As long as Steem, (The Company/Blockchain), does not care about serial comment spammers with the same lines, the same gifs, the same memes, in the numbers of over 1000 comments on 1 post just to show they can do it and disrupt an individual post, then the cost of RC's will remain artificially high.
If an individual thinks the price of steem will be going up, then yes now could be a good time to buy, if an individual thinks the price will continue downward then they have to decide how far it will go on the low side, and what their particular risk factor is.
From a business point of view it is a very difficult thing for the company, they want to retain as much value for their product as they can. For a company piggybacking on the Steem Blockchain, they want to have as low a cost as possible, while still making a profit. (Steem Monsters/Drugwars games).
Businesses like partiko/e-steem and other onboarders/interface developers also want to be able to expand, they along with steemit can look toward the advertiser segment for additional revenue. (they already have a built in advertisement of their product in each and every comment).
I believe Steem (the company), is adverse to advertisers because of the fear of them trying to do like they have on other large social media and that is control the message. ex: "if you do not pull that video, we will pull our advertising support", type scenario.
So to lower the cost of RC's for comments they need to try to take action against the spam accounts, but then they risk the cry of censorship from unknowing and/or bad actors using steemit front end.
One way to prevent this flashback it to give everyone the right to completely block who they want from their account, and I mean fully block, that they can not vote/comment or flag their post, and likewise they would not be able to vote, flag, or comment on that person's post. Neither would see the other person post. (Length of time would be set for 1 year with no method to undo it until that year is up).
That solution however would not really work. New accounts would just be opened, and there would be other ways and means around it. So the high cost of RC's for comments and post will likely always be there, will likely go up, and like any other tax that has ever been implemented will not go away, even if there is a revolution.
Please help us engage with you by properly distinguishing between Steem (the blockchain) and Steemit, Inc. (the company).
Also, every spammer would block steemcleaners.
I like this idea. Like it VERY MUCH.
SPAM is #1 problem, and must be fight by all means
That is a great idea and would stop the problem!
Dear @bashadow
I just had a pleasure to read this old comment. Just wanted to let you know. I appreciate you taking time to share your thoughts with us.
Seriously respect for your amazing comment.
Greetings friend @bashadow.
If what you want is to fight against spamming, then keeping prices low is the worst strategy.
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.
I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.
For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?
They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.
Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link:
Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.