Once replicators exist (of the kind you see in Star Trek) this should un-train the hoarding habits of our species. Imagine those 3D printers able to replicate any structure, even bio-molecular down to the sub atomic level. Once that happens, money will be useless. We're a long way off from that. For now, the best we can probably do is technical disintermediation (decentralization).
Somebody is going to get there first and it will probably be a whale. Once that happens, and money is rendered as only having value in a museum, then it will be a matter of what should be brought into the world. We live in a giant space suit so unfortunately my voluntarist tendencies are going to come crashing into the reality that space has limits.
Anaximander once said "from the place whence things come to be, there must they pass away by necessity, for they must pay penalty and do recompense according to the ordering of time"...
do you know him? for what you say I think if, if not, I recommend you see the documentary is similar to what you say and does not leave anyone infirerent, I liked it a lot.