Thanks for sharing your input. I tend to agree with most if not everything you said and I appreciate the info. I also did not know that about the whale pool shrinking and minnows are getting more. That's encouraging if true.
However.. I still think there's a problem here. Numerous of them, including the stuff I already mentioned, I think for example.. Why can we vote on our own posts? That would be a good one to turn off to make this better, and.. Before there used to be a decreasing amount of rewards if you posted like more than 4 times or something like that, but that heijin dude is posting like 10 times a day, and I haven't looked at his page too closely I admit, but it looks like a lot of very simple updates that don't take much effort and which are potentially giving people bad investing advice at times as well.. He's just one example that light has been brought to because of the extreme amount of gains he is getting. But as I said, it's probably many of these top people..
Seems like small little tweaks like that where you get decreasing rewards the more you post or things like that could help a lot to make it seems like some people are gaming the system less.
Like that chick who travels, basically posts pictures of her food and fluff and gets thousands of dollars.. I mean.. Whether wrong or right, some of this stuff just gives really bad optics and visuals. It doesn't look right. And they don't seem to care much. But I guess the world has sort of programmed that mindset into most of us, to just try and get as much as we can from almost everything. Though that mindset is killing the planet and might extinct us, and might end steemit too if gets to absurd extremes.
I know if I was in their position and people were pointing out stuff like this I would try to make amends and give back to the community, I would not want to be one of the reasons this whole thing falls apart, I'd be happy to try to make things more fair if I got an early lead. I already am, and I'm not even a whale. I'm like a dolphin maybe... I dunno. I have a bad feeling about it.
Glad to hear your following is growing, I hope this place is around for a while.. I'm an anarchist so I'm not for "laws" per se, but this is an environment based on rules and computer programming, so perhaps some of the rules are.. Skewed. There's a lot more uncertainty for me now than there was recently, though I appreciate your point of view and.. I agree in regards to being cautious about what ned and dan say... I dunno what's going on there. I dunno what's going on with much. I try to understand but in the end. I admit I don't know much. Though I am still concerned about this stuff. I guess we'll see what happens. :)
Even if it all goes to hell and I don't make a single real penny off of it, it sure was a fun ride!
Once replicators exist (of the kind you see in Star Trek) this should un-train the hoarding habits of our species. Imagine those 3D printers able to replicate any structure, even bio-molecular down to the sub atomic level. Once that happens, money will be useless. We're a long way off from that. For now, the best we can probably do is technical disintermediation (decentralization).
Somebody is going to get there first and it will probably be a whale. Once that happens, and money is rendered as only having value in a museum, then it will be a matter of what should be brought into the world. We live in a giant space suit so unfortunately my voluntarist tendencies are going to come crashing into the reality that space has limits.
Anaximander once said "from the place whence things come to be, there must they pass away by necessity, for they must pay penalty and do recompense according to the ordering of time"...
do you know him? for what you say I think if, if not, I recommend you see the documentary is similar to what you say and does not leave anyone infirerent, I liked it a lot.