@vot : Magnesium Firestarter & a backup food supply. I ate limes in the tree. I'll choose option 2 this round. Try to search the outskirts of town for more supplies.

I have a firestarter & 1 backup food supply, I'll choose option 2 this round.

OPTION 2 - Try to search the outskirts of town for more supplies
Carrying: pistol, 1 backup food supply (need to eat prior to end of day 4)

I have: a pistol (no ammo), a backup food supply (beef jerky)

I ate Berries and Roaches on Day 2 - need to eat prior to the end of Day 4

I chose OPTION 2 - Try to search the outskirts of town for more supplies.

I'd really like to get some ammunition and if I leave the town completely my chances are slim! Deeper into town is to risky, so I'll just have a look in the outskirts!

damn... i still had water purification tablets and didn't write em down here... i hope they don't count as lost now?

I hadn't eaten anything, but luckily i found some bugs under the board, and
ate them up. They didn't taste great, but it was food.

I'll now choose option 2, Try to search the outskirts of town for more supplies

I have a pistol, backup food supply, just ate berries and bugs. I choose option 2 this round.

I have and unloaded pistol and a backup food supply (Beef Jerky).
I ate berries and bugs.
I choose Option 2 this round: to search the outskirts of town.

I have a pistol and a backup food supply and I ate day 2 round 2, last round I didn't find anything in the dirt but that's ok I didn't need to. This time I choose option 2.

I have a pistol, 1 backup food supply and ate berries. I'll check out the outskirts, but I am not going near Cannibal-central in there again !

So, OPTION 2 it is !

After digging for a while, I stopped because there obviously wasn’t anything there. Part of me hoped that maybe Kai had left some sort of sign and since I wasn’t too far out of town yet, I guess it was possible. However, of course, it was just wishful thinking. I didn’t find any food but thankfully I still have the jerky from the truck that I searched. I sat there, under the tree, for a while holding the unloaded pistol and part of me wished I had a bullet. Just one, that’s all I would need to end this nightmare. What is life if you don’t have love? And Kai was my love. I needed to find her and, hopefully, alive. I’m not sure if she went out this far and part of me wanted to head back to the town to search for her but I know that would be far too dangerous. Although, if I head into the woods now, and away from the town, with what I have, I don’t think I will last very long, a day or two at most. I can see the sky starting to turn a wonderful orange color and, for a moment, I lose myself in a memory. Kai and I, at the ocean and watching the sunset. It seemed like a photograph. Something imagined and painted onto a canvas and then hung up into the sky, to hide the world that I am stuck in now. To hide a world without her. Then I hear a gunshot in the distance and it brings me back. I must make a decision and now. I stood up and gathered, what little supplies I had and started back toward the road a little bit. I think that I have to search the outskirts of town some more before I move on or I won’t make it very far. Maybe there could even be some ammo for this pistol around here somewhere. On the other hand, maybe that’s just some more wishful thinking. I have to move on and if Kai is still alive, then I must live long enough to find her. And if she isn’t then, hopefully I have some ammo for this gun, so I can join her.

I have a unloaded pistol and one back-up food supply(jerky). I choose option 2.

I have a empty pistol and a backup food supply(beef jerky) as I got some American beautyberry I ate those and my backup food was saved.In this round I choose option-2 Try to search the outskirts of town for more supplies.

I have a pistol, had previously eaten beautyberries, have no backup, and choose option 2.

I have a pistol, 1 backup food supply (beef jerky) and ate creepy crawlies. I choose option 2.

i have a fire starter and ate some berrys and roaches, going to try option 2.

I have a pistol and 1 backup food supply (beef jerky) ate some beautyberries, dug in the dirt for fun, and I am going to try to search the outskirts of town for more supplies (option 2)

I have a magnesium fire starter and a backup food supply(beef jerky).I ate lime in the last round so I was not starved and my backupfood is safe.For this round I will choose option 2- and search the outskirts of town for more supplies.

I have a pistol, 1 backup food supply and ate berries. I'll go with option 2

I have pistol and 1 backup food supply. I choose option 2.

I have a fire starter and a backup food supply (beef jerky). As I got some American beautyberry I ate those and my backup food was saved. In this round I choose option — 2 ( Try to search the outskirts of town for more supplies)

Sorry, that I have not found insects. Although it is unlikely I would be able to eat cockroaches. Brrrr

I have a pistol and one backup food supply, I have eaten limes to avoid starvation. Choosing Option 2.

I have a firestarter & a backup Food supply. I choose Option 2

I have a firestarter and ate limes in a tree on day 2. option 2 for me!

I ate Roaches and creepy-crawlies galore, have a firestarter and jerky, I choose option 2

I have a magnesium firestarter and a backup food supply. I ate during round 2 under a bush. I choose Option #2 this round.

I choose OPTION 2
I have a Magnesium Firestarter and I ate my backup food supply

I have an empty pistol and I choose option 2. I ate bugs from under the board.

I have a magnesium fire started & 1 backup food supply(beef Jerky) I choose option 2 I ate American beauty berries to avoid starvation.

I ate some berries last night, have a pistol (empty) and a backup food supply (beef jerky) , I choose option 2.

Unloaded pistol, jerky - roaches kept me fed... Option 2 this round

I have a pistol & my backup food supply,I have eaten beautyberries and roaches. I'll choose option 2 this round.

I'm gonna go with option #2


  • Pistol (0 Rounds)
  • BackUp Food Supply

    Last Meal

    • Day 2 Round 1 American Beauty Berries

Found nothing in the dirt :(, but fortunately I've already eating the beautyberry so I'm fine.

I choose option 2


1 Pistol (Day 1 - Round 1)
1 back-up food (Day 1 - Round 2)

I have a pistol, and 1 backup food supply (Jerky) I ate limes in a tree. I choose option 2, have a quick look around the outskirts of town before moving on.

I have a firestarter and ate my backup food supply. I'm searching the outskirts of town for more supplies.

I have an unloaded pistol, a back up supply of beef jerky, I ate limes and roaches yesterday and I choose option 2.

Option 2. I have a pistol & a backup food supply (beans). I ate limes in the last round, so I'm good to go for now. I can keep my backup food for the time being.

Some of our group who were really hungry went foraging and found some roaches and other bugs under an old board. They actually ate them. I'm even more thankful for the limes this morning now, because I don't know if I could have gotten those bugs down without gagging or throwing up. I suppose if I'm unlucky enough to get that hungry, I'll do what I have to do. They're full of protein, after all. But, as long as I can keep eating without eating bugs, that's a good thing. If I can manage to avoid starving while continuing to live my preferred vegetarian lifestyle, that's even better. Thank goodness for the can of beans in my bag.

There wasn't anything useful in the dirt around the tree where I took some rest in the cool shade, and it's time to move on in our journey away from town. We're still woefully short on supplies, though. There's some disagreement among us as to what the next step we take should be. Some want to head straight to the woods. However, if we do that now, we'll be safer, but we'll also lose out on any further opportunity to find the kind of supplies you can only find in a city, even on the outskirts where we are now.

That is why some of us, myself included, think the smartest idea is to search the outskirts one more time before dark, taking whatever we can find that is useful, and then moving into the woods as fully stocked and prepared for what is out there as we can be.

A much smaller number of us want to go deeper into town in search of supplies after searching the outskirts. As the leader, I strongly advise against that, as it is much too dangerous in town now, even during the day. It is too full of violent and/or desperate people, and that is not a good thing. We just did all this careful work to make our way to the outskirts of town and get away from all that. I cannot advise anyone going back in, even if the chance of locating more useful supplies is greater there. What good are supplies if you get killed by apocalypse zombies while gathering them?

After much discussion. we are not able to come to a majority consensus on any of these options, so it is decided we will each go with the group that best represents what we think is the right thing to do. Those of us who survive our expedition, and I sincerely hope it is all of us, will meet up about a mile inside the woods in an hour. We'll decide our next steps from there, based on what everyone finds.

We all go our separate ways for now, wishing each other well. I take my group, and we begin our search of the outskirts of town, looking through what few buildings exist out here as quickly as we can, and looking forward to making our way completely out of this town and into the safety of the woods as soon as possible.

With any luck, we'll find some things to help us survive out there until we can make it through the trees to the freedom and safety of the countryside. Once we get there, we will truly be free.

I have a firestarter & still have my backup food supply, I'll choose option 2 this round.

I have a pistol and I ate my back up food supply of beans. I choose option 2 this round.

I have a pistol, 1 back up food supply, and I choose option 2! I already ate berries or something like that earlier.

I have a pistol and 1 backup food. I ate Limes on day 2. I choose Option 2.

Ratticus decides that before heading into the wilds completely, one last check of the outskirts could help to provide the supplies needed for surviving in the wild. Mainly thinking some ammunition for this pistol would sure be nice, but really anything helpful would be great. Gotta be quick though. those noises from the violent mobs certainly don't sound nice and need to be kept away from

I have a firestarter & ate berries and roaches, I'll choose option 2 this round.

I have an empty pistol, one backup food supply (beef jerky), and ate Beautyberries from the bush yesterday to avoid starvation. I'll choose option 2 this round, and try to search the outskirts of town for more supplies. Thanks!

i choose option 2. I have nothing

I have a pistol and beef jerky. I select option 2.

I have an unloaded pistol & 1 backup food supply. I choose option 2.

I have a Magnesium Firestarter and a backup food supply. Since I ate some bugs last round, I only have to eat next before the end of day 4.

I choose option 2 this round.

I have firestarter🔥 and backup food supply 🍖 Will try to search the outskirts of town for more supplies OPTION 2!

I have a magnesium fire starter. I choose Option 2 to search some backup supplies and guns.

After filling up on limes i came across some yummy bugs too. I have a magnesium firestarter and a back up food supply. I choose option 2 to search the outskirts of town

I have a pistol and one back up food supply. Ate some berries and bugs and I'm stuffed. I choose option 2 this round to try and find more supplies.

I have a pistol and a backup food supply(can of beans).I got some roaches under the old wood and ate them.For this round I choose option 2-search the outskirts for more supplies.

I have a Firestarter & one backup food supply, i had ate limes and some roaches. I choose option 2 in this round.

I have a pistol, 1 backup food supply, ate berries night before and I choose option 2

I have a pistol(No Ammo) & 1 backup food supply(Jerky), I'll choose option 2 this round. I ate limes earlier on to avoid starving to death.

I have a pistol and I have a backup food supply(beef jerky), I ate berries and roaches and creepy crawlies galore. I'll choose option 2 this round.

I have a magnesium fire starter and I have a backup food supply(beef jerky). I ate berries. I'll choose option 2 this round.

I have a Magnesium Firestarter & backup food supply. I ate Beauty Berries in the previous round. I'll choose Option 2 this round.

I have a pistol & backup food supply, I'll choose option 2 this round.

I have a pistol and 1 backup food. I choose Option 2.

I have one unloaded pistol, 1 backup food supply (can of beans) I choose option 2.

Option 2 for me. I have a pistol and ate some limes a while back. =)

Nice try.

You aren't signed up for this season of the game and therefore you aren't playing. If you want to play, sign up for the next season when sign-ups open.

* OPTION 1 - Try to head away from town and go deeper into the woods.

Haha, can't believe I just ate a bunch of bugs :)

(I have magnesium firestarter and one backup food supply)
I choose OPTION 1.

Nice doodle 🏡🏡🏡🏡

Thank you! :)

I really hope we find a cabin and don't get killed :))

I have a magnesium firestarter & 1 backup food supply, I'll choose option 1 this round. My belly still full of limes I decided the head deeper into the woods. I heard screams coming from the city and the sound chilled me to the bones. As I walked deeper into the forest I still felt danger lurked around every tree. I tried to calm my nerves by telling myself jokes.
steem pocalypse.jpg

These are awesome. (Plus, no canyons this season!)

Thanks! Oh good. Those canyons are horrible! So glad I keep getting reincarnated as a bunny after dying.

I have a pistol & 1 backup food supply, I ate lime in previous round and I choose Option 1 in this round.

After the gut wrenching screams I heard coming from town the last few days I am ready to get the heck out of here. The longer I stay closer to town the more I get this feeling like hungry eyes are staring at me and it makes my skin crawls..

After my berry breakfast and the additional resting period I am finally ready to hit the road so off to the forest for me. So Option 1 it is then..

Inventory Items: 1 Pistol Unloaded & 1 Beef Jerky


I have a pistol & 1 backup food supply, I'll choose option 1 this round.

Nice doodle 🏡sorry wrong reply button ....

Nice doodle 🏡

I have an unloaded pistol, 1 backup food supply (beef jerky), ate the bush and ate some roaches; Now I choose option 1 - Head away from town & deeper into the woods.

I have my unloaded pistol and a backup food (jerky) still doing good after eating the limes. Im choosing option one time to get moving.

I have a magnesium fire starter & 1 back up ration. I ate some roaches from below the board and will head deeper into the woods now. Option 1 it is.

With my empty pistol and backup pack of Jerky, I am going to say goodbye to the urban sprawl and head off into the woods. Option one for me.

I have an unloaded pistol and one backup food supply (beef jerky). I choose option 1 and will head deeper into the woods, away from town.

I ate and still have some food on me. Finding ammo would be great, but I wanted to get away from the town so at the moment going back seems like an unnecessary risk. Then again, who knows what awaits me in the woods, but I'll just have to see. Maybe an abandoned hunting cabin with ammo, tools and/or canned foods lying around? One can dream..

I have a pistol and a backup food supply. I choose option 1.

Just ate some bugs...harsh times.At least I still have a pistol(unloaded) & backup food supply(beef jerky), I'll choose option 1 this round.

I have: a pistol (no ammo), a backup food supply (beef jerky)

Last time I ate was on Day2Round1 (Limes)

For this Round I choose OPTION 1 - Try to head away from town and go deeper into the woods.

I have a pistol, and 1 backup food supply (limes), ate under the boards, heading deep into the woods, option #1

I have magnesium firestarter and one backup food supply. I'm going to go deeper into woods as option 1

I have Fire Starter, back up food supply (beans), I ate grubs and creepy crawlers and I choose Option 1

I'm out of here. I have a pistol, I ate limes yesterday, and I have a back up food supply. Furthermore, every time I get a loaded weapon, I die, so no urgency to find them bullets.
I choose option 1.

I have a firestarter & ate my backup food supply, I'll choose option 1 this round.

The sounds from town make me want to go the other direction.

I have an unloaded pistol , a can of beans, and a belly full of beauty berries. I'm going with option #1.

To the woods!

I have a firestarter and beans. I've eaten berries.

I choose option 1.

The limes this morning were surprisingly filling and this little break from traveling in the heat has given me time to figure out my next move. Things have gotten too crazy and unpredictable in and around the city, so it's into the woods. I still have my magnesium fire-starter and a can of beans as a backup food supply. That'll do for now.

I have a unloaded pistol and one back-up food supply(jerky). I choose OPTION 1.

I am @lrich, it is Season 5, Day 3, Round 1 and I have:
• 1 firestarter 🔥
• 1 back up food supply🍴 (can of beans)
After eating berries & bugs, I choose:
Option 1
There are so many people staying on the outskirts of town , I just want to get out of dodge!

I have a pistol & 1 backup food supply and ate limes.
I'll choose option 1 for this round.

I have a pistol and a backup food supply, I have eaten limes to avoid starvation.
I choose option 1

I choose OPTION 1

  • One backup food supply (Beef jerky) (I still have it because I got food from under the old board)

I currently have a pistol and 1 backup food supply and thanks to the lime tree I did not need to eat. I will be choosing option 1 for this round

I have a pistol & 1 backup food supply of beef jerky. I also ate limes in the tree so I now have to eat prior to the end of Day 4 in order to avoid starvation.

option #1 for @liberty-minded

Having enjoyed a nice roach burger for breakfast, with my trusty fire lighter and beef jerky I feel it is time to leave town. Get away from the maddening crowd sort of thing.

I have a firestarter. 1 Food supply since I ate berries. I choose option 1. Into the woods I go.

It's time to get out of the city, gotta get myself in motion,
Though my supplies are little bitty, I brought extra potion.
Until I get a chance to reconcile, with wizard of the woods,
I'll pour some potion out while, I rep the wizards of good.
I be on the lookout for caves, @bilbop gets lost in the maze,
I got jerky and I surf the waves, and my fire-starter can blaze.

Choose Option 1, got a fire-starter and some jerky, ate some limes.

I have a fire starter, 1 back up food supply, and I choose option #1.

I have an unloaded pistol & 1 backup food (beef jerky). I ate beautyberries before to prevent starvation. I will choose option 1 and go into the woods.

I have a magnesium firestarter and choose option 1. After eating some delicious berries ill just chill where its harder to see me for a while.

I have a pistol and one backup food supply and I choose Option 1 this round!

I have a firestarter and 1 backup food supply (beef jerky), I ate beautyberries, and I choose option 1

I have a pistol and ate limes to avoid starvation, I choose Option 1.

I have a firestarter and a backup food supply (can of beans), and I choose option 1.

I have a pistol and I choose Option1. I ate berries last round and bugs this round.

Hi papa, I ate lime before.

  • Magnesium Firestarter
  • Backup food supply (beef jerky)
    I choose Option 1

I have a magnesium fire starter and a backup food supply. I ate berries last round and I choose option 1.

I have a magnesium firestarter and a backup food supply. I ate limes in previous round. I choose Option 1 this round.

I have a pistol and 1 backup food supply, have eaten twice last two days- beauty berries and crawlies, and choose option 1 to head for the woods.

I have a pistol, one backup food supply and I will choose Option 1.

I have a pistol & a backup food supply, ate some bugs under the board and now I'll choose option 1 this round.
Deeper into the woods, maybe I'll find a cabin 🏡

I have a pistol and a backup food supply. I choose Option 1! :)

I still have my pistol and backup food supply. I choose Option 1 for this round papa-pepper. :)

Let's head into the wooods!

I have firestarter & my backup food supply, I'll choose option 1 this round.

I have a unloaded pistol and one back-up food supply(jerky). I choose option 1 this round. I had some of the yummy berries in the previous round!

Firestarter, backup food supply -option 1

I ate from the bush, I have a pistol and backup food supply, and I choose option 1

I have a magnesium firestarter and one backup food supply. I choose Option 1.

As tempted as I am to skirt the edge of town to look for supplies, I think it is safer to head into the woods and press on.

I have a magnesium firestarter and one backup food supply (beef jerky). I ate lime and bugs - mmm, quite a tasty cocktail. Now I choose option 1.

I have a pistol & 1 backup food supply (ate lines recently), I'll choose option 1 this round.

I have a pistol, I just ate some bugs, and I am heading into the woods for more bugs. option one.

Not having a lot of gear, I don't really feel like socializing right now. So I'll head into the woods!
I choose option 1


  • Magnesium Firestarter
  • One backup food supply

I've got an unloaded pistol & 1 backup food supply(Beef Jerky), choosing option 1 this round. I ate limes earlier on to avoid starving to death.

* OPTION 3 - Try to search the outskirts of town and continue deeper into town too in search of more supplies.

I have a pistol & 1 backup food supply and ate berry's I will go with Option 3 This round.

Option 3 Please!


  • Pistol (no ammo)
  • 1 Backup Food Ration (Jerkey)

Food Log:

  • Day 2 Round 2 I ate a bunch of bugs... Not sure if I was actually hungry enough for that, but it happened...
  • Day 2 Round 1 I had limes, boy they were sour.

The spreadsheet is up and posted. I've gone over it many times and I believe that it is 100% accurate.

I'll begin recording the choices made on this post, now.

This post has been ranked within the top 10 most undervalued posts in the second half of Jul 19. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $83.89 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.

See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Jul 19 - Part II. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.

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please vote me .i

You're not playing the came. Don't comment on game posts unless you're playing the game.

Oops. I took too long of a Steem break and didn't respond to the last post in time before this one went up. I have faded into the mists…

Darn. Will try again come the next game.

Good luck next game! :D

Congratulations @papa-pepper!
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following categories:

  • Upvotes - Ranked 4 with 491 upvotes
  • Comments - Ranked 4 with 156 comments

Cool job!!!

You are not playing in this game. Please do not post unless you are playing.

Good post @papa-pepper,,
regards introductions from me @fadhielshaqieer ...

The post above clearly says not to comment if you aren't playing. You're not playing, so don't comment.

Great post @papa-pepper


You are not playing the game. Please do not comment on game posts unless you're playing the game.

saludos desde Barquisimeto

You're not playing the game. Don't post on game posts unless you're playing.

Great job

You're not playing the game. Please don't comment on game posts if you're not playing.