ok, 500-1000 SP is a $1000-2000 investment.
For which time this investment would be returned and start to work for his owner?
Examples, please - how 1000SP would imply on earnings. And how many posts and with which power I need to upvote daily for seeing my investment back in reasonable time?
Thank you
If you have 1000 Steem Power your voting power is $ 2.5/ upvote. You can vote 30 times a day with 100% voting power.
Conclusion: ROI will occur in 30 days.
I think 1000 Voting power will result in around $1/upvote. Also one can vote only 10 times per day as each vote depletes 2% of voting power and voting power regenerates 20% per day.
It's not as good of a ROI as mining contracts, but you get to keep your initial investment as well, so it's arguably better.
At 1000SP you would make about $15/day upvoting yourself I believe, so a bit less than 1%/day.