Why? I simply meant that those shares could be distributed by others, who are doing the consideration and giving the attention you cannot.
Nonsense. This depends on who is chosen as the manual curator. You seem to assume the worst in all people, perhaps it is reflective?
It's inconsequential what I assume since the point was that automation of the function is the extension of the same attitude of "my VP is wasted, must maximize profits", no matter how dressed up, how much innuendo of respectability it's veiled in, the end result is always taking from the many, a attitude of scarcity over a renewable resource, it's not healthy, and the proof is in the pudding, what Curation trail are you following? Which manual curator can consume and curate more than someone with zilch sp?
someone can offer a great deal to the community but it is offered to people who can't afford to maintain that person.
No, that is the epitome of BS, because everyone has the same amount of attention, more or less, and ultimately this turned from Curation to "supporting " the person, milking the cow attitude, the innuendo of the greed pathology.
They still need to eat but their content might be utterly useless to me personally.
You're conflicted over supporting everyone, more or less, but then what is Curation and attention and Social Media?
I want them to keep helping people so, once I have made the decision they bring value, I will support them even if I don't read their content.
Ergo the attitude of milking the cow, maximizing profits (to support those poor kids that I don't even value what they offer, I value their "presence").
profits for who? me? This is about distribution.
this makes no sense to me.
This isn't social media.
You seem to know me so well. It is amazing.
Well, actually this is not true in the physical sense due to a host of reasons as ones potential for focus or attention is not the same as another's and the skill one holds means one can potentially move faster than another and in being able to cover more distance, effectively stretch time. As someone once said, time is relative.
But, even if it is true, it isn't the resources one has, it is how one uses them. You use yours the best way you know how, I use mine the best way I know how which means, we are both maximizers by default driven by our desires. You seem to think you are doing a good job of using the resources available to you, I seem to think I am. But, if you are trying to convince me otherwise, your approach isn't working.
To reward content (other than a pat on the back) takes SP and this means buying in or earning it. If earning it, this takes distribution. if those with SP don't distribute, not much happens. The big picture you talk of is facilitated by people holding the steem they earn as SP and using it to reward content. I do that, do you? Instead of reading, answering and rewarding comments, and instead of reading and rewarding posts. I can instead just find 5 people to upvote and save my attention for more important things like watching TV.
The funny thing is that you are arguing with someone who does their best to engage and reward and improve the Steem experience for as many as possible. Are you working for your own ideals or is the expectation that it is only other people who must live to your own ideals?
The pool is distributed proportionally on Vests and again you ignore the ~35,000,000 SP that is paid to vote every 2.4 hours and maximize 24 hours a day. there are ~8500 accounts with more than 500 SP (you aren't one of them and combined they have less than all of the bidbots by 50%. If the whales, orcas and dolphins stop voting, the minnows will hae more access to a pool for about 7 days before the bidbots commandeer more and more of it until they have near all as they will grow in vests a hell of a lot faster than the minnows.
You draw lines around things and ignoring the reality. I am really tired of this conversation as it goes around in a circular thinking motion. It is not for me.
it is many things for many people. you might see it as a social media site, I do not, that is just one facet of it.
lol. you do understand what Steem is don't you? separating the financial aspects of the platform fundamentally change the entire use case of the platform.
Which view of social media are you talking about? the user who's content is monetized or the shareholders? The advertisers who run their algorithms or the game creators like Farmville? Tell me, which part is the social media part and which isn't?