Many think that life is unfair. I prefer to say that it is often contradictory.
In its dynamics it poses a constant decision making. Success is determined according to the goals we achieve. According to what you think is most important. So you can say that you succeeded or you say you got frustrated.
We all hope to get out of this recessive tunnel where the STEEM / SBD price is.
Many of us are storing steem as well as squirrels store hazelnuts. We hope that a stroke of luck brings that long-awaited change and thus see how our savings multiply.
And it's not bad. It is a totally valid option.
But we have not thought about the fact that the coin has two sides. When the balance tilts in our favor, it is because the other side is not doing very well.
By this I mean the newbies. The new users
But not to those new users who, immediately after being created their account, are delegated a large amount of SP by their sponsors or by their creator parents.
Nor do I mean those new users who have the ability to buy Steem and make Power Up their account.
I refer to those users, who are mostly from underdeveloped countries, where access to foreign currency is very difficult and who have sought in cryptography a relief to their economic situation.

Let's recap a little
Recently I read an article stating that we were in a good time to buy steem.
We do not have to be experts to know this. We should only consider certain indicator factors and we can easily notice it.
First, current prices allow it.
But there is also the fact that the platform is investing in improving performance (MIRA / RocksDB), reducing costs and improving the user experience in dapps and portals by simplifying coding, eliminating dependence on active keys. In the same way, the initial login process has been simplified, eliminating the code that is not necessary in the wallet (Condenser / Wallet Split).
More information here
The proliferation of Dapps on the steem chain has stimulated adoption. In personal judgment, I consider it an investment window since users are encouraged to buy steem to play.
Examples of this are the Dapps "MagicDice", "SmartSteem", "DrugWar" and "SteemMonster" which have a large number of followers and are moving considerable amounts of tokens.

This demonstrates the confidence that Blockchain Steem generates in investors. Therefore we can assure that the time of the fat cows will come again.

The Newbies
In the current times, although it is advisable to buy steem, it is also the best time to open new accounts and make power up them on, because what will happen to new users when they start steemit wanting to make many great publications and realize that with an initial delegation of 15 SP that "lends" steemit can only do a couple of post a week?
So, without a "sponsor" that SP delegates to them they will have to buy steem.
Let's analyze the costs a little
To make more than a couple of publications and be able to socialize by answering comments an account should have at least 50 SP.
With current prices this represents about 16.5 USD.

Without being ambitious, suppose a scenario where prices reach 50% of the historical maximum 1 STEEM = 4 USD.
Now make power up a new account with 50 SP would cost approximately 200 USD.
This amount is simply unattainable for the majority of the population of South American countries. Especially considering that those who seek to register in steemit, are looking for ways to generate an extra income of money that allows them to buy food.
We would have to do a survey to have a clearer idea of the number of South Americans and Central Americans that are in steemit. But when we see the entries in writing, art and music contests, we easily notice the presence of Latin Americans.

From the HF2.0 steemit implemented the Resource Credits (RC).
This action has been seen and analyzed by detractors and sympathizers.
While it is true that now users are more aware of the use of their resources when commenting or doing resteem, it is also true that many are living a hell in their struggle with low CR.
Currently some have been able to acquire small amounts of steem, but could not do so with a price of 1 STEEM = 4USD.
This would cause massive defection of users.
It is necessary for Steemit to review and edit the RC calculation algorithm.
A solution must be achieved for new users and stimulate adoption. Perhaps a higher initial delegation could help a lot.
We all want and hope that the price of the steem goes up. But the balance is tilted and it is the weakest who are harmed.

@crypto.piotr has set 3.000 STEEM bounty on this post!
Bounties are a new way you can earn rewards irrespective of you Steem Power. Go here to learn how bounties work.
Earn the bounty by commenting what you think the bounty creator wants to know from you.
Find more bounties here and become a bounty hunter.
Happy Rewards Hunting!
Thank you @steem-bounty. Thank you @crypto.piotr.
@eturnerx has added 2.990 STEEM of bounty on this post!
cuentas con mi apoyo
interesting article
thank you
Thank you Sir.. is great
Posted using Partiko Android
I have been saying that they killed the system with the RCs since they came out for exactly this reason. You are 100% correct and the fact that they can't see that just makes them blind. Most people have stopped coming and for the few that do, they leave really really fast. No one will pay to make their voice heard.
A broad social platform will never develop as long as people are limited to so few comments a day. It is insulting and elitist to think that people owe you to speak their mind.
I realize they did this to stop spam and they will tell themselves that they are succeeding. That's true, and if they had NO users then I guarantee them they will have NO spam. I guess you get what you deserve after all.
I have given up on trying to help them. I either get no where with the people I know in power, ignored by the ones I don't know, or ridiculous defense of the system by the blind worshipers. I don't care anymore frankly because the people in power don't do a damn thing to reach out to the actual users. (yes they have their workgroups of career buttkissers, but that is going to be more of the same logic since those people basically do what they have been trained to do)
Anyways, since you donated 0.02 steem to get your message heard, I thought I'd stop by and give you my respect since it is a very good point you are making. I hope you win some people over and I will help if I'm ever asked by people that can make a difference.
Best of luck and again very good post!
They would be wrong in this as Asher showed in one of his post highlighting a post with in excess of 1700 comments that were spam. The only people allowed to spam on steemit are those that have sufficient steem power to do it.
Yes I've noticed this too... On one post I saw today, there were at least 10 well written lengthy robot-generated spam comments highlighting the virtues of understanding how to use the steemit system properly. Man that was so much better than the traditional "good post" spam of the past. I was thinking how awesome it is now that the spammers are rich articulate people now instead of poor 2-word users. This is really a major improvement, so I'm super shocked that the subscriber numbers haven't shot through the roof yet. ;)
Dear @davemccoy
I just had a pleasure to read this old comment. Just wanted to let you know. I appreciate you taking time to share your thoughts with me.
I'm happy to and thank you for taking the time to let me know your thoughts too!
Oh they can see it my good friend @davemccoy they are just blinded by all the btc they are rolling in while we are the pawns earning a crypto in cents
Posted using Partiko Android
Hey nice to see you again @neddykelly! And yes I think you are very much right... Too bad they couldn't look out further in time and see the opportunity to do it right.
Dear @neddykelly
Thank you for your kind comment and for accepting my invitation to Juan's publication. Thx for sharing.
I'm not sure if I ever mentioned (probably I did) but I'm helping group of friends win 1st place in small contest. Is there any chance you could help out and open this link to dpoll?
And drop a vote on SteemChurch.
I would absolutely appreciate it.
You work is going up to the steem heavens.
Thank you for all you and all your friends have been doing for this community.
More power to your elbows.
All of you.
I just can mention everyone.@crypto.piotr God bless you. @juanmolina @steem-bounty @eturnerx @davemccoy @neddykelly @cryptogee @bashadow
Thanks for the mention big rig
Posted using Partiko Android
Hey @crypto.piotr hi mate, I always judge a user on their actions. I do feel that this is the second encounter inviting me to some unforseen place and I think it will be the last. A man can only handle so much spam.
Unfortunately I also won't be dropping a vote on steem Church as I have no interest. On the other hand If you want to find me on steem shamans I'll be more than happy enlightening you on the afterlife 😂😂😂
Posted using Partiko Android
Steem shamans? That made me laugh!
Yes, could be a nice gathering of ancient souls... Looking at healing ones own ancestral karma...
Posted using Partiko Android
So have you created the place or are you just dreaming of it. Sounds like this dude is not doing too great with his church here as he just spam every single part of this thread! Granted most shamans are not like churches looking for a hand out. LOL
Dear @neddykelly
I would like to thank you for your comment. Somehow I missed it and had a pleasure to read it a seconds ago.
Im very sorry for that amount of spam I created. Hope no offence is taken.
I lost you here.
All is good buddy... That time has passed now..
Yes steem shamans. Funny aren't I? It was my invite gifted towards you. After u gifted me a steem Church invite. Are we on the same page yet
Posted using Partiko Android
You got my vote for that comment.
I've had discussions with people, enough to understand where they are coming from and I tend to feel much the way you do.
You summed up my thinking in this one paragraph, I quite literally couldn't have put it better myself.
Our only hope is for a game like Steemmonsters, Drugwars or some other new game to become the flagship representative for the Steem blockchain.
That's exactly why I spend so much time lately on learning these things. I think the social side is going nowhere and rudderless, so hopefully we can catch a break with a game to lite the fire!
And thank you for the nice compliment! :)
Here's hoping! :-)
Dear @cryptogee
I only had a chance to read your old comment just now. I appreciate you taking time to share your thoughts with me.
Greetings friend @davemccoy.
It's like putting a gag in each user's mouth.
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.
I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.
For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?
They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.
Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link: https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@theycallmedan/which-steem-project-should-i-delegate-20k-steempower-to-for-1-year/
Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.
I did vote as you said, I have a lot of respect for @votovzla and like the way you write... Thank you for the great blog article and I hope you manage the situation as best as you can!
Thank you very much dear friend.
They are not paying 200 usd to have their voice heard. they are investing in steem, and can always cash them out. Hopefully having earned even more steem.
I guess it depends on what you think Steemit is... If its an investment vehicle, then your point is valid. If its a social network, then my point is valid. I guess 2 people can look at the same platform and see it for 2 different purposes.
Maybe it would help if the people that run it, would make it clear to the users just what this is supposed to be. ;)
Dear @davemccoy
I just had a pleasure to read this old comment. Just wanted to let you know. I appreciate you taking time to share your thoughts with me.
I think some people will pay so their voice will be heard but therefore a better platform is needed. To be honest it is a chaos or mess or even a bit trashy over here. It is very hard to find (what I call) good content.
So if you pay and find out after paying hoe messy or useless it is for your goals you will leave. If you have no connection with others you will so too.
Paying will not stimulate to be here, neither will a free account.
Posted using Partiko Android
Paying is already here isn't it? Aren't they called bid bots
Posted using Partiko Android
As long as Steem, (The Company/Blockchain), does not care about serial comment spammers with the same lines, the same gifs, the same memes, in the numbers of over 1000 comments on 1 post just to show they can do it and disrupt an individual post, then the cost of RC's will remain artificially high.
If an individual thinks the price of steem will be going up, then yes now could be a good time to buy, if an individual thinks the price will continue downward then they have to decide how far it will go on the low side, and what their particular risk factor is.
From a business point of view it is a very difficult thing for the company, they want to retain as much value for their product as they can. For a company piggybacking on the Steem Blockchain, they want to have as low a cost as possible, while still making a profit. (Steem Monsters/Drugwars games).
Businesses like partiko/e-steem and other onboarders/interface developers also want to be able to expand, they along with steemit can look toward the advertiser segment for additional revenue. (they already have a built in advertisement of their product in each and every comment).
I believe Steem (the company), is adverse to advertisers because of the fear of them trying to do like they have on other large social media and that is control the message. ex: "if you do not pull that video, we will pull our advertising support", type scenario.
So to lower the cost of RC's for comments they need to try to take action against the spam accounts, but then they risk the cry of censorship from unknowing and/or bad actors using steemit front end.
One way to prevent this flashback it to give everyone the right to completely block who they want from their account, and I mean fully block, that they can not vote/comment or flag their post, and likewise they would not be able to vote, flag, or comment on that person's post. Neither would see the other person post. (Length of time would be set for 1 year with no method to undo it until that year is up).
That solution however would not really work. New accounts would just be opened, and there would be other ways and means around it. So the high cost of RC's for comments and post will likely always be there, will likely go up, and like any other tax that has ever been implemented will not go away, even if there is a revolution.
Please help us engage with you by properly distinguishing between Steem (the blockchain) and Steemit, Inc. (the company).
Also, every spammer would block steemcleaners.
I like this idea. Like it VERY MUCH.
SPAM is #1 problem, and must be fight by all means
That is a great idea and would stop the problem!
Dear @bashadow
I just had a pleasure to read this old comment. Just wanted to let you know. I appreciate you taking time to share your thoughts with us.
Seriously respect for your amazing comment.
Greetings friend @bashadow.
If what you want is to fight against spamming, then keeping prices low is the worst strategy.
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.
I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.
For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?
They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.
Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link: https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@theycallmedan/which-steem-project-should-i-delegate-20k-steempower-to-for-1-year/
Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.
What nonsense your are all talking here. ?
What are you smoking ???
Look at me , at my account. I have 0 SP.
YEP, that's right , Zero.
ZERO !!!
Yet I can still write this comment. And you can read this , right?
You think I'm a liar. Look Here:
0SP; 3M RC https://steemd.com/@jonukas
How on earth I can write this comment ?
I just wonder why you are missleading people, stating wrong things. "a couple posts per week " ???
The truth is this:
And this mean 6-7 posts/comments PER DAY.
Yes, 15SP is not huge, but it just feeds the basic needs right.
20-25 SP would be enough for super active, experienced newbie.
And this is half of your stated minimum of 50. And half of the money named.
This is really a fascinating issue. And it WILL define our blockchain in the future. What is really going to blow your mind is that there is not enough steem, nor will there be for MANY YEARS for each user of reddit to have 1.
That's right, there's not enough steem for everybody to have one! (Luckily it's divisible to the eighth digit, just like bitcoin).
The real answer to your question about RC's lies in something I read from blocktrades during the development and discussion surrounding RocksDB. The cost of any action, in resource credits, is relative. We can make these things as cheap as we want by increasing and expanding infrastructure. Future users , should they find themselves on a populous blockchain of millions of users, will not need nearly as much steem to post a comment as we do today.
to treat steem as a social media site. Here's the thing though, steem is not a social media blockchain. It just happens to have one built on top of it.Secondly, there are plenty of RC's to go around, currently most of it goes unused. If new users want to use steem blockchain as a social media site, they will need patronage. I delegate to new users, @crypto.piotr does, hundreds of other users do, and none of us come close to the amount of new user delegations steemit inc does. Its what we do because its necessary
Going forward, each dapp, each use case of steem will have to deal with RC's a little differently, depending on their exact case.
Thirdly, and finally, in the larger scheme of things, it is not even clear that everyone needs their own account. The @ifc competition allows entry by email, @steemnova pays out in steem but doesn't require a steem account, and other solutions are being developed (or at least I'm working on one) that allows everyday queryers to ask questions through a centralized site, which will post vetted questions to the steem blockchain with a single account. Only expert answerers will need accounts to get paid, but later even they will be able to submit their answers 'offsite' without an account.
In conclusion, there is an uncomfortability around RC's that have to do with them being very different from how we are used to interacting with the internet. @crypto.piotr's example of tyson.com clearly demonstrates this. But this is far from a problem, its actually a feature, a misunderstood feature of the steem chain, that will require some creative thinking as we go forward.
Most of the apocalyptic fears involving scaling are unfounded, and will solve themselves with hardware upgrades, some of which already in the works.
Interesting thoughts.. When I made our game open to email I was trying to get players from outside of steem to play, though with RC issue it could be a way for newer steem users with low RC to play and not burn up what they have for posting. Hmm.. Never thought of that before, but that's a good angle to consider and be aware of in the future!
I think one of the important things you brought up here @ecoinstant is that this entire system is more adjustable and flexible than most people believe. Part of what you said here also brings to mind something else I keep thinking about: "Investing" in Steem — aka "holding some Steem coins"* — always seems to be automatically associated with being ACTIVE in one of the Steem front ends.
I think people put a lot of misplaced emphasis on this notion that investing is synonymous with creating income, but the vast majority of conventional investing actually consists of someone buying an asset and simply holding it passively for five years, in expectation of capital appreciation. And so, not everyone needs their own account, AND people simply holding Steem for the long term effectively help drive the price up by reducing active circulating supply.
Dear @ecoinstant
I just had a pleasure to read this old comment. Just wanted to let you know. I appreciate you taking time to share your thoughts with us.
Seriously respect for your amazing comment.
Hello @crypto.piotr! I thank you for reaching out, no matter how long it takes, its great to hear back from you! I appreciate your comments and your memos, I always try to take some time to visit the different interesting topics you have for me, and offer what I can from my own perspective.
steemlogs.info), and have just released this announcement post. There is still a lot of work to do, but we are on a roll now, and I would appreciate any comments you could offer. If you think it is worthy to recommend to your network, I would happily cover the cost of any memos.Now, I have a favor to ask of you! We are finally beginning the public part of our journey with @steemlogs web app (available now on
Please let me know your thoughts either way!
Dear @ecoinstant
That's very kind of you. Always appreciate your support.
Lovely :) I love new ideas and challenges. Your project does seem to have potential. I just wonder if listing all recent published posts is the only way to use it so far? Or does it have more functions I didn't discover yet? :)
The only problem I see is the fact that I've send memos lately (you received it too) saying that it was my last memo this month. So I really cannot be much of help for next few days.
Perhaps I could help you with next publication? Maybe you could promote @steemlogs on your own account (@ecoinstant) and I would bring traffic to this publication? What do you think?
ps. would you happen to have telegram? getting in touch via telegram could make our communication more efficient (I tried discord but I found it so very messy and I seriously hate that platform).
Dear @ecoinstant thanks for your valuable comment.
I am not a supporter of this type of "hybrid" applications.
They want to make a new proposal but develop it on an existing blockchain. They even propose their own tokens even though they can adopt an STM.
It seems to me that they somehow weaken steem, or at least they do not contribute to its strengthening.
Yours, Juan.
Check out @ifc, there is nothing hybrid about it. Your point, perhaps, referring to dlive, is understood, but if your definition of what steem is is too strict that too weakens the value of steem.
i agree with you dear friend.
The ifc isn't really an application, it's more of a contest and community. Some day it'd be cool to turn it into an application. However the intent of opening it up to non steem users was partly to encourage more people to sign up for steem. And if they are unwilling to make an account it still brings more attention to steem to people who are unfamiliar with it because this is our homebase and we mention it and talk about it often.
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.Greetings friend @apolymask.
I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.
For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?
They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.
Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link: https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@theycallmedan/which-steem-project-should-i-delegate-20k-steempower-to-for-1-year/
Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.
Most users who have accumulated Steem before HF20 won't realize how hard it is to start in Steemit nowadays. On the other hand, new users of Steemit should know it's an investment platform and investing in Steemit could actually give you a fruitful return in the long term. If we have friends and people whom we want to invite here, we must be able to share to them these facts about Steemit and it's up to us how we support their onboarding. I, for one, does not want the way it was before that people thought it was all for free, you need to be realistic and know that you need to invest and that helps the ecosystem as a whole.
I do not agree with you that those who start new have a harder time. I started before HF20 and after it I had a very hard time. I could post every 24hrs once or reply once or twice and nowhere I could find back the reason why.
Big chance that is the reason why so many old Steemians gave up on it. I still do not see any benefit of it. Spam, scammers and bad content is still there. If you pay you are in, are popular, if you write and respond... less chance.
Posted using Partiko Android
Sad but true.
Dear @mermaidvampire
I only had a chance to read your old comment just now. I appreciate you taking time to share your thoughts with us.
Enjoy your weekend,
Greetings friend @mermaidvampire.
I consider that the HF20 caused real "damage" to the platform.
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.
I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.
For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?
They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.
Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link: https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@theycallmedan/which-steem-project-should-i-delegate-20k-steempower-to-for-1-year/
Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.
Dear @mermaidvampire
Thank you for your kind comment and for accepting my invitation to Juan's publication. Thx for sharing.
I'm not sure if I ever mentioned (probably I did) but I'm helping group of friends win 1st place in small contest. Is there any chance you could help out and open this link to dpoll?
And drop a vote on SteemChurch.
I would absolutely appreciate it.
this onboarding problem is not going unnoticed. yes it is a problem. yes something needs to be done. some say they dont care about the user thats not willing to pay for their account, the problem I have with that is we dont have enought adaption yet to take that attitude.
There are many small programs out there offering delegation to new users. I just launch a new initative myself https://steemit.com/steem/@paulag/free-sp-delegation-for-steem-newbies-details-inside
Admirable work what you do, woman!
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.Greetings friend @paulag.
I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.
For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?
They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.
Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link: https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@theycallmedan/which-steem-project-should-i-delegate-20k-steempower-to-for-1-year/
Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.
hi @juanmolina, thanks for letting me know about your efforts to win delegation. I understand Venezuela is going though difficult times, and so I have already given a vote to a project from this region. I wish you massive luck with your campeign
Thank you very much, dear @paulag.
I loved it.
It's not that easy as it might sound. Nobody has enough resources to hand out 50SP to every new user.
At some point I've created a Proof of Engagement based Resource Credits boost: Power Up for hyperactive newbies! which added some gamification. It would be awesome to implement it as a part of most popular front-ends (you are active? perform some tasks to get short-term boost in your RC).
me on the Steem.ChatWhile "the promo" is no longer there, I'm still willing to #help newbies, all they need to do is to reach out to
One of the ideas was to separate delegations of Resource Credits from Steem Power delegation, but eventually there were other priorities on the table.
Why separate? Because we don't malicious actors to game the system and milk reward pool (Think about 10k accounts, with 50SP each)
Hey @gtg, I have a question for you to ponder. Why don't they just make the "price" one pays to make comments lower so the RC issue ceases to be a problem? I'm sure they can price a comment however they want, so why set it so high that it deters someone ever getting started? If you want to milk people for other things (RC-usage wise), then it could make up for it. But to create a system where people can't make more than a handful of comments a day seems ludicrous for a social network platform. Its actually an anti-social action that is repelling newbies from ever taking hold.
That's not easy task to solve either. Lower cost for comments means more risk to spam the blockchain. At the same time I fully agree that it can be a huge repelling factor.
I'm a huge fan of gamification and I think that proper handling it on UI/UX side of things would help a lot. While playing Diablo, ages ago, nobody was repelled by the fact that your hero couldn't do much at the beginning and had to rest, and be more careful with every step.
Currently the only people that can spam the blockchain are those with high resources credits. I would rather we went back to the Nice Post two word spam comments, that everyone could make, than the 100+ Meme spams on one post, which only the large SP holders can make, most of which are disgusting.
First thanks for the reply... and I'm with @bashadow on his comment to this, I had no big issues with the 2 word spam in relation to the spam that comes from those with RCs to burn. I think while it was a noble attempt to reduce spam, they went way too far and killed the patient. Without new users, this will be a very limited social site. Which is ok if that is what they want I guess. Again, thanks for the reply!
Dear @gtg
Seriously I enjoy your little discussion you're having here.
Your previous post 'Proof of Engagement based Resource Credits boost' definitely brought my attention.
Anyway thx for sharing your opinion and I wanted to ask you for small favor. Could you help me and Juan?
Also would you be kind to support @steemchurch and help them win 20k delegation?
Competition is really fierce in that contest and a moment ago we were just behind SteemitBloggers:
Perhaps you could ask around your friends if they wouldn't mind support our small initiative.
I would be very grateful :)
Link to contest:
(vote on Steemchurch)
I don't know enough about it to make informed decision so I would rather pass on it.
Dear @gtg
Thank you for your kind comment and for accepting my invitation to Juan's publication. Thx for sharing.
I'm not sure if I ever mentioned (probably I did) but I'm helping group of friends win 1st place in small contest. Is there any chance you could help out and open this link to dpoll?
And drop a vote on SteemChurch.
I would absolutely appreciate it.
Yes, I've already heard about it, but as mentioned before, I would rather let others decide.
By the way, I'm not a fan of delegations as ways of supporting communities as that can easily lead to degradation of quality.
(IMHO better way is to empower manual curation efforts, not by direct delegations, but using
instead (or similar projects)).Dear @gtg
I just had a pleasure to read this old comment. Just wanted to let you know. I appreciate you taking time to share your thoughts with us.
Seriously respect for your amazing comment.
Greetings friend @gtg.
I congratulate you and I admire you for your initiative in helping new users. You are big!
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.
I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.
For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?
They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.
Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link: https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@theycallmedan/which-steem-project-should-i-delegate-20k-steempower-to-for-1-year/
Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.
Thank you.
As for the contest, I don't know enough about it to make informed decision so I would rather pass on it.
I've been here since August 2016 and I would just like more clarity on how the payouts work. There are some tools I used to use that I loved but many are broken right now. There wasn't really much communication going on about how Steve it worked but I've spent most of my time here posting about that. With all the dapps being built right now steemit 3.0 is going to be something great, if users power up and give. If people are just draining the rewards pool and not reinvesting it is a disservice to the blockchain. I would love to see more information about how payouts are structured currently with the hard Fork, apparently you need to wait half an hour before uploading a post, and education on how Keys work to authorize steemconnect and other safe ways to use steam it without risking your keys. I am preparing to launch my own steam engine token I would like your opinion on whether this side chain is a token solution or how is that smart media token thing coming along? I am thankful for your thoughts on resource credits, and I think of that one to $4 is a very reasonable price for steem, if people knew the value of what we are working on here it could easily be a $30 coin. I for one do not mind $18 steam dollars or $10 Steam.

Thank you very much for commenting on my post.
You have just raised a series of very important points.
I am also very curious to know how the payments are structured.
When we make a publication we can see, for example, that we accumulate $ 10 in reward. But when the time comes to receive the payment, then we get other amounts. I am aware that it is also contributed to the SP but Steemit changes the distribution very frequently.
Sometimes we receive the whole in SBD, other times the payment is shared between SBD and STEEM.
I really know where the parameters of this policy are published.
I have the idea to investigate that topic and expose it in a next post.
Thanks for coming appreciated @darkflame.
You are very welcome! Check out my latest post
i´m pleased to do it
Dear @darkflame
I just had a pleasure to read this old comment. Just wanted to let you know. I appreciate you taking time to share your thoughts with us.
Seriously respect for your amazing comment.
When I made my account, I had no one delegate SP to me other than the default from making a SteemIt account. It took effort and time to earn the Steem and SP I have now. Writing for other SteemIt blogs, and putting thoughtful comments on @chbartist 's posts helped me earn Steem and SP. Free money websites also helped me grow my account. Recently, the DrugWars game, Steemeum, and Actifit are other ways I use to grow my SteemIt.
I highly encourage self-upvoting to grow your account, even if you are a whale! I am against bots that flag you for self-upvoting. We should have the right to be selfish with our SP, or generous with our SP! If you start downvoting me or flagging me for this controversial opinion, you are a bully who wants to restrict my earnings and ability to share my thoughts to others.
I think earning resource credits should be level based. The higher level the more difficult it is to obtain more resource credits. The difficulty would correlate with the amount of SP a user has as in it would take more SP to receive a certain amount of resource credits the higher the level, and less SP the lower the level of the user. SteemIt users with low resource credits or SP should get more options to earn SP without paying out of pocket.
Posted using Partiko Android
I personally believe whales should give chances to newbies like you to grow first instead of self-upvote.
I have heard many stories of it who abused the reward pool for their own lifestyle as priority and that is why the flag wars started.
This platform is about community and creativity.
I am sure that when a whale gives himself / herself a 20-80 set (20% for self upvote and 80% to help reward others in the great community to help everyone benefit) there would not have a flag war at the first place.
I personally for one do not favour 100% selfishness.
However I agree with your RC ideas. The higher the whales are the harder for them to earn more RC or the faster they will deplete their RC , especially for self-upvotes.
Best Regards
Daily Bread Food Bank
Agree with the self-voting thing. Steem is like a bank account with interest on your savings, only with Steem you are able to do interesting new things with that interest and if you're inactive socially you don't receive your interest. When we fund an account we receive a certain amount of votes in relation to how much of the network we bought. We paid for those votes, we are entitled to them, regardless how we choose to use them.
This is why I am so against flagging. You paid for your votes and others have the power to mute your votes that you paid to have. This is terrible.
Interest rates in banks are all the same.
You are referring more to share market. Unfortunately most whales tend to wreck the market with huge withdrawals.
I believe from most of the comments here, they are mostly money driven and ROI instead of community platform view for Steemit.
Best regards
Daily Bread Food Bank.
Hello dear @lightestoideas.
Thanks for comment.
Yours, Juan.This idea should be passed on by the engineers of @steem.
You're welcome! Thanks for sharing to the Steem Staff. -Ting
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.Greetings friend @lightestofideas.
I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.
For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?
They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.
Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link: https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@theycallmedan/which-steem-project-should-i-delegate-20k-steempower-to-for-1-year/
Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.
I absolutely agree with this @juanmolina. Another reason behind this is that, not every newbie finds it very practical to invest in steemit as they are not assured of the income returns and are still finding their way in the community.
However, it is also very practical for steemit to limit the RC of newbies but, not that limited that they cannot perform any functions at all. My experience was that I need to wait 2 whole days before I can post my next content because it takes that long for me to recharge.
Without sponsors- which is hard to get and come by because of limited exposures, newbies gets "drowned", frustrated and, will finally decide to leave.
Greetings friend @nurseanne84.
This is the most worrying thing. We do not want steemit to become a ghost town.
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.
I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.
For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?
They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.
Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link: https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@theycallmedan/which-steem-project-should-i-delegate-20k-steempower-to-for-1-year/
Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.
unfortunately, you are too late @juanmolina. I casted my vote a few days ago and, I voted for @steemitbloggers- a content creator group. However, as for your other advocates, I do want you to know that I am very much interested to support you in any way that I can.
Thank you very much.
We all know that only whales are making money on Steem. And they are earning from the posts of minnows and new user sign ups. Steemit is an oligarchy.
I don't know that.
I am a dolphin (and was a redfish and minnow), and I make and have made, money on Steem. Ergo, not only whales make money on Steem.
In fact the most money I ever made in my entire life was while I was a minnow I won @papa-pepper's Daily Selfie Contest. @Papa-Pepper is a dolphin level account.
Let me guess, you were a minnow when Steem was at $6.
Posted using Partiko Android
I'm interested where you are going with this, so I'll bite.
I became a minnow with steem around $1.75 and became a dolphin with steem at 27 cents. Thus I was a minnow when steem peaked, though I didn't get a chance to sell any at that time.
Your point is?
Everyone who says only whales make money here demonstrate they have no faith on the future of their holdings. 100 Steem valued at .30 US each doesn't feel like much (30.00). If 5-10 years from now it is worth 100.00 each that 30.00 valuation is now 10,000.00 US. That's only 100 Steem. Start adding zeros to that and it doesn't take much imagination to see what can be.
The potential for it is good, and I would ask how much Eth/Bitcoin/whatever alt is out there to get on a daily basis for posting, commenting and upvoting to those who complain on how quickly they can obtain it here. But, you can't get anyone to see something that they refuse to see.
Dear @practicalthought
I only had a chance to read your old comment just now. I appreciate you taking time to share your thoughts with us.
Enjoy your weekend,
Hi @ecoinstant
I was also curious what was his point? @ond? Would you mind sharing?
I mean it's impossible for the average user to earn Steem. No matter how much you try, how often you post or what kind of posts you write. The only people earning Steem are the Top 100. They have thousands of followers (many of them dead accounts of course) and keep getting new followers because when a new user is exposed to the same posts everyday promoted by these whales and see these people have thousands of followers, they will follow too. And it's shocking to me that the top 100 users have more power than all the others combined. Just take a look at the statistics. And many of them don't care about the network, just about their money. And they need new users in order to keep that money and not lose value. There are of course some initiatives trying to help minnows and promote new users. But most of them are very expensive for the average new user. So we see dolphins and whales again using these services and bots.
Regards appreciated @ond.
All the opinions that can be found on the internet about blockchain, coincide in their democratic and transparent characteristic.
Steemit is blockchain.
Then your comment:
If you are so unhappy with the politics of the platform, maybe this is not the best scenario for you.
But I love your frankness. People like you are necessary in life.
I´ll follow you starting now.
Thanks for your comment.
Yours, Juan.
Steemit is in no way based upon quality of work, it is in most cases about playing a game which is biased towards intelligence and wealth. This also then brings in to play bias based on someones geographical location.
As you pointed out in your original and excellent post, the people who need the extra income Steem can bring into their lives are often at the most disadvantaged in their starting position.
Steemit is barely different from off chain life. It is controlled by wealth. The more wealth someone has, the more they need the minnows to survive and work to keep the platform running.
The analogy I have made before is that justvthe same as in real life whales feed on plankton. No plankton, no whales which is why the carrot of tiny reward and the hope to make moremone day isnwhatbkeeps the minnows here and new members from joining but in 99% of cases it is nothing more than carrot and stick.
As for the RC question. Its easily remedied but won't be.
Sp is delegated, this is a loan and if 50SP were delegated to new accounts on a strict 90day time limit or when theybhave made 50SP whichever comes first. There shoukd be no powerdown or withdrawals until it is paid back and this would give new accounts the time to work hard, find their way around and grow. Giving a 15sp delegation with no time limit is nonsense and does nothing except dishesrten new users and ends up stuck in an unused account when the new user gives up. A definite time limit loan always goes back to the lender and so gets recirculated. How much delegsted SP is stuck for ever in hardly used accounts? Millions no doubt.
This solution is simple, effective and will sort out the serously committed new members from the joiners who come just to mess around.
Best wishes to all who have contributed to this great thread :-)Hi, great post and just to comment on @ond s comment. I think they generalised slightly on the 'only whales make money' comment. I'd suggest that only people with money make money here and without investment and support from big accounts, the new accounts go nowhere, get frustrated and quit. Even more so when they see the figures the top 'earners' on Steem are removing from the reward pool. Again, great post and thanks @crypto.piotr for bringing a great new writer to my attention.
The steemit delegations are removed on a per fraction basis as a user powers up. Earn 2 steem? You now have a 13 sp delegation.
My brother's account also showed me that they are removed for inactivity and 'snap back' when that person becomes active again. Much of what you say about delegation is based on assumptions that my experience are not true. I monitor the users to which I delegate, though not as efficiently as steemit inc.
Your point that is should be 50 and not 15 is interesting, and in my opinion they should use 15 to reach out and get 50. Check out @gtg's comment here.
Money talks, but in some senses steem is more democratic than anyplace off chain. Every SP counts. Its important to understand what steem is before we complain, that it is not something else.
Dear @nathen007
I just had a pleasure to read this old comment. Just wanted to let you know. I appreciate you taking time to share your thoughts with us.
Did you perhaps consider using "enter" from time to time? To separate blocks of texts? It would make it much easier to read.
Sorry mate! I get carried away and forget the formatting! Thanks for the tip :-)
Posted using Partiko Android
Dear @nathen007.
Thanks for those great ideas.
It is impressive to see how the mentality of everyone around this issue has been activated.
In the comments I received nomenos of 10 great ideas like yours that could solve the problem of novice RCs.
Yours, Juan.
Youre welcome my friend. There are also a lot of people happy to give 5 steem so they can buy a 90 day delegation of 50SP. :-)
Posted using Partiko Android
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.Greetings friend @nathen007.
I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.
For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?
They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.
Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link: https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@theycallmedan/which-steem-project-should-i-delegate-20k-steempower-to-for-1-year/
Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.
Dear @nathen007
I would like to thank you for accepting my invtation to Juan's post and for dropping by. Appreciate your reply.
We're received more comments than I ever expected and reading it all will take me some time :)
I'm not sure if I ever mentioned (probably I did) but I'm helping group of friends win 1st place in small contest. Is there any chance you could help out and open this link to dpoll?
And drop a vote on SteemChurch.
I would absolutely appreciate it.
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.Greetings friend @ond.
I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show their delivery of food throughout the territory. Also giving his vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.
For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?
We are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.
Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link: https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@theycallmedan/which-steem-project-should-i-delegate-20k-steempower-to-for-1-year/
Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.
Dear @ond
I would like to thank you for accepting my invtation to Juan's post and for dropping by. Appreciate your reply.
We're received more comments than I ever expected and reading it all will take me some time :)
I'm not sure if I ever mentioned (probably I did) but I'm helping group of friends win 1st place in small contest. Is there any chance you could help out and open this link to dpoll?
And drop a vote on SteemChurch.
I would absolutely appreciate it.
Dear @practicalthought
I would like to thank you for accepting my invtation to Juan's post and for dropping by. Appreciate your reply.
We're received more comments than I ever expected and reading it all will take me some time :)
I'm not sure if I ever mentioned (probably I did) but I'm helping group of friends win 1st place in small contest. Is there any chance you could help out and open this link to dpoll?
And drop a vote on SteemChurch.
I would absolutely appreciate it.
RC limits are an issue, though its possible to do with what we're initially allocated. With that said, I think the delegation, by Steemit, works as a way to curb the underprivileged behavior on the platform. Growing is slow, but it forces people to figure out if they really want to do this.
The problem I see is that crypto currency is being viewed as an investment tool more than a form of currency. Not everyone wants to invest, but we all need to earn. Like buying and selling money, earning a gain with crypto currency is slow and marginal.
Now, if people were earning more Steem, we could perform more transactions and make this the dominant crypto economy. More transactions mean better economy, which means a higher value coin. Note, as Steem is competing with real economies, since it's being valued against the dollar, it's price will only come to reflect that fact, so don't hold your breath waiting for the price to get back to $4 anytime soon.
All in all, Steemit should just increase the delegation to allow new users(not investors) to earn faster, so they can perform more on-platform transactions. And, Steemit.com should be the de-facto entry point for all entering the crypto world. : )
Dear @caliboycalwayne
Thank you for your kind comment and for accepting my invitation to Juan's publication. Thx for sharing.
I'm not sure if I ever mentioned (probably I did) but I'm helping group of friends win 1st place in small contest. Is there any chance you could help out and open this link to dpoll?
And drop a vote on SteemChurch.
I would absolutely appreciate it.
Way to go on your activeness :)@crypto.piotr you got it on Juan's publication. Thanks for the invite. Congrats on a successful conversation. I voted SteemChurch and upvoted this post to spread the love.
Greetings friend @caliboycalwayne.
Well said!
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.
I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.
For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?
They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.
Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link: https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@theycallmedan/which-steem-project-should-i-delegate-20k-steempower-to-for-1-year/
Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.
Congrats on a successful conversation! SteemChurch got my vote :)
Wishing you and all the best.
Thanks for your great friend @cryto.piotr for highlighting your post. I guess this is a very common and critical issue for newbie. We want to earn more through this free platform but rc becomes our restriction. And like you said newbies will ask for delegation from the creators. I guess to engage in community is a better way to grow our account. Strong and supportive community is deniftely what a newbie needs. Hopefully steem will grow in real soon. 👍
Posted using Partiko Android
Greetings friend @fruityexplorer.
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.
I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.
For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?
They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.
Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link: https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@theycallmedan/which-steem-project-should-i-delegate-20k-steempower-to-for-1-year/
Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.
Dear @fruityexplorer
Thank you for accepting my invitation to Juan publication and for sharing your thoughts. We're received more comments than I ever expected and reading it all will take me some time :)
I'm not sure if I ever mentioned (probably I did) but I'm helping group of friends win 1st place in small contest. Is there any chance you could help out and open this link to dpoll?
And drop a vote on SteemChurch.
I would absolutely appreciate it.
beautiful post wish to get some steem power
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.Greetings friend @usman119.
I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.
For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?
They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.
Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link: https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@theycallmedan/which-steem-project-should-i-delegate-20k-steempower-to-for-1-year/
Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.
Dear @usman119
Thank you for accepting my invitation to Juan publication and for sharing your thoughts. We're received more comments than I ever expected and reading it all will take me some time :)
I'm not sure if I ever mentioned (probably I did) but I'm helping group of friends win 1st place in small contest. Is there any chance you could help out and open this link to dpoll?
And drop a vote on SteemChurch.
I would absolutely appreciate it.
Thats why its value is sticked on this level and i do not see behind a project to involve people to come to invest here, our boss is Ned and he is just a big boy without experience in the real market and all apps are going without him approval, STM right now are creating in a totally anarchy conditions....:(((Dear @juanmolina, i agree with @crypto.piotr that now Steemit is really unfair with new users and i try to propose some way to delegate or recharging RC with advertise, but all words are going in the air, Steemit is like this and stop!
Dear @intellihandling
I just had a pleasure to read this old comment. Just wanted to let you know. I appreciate you taking time to share your thoughts with us.
Greetings friend @intellihandling.
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.
I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.
For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?
They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.
Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link: https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@theycallmedan/which-steem-project-should-i-delegate-20k-steempower-to-for-1-year/
Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.
Dear my friend, i already did It, i Will try to get more upvote from @steem-bounty family
Posted using Partiko Android
oh brother! thank you.
I appreciate it so much.
Well said. Even at this current price, there are those finding it difficult to purchase steem and power up.
Have you had a problem with Resource Credits?
Umm, though I have obawrved that my steem power has dropped, I cant really say cause I rarely comment and upvote these days.
It is a dramatic situation actually.
Wow. No tenia ni idea sobre el tema. Si había visto que se consumía muy rapido los RC cuando uno publicaba y comentaba, pero no lo había visto desde el punto de vista de los nuevos usuarios. Aunque supongo que ya debe haber mas de un millón de usuarios en Steemit?
Y este post ha hecho bastante eco y se ve en la cantidad de comentarios que ha acarreado. Excelente post.
Supongo que si se hace bastante presión, mejoraran las cosas con respecto al uso de los RC.
Wow. I had no idea about the subject. If I had seen that the RC was consumed very quickly when one published and commented, but I had not seen it from the point of view of the new users. Although I suppose there must already be more than one million users in Steemit?
And this post has made quite an echo and is seen in the number of comments it has brought. Excellent post
I suppose that if there is enough pressure, things will improve with respect to the use of RC.
Dear @jadams2k18
I just had a pleasure to read this old comment. Just wanted to let you know. I appreciate you taking time to share your thoughts with us.
Apreciado amigo mío!!!Greetings friend @jadams2k18.
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.
I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.
For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?
They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.
Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link: https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@theycallmedan/which-steem-project-should-i-delegate-20k-steempower-to-for-1-year/
Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.
Lo hice hace raaato. Velo tu mismo en, si es que puedes, esa pagina se pone super leeenta.
O es acaso que hay que votar cada semana?
Just one vote per user dear friend.
Thank you very much!
Yea, it's a whole mess this RC system. It doesn't affect me but it does to newcommers that have no money to invest and thats not fair.
In this new centralized change on our decentralized platform shouldn't it be so difficult to deal with spammers, isn't it?
I'm so confused these days on what is really going on over the platform despite the profuse posts out there... this "foundation" path seems quite tedious and I'm not so sure where it's going to lead us.
One thing is clear: we need to open community to newcommers paying "0$" or we will fail and of course they must be able to interact as much as they want with others. I understand that voting shouldn't be limited in anyway appart from the reward it "gives". A vote is a "like" in Facebook and other social networks, is another interaction interface for users.
Maybe with so many technical aspects around I'm talking nuts, but I only try and expose wat a normal user feels over a social platform.
Thanks so much for taking the time to ask for feedback and giving us a medited opinion on Steem.
Dear @drakernoise
I would like to thank you for accepting my invtation to Juan's post and for dropping by. Appreciate your reply.
We're received more comments than I ever expected and reading it all will take me some time :)
I'm not sure if I ever mentioned (probably I did) but I'm helping group of friends win 1st place in small contest. Is there any chance you could help out and open this link to dpoll?
And drop a vote on SteemChurch.
I would absolutely appreciate it.
It was a pleasure to put my bit, just voted, my best wishes for the team of SteemChurch.
Good insights thanks and you have new follower... I post every day and engage... seem to hover with the exact amount for almost a year LOL!! :) I figure, if I can keep enough to use the platform, that's great, and when advertisements start pummeling us I'll probably bounce then....
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.Greetings friend @kimmysomelove42.
I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.
For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?
They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.
Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link: https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@theycallmedan/which-steem-project-should-i-delegate-20k-steempower-to-for-1-year/
Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.
My answer is no. I have put in maybe $20 usd up until now. All the funds in my wallet are all from my work. I think it is still possible for those of us that don't have the funds to put in of our own. You have to know when the best time to post is and be consistent.
With the change to RC change it changes how you would go about starting. You would have to make sure you do 1 post a week , no matter what and it would have to be top notch everytime. 2 would be ideal. Yes engagement is key, but if it is going to prevent you from posting I would keep it low key as simple. Thank you.
Joining in contests that offer SBI as winnings. Most of the time you just have to do a post, which gives you content to post so you don't have to worry about that.
Joining groups like @pifc and @helpie which hold contests for SBI and also have post promotion boards.
It works though. You just HAVE to work to succeed. It's all in your goals and your mindset. I have a tiny delegation just to help with one of the groups I am in. Meanwhile I see others with over 2k in delegations and have only been on the platform for a month or so.
I would recommend a following a small curation trail to work on getting curation payouts. Don't vote for someone until after the 12 minute mark. There are a few things as far as this goes that needs some more at length explanation. You need to be signed up for @dustbunny or @dustsweeper if you're going to try this. I was making about 1 Steem a week when @dustsweeper started so to put that 1 Steem it was hard. When you're a smaller redfish, it lasts a while.
Don't get me wrong. I have been wishing I had the money over the past 2 months and now to get invested because it is the time to buy. I don't think the games will have any impact as far as pricing goes, it will impact you personally if you decide to try them out.
Just my 2 cents though. I have never expected anyone to give me anything.
Dear @tryskele. Thanks for comment.
That mentality that you propose will not help you grow with speed. Remember that we are in community, therefore the option is to group, associate. We must join efforts.
Totally respect your point of view. It generates a lot of pride to be able to affirm that what is in my wallet is the product of my publications. But if you want your account to acquire value, you have to do much more.
Yours, Juan.
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.Greetings friend @tryskele.
I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show their delivery of food throughout the territory. Also giving his vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.
For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?
We are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.
Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link: https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@theycallmedan/which-steem-project-should-i-delegate-20k-steempower-to-for-1-year/
Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.
Dear @tryskele
I only had a chance to read your old comment just now. I appreciate you taking time to share your thoughts with us.
Enjoy your weekend,
Steemit is just an access gate to the blockchain. Everyone treats steemit.com as if it were the blockchain itself. Steemit was built because noone else was developing gates.
We may now have busy.org, steempeaks and whatnot, but the only real difference is their design interface. We have nothing that is content-specific or that engages with steemians in any different way. Well, we've got stuff like steemhunt, but does anyone really read it? I don't think any non-steemians do.
Actually, we do have something. @ongame's http://www.ongame.io/ is a brand new way everyone can interact with content in the blockchain. I think their website is kind of restrictive in what we can post, but that only has to be further developed.
What I'm saying is... People think too much of steemit.com. It was only meant of an example use case.
Let's say ongame.io provided a website more fleshed out, with guest commenting and ad revenue, providing free steem accounts (created from RC) to anyone who signed up through them, while at the same time, being able to provide steem power delegations and upvotes thanks to ad revenue.
There are lots of unexplored business models that only the steem blockchain can support currently. People just haven't though about it. I can't do anything myself since I don't have the money or sponsorship, so I'm left with my only option: rant.
And you rant so well! I think you are on the right track as well.
Do you know how many RC you need to create just 1 account? As a new dolphin, I'm about one-tenth of the way to being able to create an extra account. Who has that much RC that they could create thousands of accounts for others? It would likely be more efficient just to pay for new accounts with Steem.
Who said anything about thousands of accounts? That has nothing to do with anything I said - or the post itself. Oh, and It takes around 7k sp to create an account. You're clearly way above one-tenth.
This is where I understood the thousands of accounts from.
Super! I'm closer to being able to make an account than I thought!
Something like what @engrave does is also a very good example. I wish it had easy ad implementation options, though.
We are going to introduce it soon. Stay tuned.
It doesn't have to be thousands. I.e. A project can offer "free content hosting" using ad revenue to sustain it. I.e. dtube if it used ads.
Still, I agree that account creation should be cheap, dead cheap. In fact, if we made account creation super cheap but made it so every account created required 1 SP powered up to function and that 1 SP can never be powered down, we'd be getting nice deflation and defense against random bot accounts.
IMO that sounds even more expensive. Projects can offer trial accounts with 15 SP delegated for a month or so, which costs a lot less than 1 steem. What happens with that account's SP/ownership/etc depends on the terms between project and end user.
The problem with that is that 15 SP will not be enough for the person to earn. The only way is through generosity from a whale, so unless that delegation remains permanent until all 15 SP is replaced with rewards, you'll just end up with lots of abandoned accounts.
I'm not convinced that Steem is designed to suit the vast majority of the global community, I believe it is much more suited to professional content producers, artists and niche communities. I explain this viewpoint thoroughly in this post:
Do you understand Steem?
No point if there are no content consumers. We're basically authors writing to other authors. 15-30 SP is more than enough to get readers started. If a project is well suited for authors, the terms between project and end users need to change. You know, adapt to each project's circumstances. You're not being flexible enough, while the steem blockchain is incredibly flexible. Not to mention you can integrate elements outside of the blockchain to a project.
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.Greetings friend @felipejoy.
I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.
For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?
They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.
Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link: https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@theycallmedan/which-steem-project-should-i-delegate-20k-steempower-to-for-1-year/
Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.
Church? No, thanks. If you have anyone else you want me to nominate, tell me and I'll consider it.
Hello @juanmolina, your analysis is interesting. Latin American users have difficulties to save steem. What little we got we used to buy food. Thank you for interceding for us. Greetings from Venezuela.
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.Greetings friend @corderosiete.
I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.
For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?
They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.
Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link: https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@theycallmedan/which-steem-project-should-i-delegate-20k-steempower-to-for-1-year/
Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.
Dear @corderosiete
I would like to thank you for accepting my invtation to Juan's post and for dropping by. Appreciate your reply.
We're received more comments than I ever expected and reading it all will take me some time :)
I'm not sure if I ever mentioned (probably I did) but I'm helping group of friends win 1st place in small contest. Is there any chance you could help out and open this link to dpoll?
And drop a vote on SteemChurch.
I would absolutely appreciate it.
Hola @huanmolina, efectivamente , los latinos estamos en la plataforma por necesidad de lograr un ingreso adicional para cubrir algunos gastos básicos. Necesitamos más apoyo en Venezuela por esta crisis humana que nos golpea el estómago. Gracias.
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.Greetings friend @luzmar.
I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.
For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?
They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.
Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link: https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@theycallmedan/which-steem-project-should-i-delegate-20k-steempower-to-for-1-year/
Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.
Dear @luzmar
I would like to thank you for accepting my invtation to Juan's post and for dropping by. Appreciate your reply.
We're received more comments than I ever expected and reading it all will take me some time :)
I'm not sure if I ever mentioned (probably I did) but I'm helping group of friends win 1st place in small contest. Is there any chance you could help out and open this link to dpoll?
And drop a vote on SteemChurch.
I would absolutely appreciate it.
Thank you for your very informative article.
Your ideas are very good.
I wonder if good content pays off.
For good content, you have to think about a long time.
If people can only rate the content for 7 days.
For example, with youtube, good content can evolve over time.
That with the RC value is right.
You can't make good comments with a low RC.
Thank you for your report.
Thanks for comment.Greetings friend @chruuselbeeri.
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.
I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.
For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?
They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.
Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link: https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@theycallmedan/which-steem-project-should-i-delegate-20k-steempower-to-for-1-year/
Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.
Dear @chruuselbeeri
Thank you for your kind comment and for accepting my invitation to Juan's publication. Thx for sharing.
I'm not sure if I ever mentioned (probably I did) but I'm helping group of friends win 1st place in small contest. Is there any chance you could help out and open this link to dpoll?
And drop a vote on SteemChurch.
I would absolutely appreciate it.
Hola amigo y conocido @juanmolina, muy buen análisis y consejos para evitar la caída del steem. Tengo fe en que esta plataforma no morirá, sino que saldrá adelante y subirá cada vez mas y para aquellos de nosotros que nos hemos mantenido activos como es mi caso, seremos los más afortunados, porque siempre creimos en steemit
Regards appreciated @wendyth16.
That's exactly the way forward for those of us who believe in the platform. Keep us active and provide quality content.
Thanks for your comment.
Yours, Juan.
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.Greetings friend @wendyth16.
I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show their delivery of food throughout the territory. Also giving his vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.
For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?
We are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.
Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link: https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@theycallmedan/which-steem-project-should-i-delegate-20k-steempower-to-for-1-year/
Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.
Dear @wendyth16
Thank you for your kind comment and for accepting my invitation to Juan's publication. Thx for sharing.
I'm not sure if I ever mentioned (probably I did) but I'm helping group of friends win 1st place in small contest. Is there any chance you could help out and open this link to dpoll?
And drop a vote on SteemChurch.
I would absolutely appreciate it.
I personally feel that this keeps spammers from creating a bunch of accounts. I personally have one spammer with about 50 different accounts non stop spamming me. I wouldn’t be surprised if you see a nasty comment under mine soon. People make accounts to just spam this makes it more expensive for them to do so.
Sadly it also does not help out the new STEEMians who creates great posts and contributes to the ecosystem but don’t have proper funds to get going.
I personally like what @enforcer48 said delegating RC would be a cool solution. Im almost always at 100% RC and wouldn’t mind helping out new Steemians that actually contribute to the ecosystem. Thats my 2 cents on the subject.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Hello Dear @californiacrypto.
Well, when you delegate your SP you increase the RC of the receiver. The recharge time decreases. You help him a lot.
Yours, Juan.
Not to many will be willing to delegate SP but they might be willing to delegate RC if it was possible.
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.Greetings friend @californiacrypto.
I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.
For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?
They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.
Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link: https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@theycallmedan/which-steem-project-should-i-delegate-20k-steempower-to-for-1-year/
Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.
Dear @californiacrypto
Thank you for your kind comment and for accepting my invitation to Juan's publication. Thx for sharing.
I'm not sure if I ever mentioned (probably I did) but I'm helping group of friends win 1st place in small contest. Is there any chance you could help out and open this link to dpoll?
And drop a vote on SteemChurch.
I would absolutely appreciate it.
You got my vote. Just put you guys ahead of steemitbloggers with my vote. Keep helping out the people in need I support that 100%
Stay Strong ✊ Venezuelans we all see you guys and hear you guys.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Good blog. Necessary blog.
I haven't upvoted you because I'm down below 80%. Tomorrow morning I will be back and give the vote.@juanmolina: Good blog. Steemit cannot succeed long-term without a broad and growing base of users. The operating model that chokes off newbies is self-defeating. People need to gain faith in the platform before they will invest a dime, and they need to be here a while before they have confidence. Also, many new users don't have a dime. But they bring value to the platform merely by increasing the user base. Advertisers will pay more to a well-trafficked site.
I loved your comment in special. You totally reflected my feeling about it.Greetings friend @agmoore.
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.
I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.
For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?
They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.
Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link: https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@theycallmedan/which-steem-project-should-i-delegate-20k-steempower-to-for-1-year/
Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.
Dear @agmoore
Thank you for your kind comment and for accepting my invitation to Juan's publication. Thx for sharing.
I'm not sure if I ever mentioned (probably I did) but I'm helping group of friends win 1st place in small contest. Is there any chance you could help out and open this link to dpoll?
And drop a vote on SteemChurch.
I would absolutely appreciate it.
Yes the RC issue really sucks.
That is the second time today that I read about that problem.
Resteemed for more awareness.
Greetings friend @lichtblick.
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.
I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.
For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?
They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.
Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link: https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@theycallmedan/which-steem-project-should-i-delegate-20k-steempower-to-for-1-year/
Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.
Dear @lichtblick
Thank you for your kind comment and for accepting my invitation to Juan's publication. Thx for sharing.
I'm not sure if I ever mentioned (probably I did) but I'm helping group of friends win 1st place in small contest. Is there any chance you could help out and open this link to dpoll?
And drop a vote on SteemChurch.
I would absolutely appreciate it.
I really agree with your posts Tn. @juanmolina and I hope that many curators or sponsors support so that those who just register can make posts and comments more freely in order to produce steem power above 100 SP
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks for comment dear @siipank
Yours, Juan.
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.Greetings friend @siipank.
I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.
For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?
They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.
Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link: https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@theycallmedan/which-steem-project-should-i-delegate-20k-steempower-to-for-1-year/
Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.
Dear @siipank
Thank you for accepting my invitation to Juan publication and for sharing your thoughts. We're received more comments than I ever expected and reading it all will take me some time :)
I'm not sure if I ever mentioned (probably I did) but I'm helping group of friends win 1st place in small contest. Is there any chance you could help out and open this link to dpoll?
And drop a vote on SteemChurch.
I would absolutely appreciate it.
I think RC limitations are a necessary obstacle for spammers. I tell you this because I have experienced the abundance of comment spam that was present on the platform prior to HF 20.
I must add that I wasn't a fan of certain aspects of the implementation of HF 20 specifically the disproportionate reduction of reward share capability of smaller accounts vs larger accounts.
To put it in simple terms, the upvote capability of smaller accounts was nerfed. That's a gaming term essentially meaning "made weaker".
Not that I don't empathize with the impoverished, I would like to see a solution for honest users with limited economic means such as the case for Venezuelans.
Unfortunately, this nation has experienced socialism in practice. It doesn't quite work out despite the lofty ideals often associated.
I pray the same outcome doesn't happen to my nation. That useless economic system seems to be gaining a foothold in the sheepish minds of millennials without the capacity for critical thought but I digress.
Irrespective of the estate of certain groups, we must always be mindful of the larger picture. We must always be vigilant against the greedy that are ready to take advantage of any ground we are willing to give
Enter @steemonboarding.
We are working on a site that users may be properly screened and educated in proper conduct on this platform. The idea is users can make a commitment to go through a course and this barrier of work would hopefully deter lazy abusers seeking maximum profit with minimal effort.
They can then be granted a delegation upon completion after demonstrating that they understand the "right way" to succeed. Not by abuse but by hard work contributing to the collective success of the platform that avails us all.
I look forward to bringing such a vision into the reality. Thanks for your article that provoked this comment.
Dear @anthonyadavisii
I just had a pleasure to read this old comment. Just wanted to let you know. I appreciate you taking time to share your thoughts with us.
Would you mind sharing with me where are you from? Just curious.
ps. I will check out @steemonboarding tomorrow. Thank you for recommendation :)
You keep posting really quality content. Perhaps you could always send me memo with link to your publication and 2-3 sentences description ? I will gladly support you with upvote, will drop a comment.
Especially if your publication will be related to crypto,blockchain,AI, economy or psychology (just don't send me memos like every day hehe)
And if I will have some time then I will also share your publication with my larger audience and will help you get some extra traffic.
Please keep in mind, that you can count on my help (whenever I can support you, I will) :)
Hi dear @anthonyadavisii.
WOW!this is amazing!
You really are good people.
I congratulate you from my heart.
Yours, Juan
Excellent points, I agree.
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.Greetings friend @anthonyadavisii.
I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show their delivery of food throughout the territory. Also giving his vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.
For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?
We are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.
Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link: https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@theycallmedan/which-steem-project-should-i-delegate-20k-steempower-to-for-1-year/
Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.
I'd love for Steem to hit $4.00 or even more! R-shares can always be adjusted. I appreciate the concern about people who cannot afford Steem however cryptocurrencies will and do enable some to catch up. It won't be an overnight process. Begging those who have to support people who do not have will lead to further regionalism and nationalism. The begging is what made HF20 popular for so many, it prevents spam.
Regards appreciated @crypticat.
These acts are depressing but they are also a reality.
Yours, Juan.
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.Greetings friend @crypticat.
I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.
For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?
They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.
Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link: https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@theycallmedan/which-steem-project-should-i-delegate-20k-steempower-to-for-1-year/
Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.
Dear @crypticat
Thank you for accepting my invitation to Juan publication and for sharing your thoughts. We're received more comments than I ever expected and reading it all will take me some time :)
I'm not sure if I ever mentioned (probably I did) but I'm helping group of friends win 1st place in small contest. Is there any chance you could help out and open this link to dpoll?
And drop a vote on SteemChurch.
I would absolutely appreciate it.
Very interesting this post.
Nice post, thanx for letting me know.
I can't add much because I didnt think about it till now.
I guess I agree, but if the prize realy goes up, isn't it the most easy way to write some posts instead of "buying in" to earn Steem?
Greetings friend @acedawnmusic.
It seems contradictory, right?
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.
I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.
For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?
They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.
Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link: https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@theycallmedan/which-steem-project-should-i-delegate-20k-steempower-to-for-1-year/
Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.
Dear @acedawnmusic
Thank you for your kind comment and for accepting my invitation to Juan's publication. Thx for sharing.
I'm not sure if I ever mentioned (probably I did) but I'm helping group of friends win 1st place in small contest. Is there any chance you could help out and open this link to dpoll?
And drop a vote on SteemChurch.
I would absolutely appreciate it.
crypto.piotr reached out to me and sent this link.
I hope the little help I sent through @steem-bounty will make a small difference.
Also upvoted 100%. l read a lot of very sad stories and talked to some like from @crypto.sharon. I understand how tough life is in Valenzuela right now. Hope everything will get better.
Posted using Partiko Android
Dear @purepinay.
Eternally grateful I will be for your valuable support.
Thank you.
Yours, Juan.
Happy to help. 😉
Posted using Partiko Android
Following you now. Keep Hustling! 😉
Posted using Partiko Android
oh yes... i ´ll try to do it.
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.Greetings friend @purepinay.
I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.
For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?
They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.
Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link: https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@theycallmedan/which-steem-project-should-i-delegate-20k-steempower-to-for-1-year/
Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.
I think Steemit has a healthy and active community with lots of new ideas and games being pumped out. Eventually the market cycle will change, just a matter of time, I hope everyone isn't feeling to disheartened who dip their toe into crypto because of all the hype.
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.Greetings friend @safetony.
I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.
For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?
They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.
Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link: https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@theycallmedan/which-steem-project-should-i-delegate-20k-steempower-to-for-1-year/
Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.
I really don't know much about how resource credits work (and I've been here quite some time now). I was under the impression that when Steem became more expensive that the value of your RC would go up with it. If it won't then I too fear that very few will want to join Steem under those conditions.
Having said that, I can also say that there are people who offer simple ways to earn steem, its just that it is not easy to find them. Then again, I've noticed that some new users who have found my blogs and know that I up-vote all good interactions/responses don't stick around. I don't know if they expect larger payouts per vote or if they don't realize that a 4-cent vote in today's market is actually a pretty decent-sized vote. It just boggles my mind that people will ignore my efforts to help them grow. Initially, I had intended to grow my account simply by earning and helping others along the way, but soon realized that the rate I was earning was not keeping up with inflation. I actually bought Steem so that I can dole out bigger votes. I'm also taking delegations so that I can use the delegated VP to increase the vote worth. Despite all that, I'm seeing a decline in the number of people actually participating on my pages. I can only assume that people are not really all that interested in earning Steem from participation.
Dear @happyme
I just had a pleasure to read this old comment. Just wanted to let you know. I appreciate you taking time to share your thoughts with us.
That's surely must be frustrating.
You keep posting really quality content. Perhaps you could always send me memo with link to your publication and 2-3 sentences description ? I will gladly support you with upvote, will drop a comment.
Especially if your publication will be related to crypto,blockchain,AI, economy or psychology (just don't send me memos like every day hehe)
And if I will have some time then I will also share your publication with my larger audience and will help you get some extra traffic.
Please keep in mind, that you can count on my help (whenever I can support you, I will) :)
Greetings friend @happyme.
This is a relatively new phenomenon in steemit. Interest has been lost
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.
I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.
For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?
They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.
Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link: https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@theycallmedan/which-steem-project-should-i-delegate-20k-steempower-to-for-1-year/
Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.
Thank-you. I already participated in the contest. Good luck.
Dear @happyme
I just double checked and your vote isn't there :(
perhaps you didnt click 'vote'?
Yours, Piotr
You already know why. I've gone as far as I could.
steemit o steem en general... por muchas app que genere inversores creo que pasara mucho tiempo antes de que esto que dices pase, es un hecho... aunque soy un usuario diminuto en la cadena... el rc es un problema para hacerse notar... los usuarios nuevos dependeran de actividades exteriores como se solian hacer en discord.
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.Greetings friend @jimramones.
I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.
For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?
They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.
Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link: https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@theycallmedan/which-steem-project-should-i-delegate-20k-steempower-to-for-1-year/
Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.
Dear @jimramones
Thank you for accepting my invitation to Juan publication and for sharing your thoughts. We're received more comments than I ever expected and reading it all will take me some time :)
I'm not sure if I ever mentioned (probably I did) but I'm helping group of friends win 1st place in small contest. Is there any chance you could help out and open this link to dpoll?
And drop a vote on SteemChurch.
I would absolutely appreciate it.
This is completely out of left field, but... I wonder if there could be some way for regionally deficient areas (places where USD is hard to come by) to have new users ...cooperate, that is, if there could be some way for groups of individuals to pool their resources into powering up and then "rotate" delegations from the powered up "hub." It would be a "local" solution that would involve trust (any non-local "cooperation" of this type might involve scams).
Greetings friend @jbgarrison72.
Read the following You will find answers
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.
I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.
For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?
They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.
Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link: https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@theycallmedan/which-steem-project-should-i-delegate-20k-steempower-to-for-1-year/
Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.
Dear @jbgarrison72
Thank you for your kind comment and for accepting my invitation to Juan's publication. Thx for sharing.
I'm not sure if I ever mentioned (probably I did) but I'm helping group of friends win 1st place in small contest. Is there any chance you could help out and open this link to dpoll?
And drop a vote on SteemChurch.
I would absolutely appreciate it.
RC delegations will solve all this. I don't see it as an issue. Most steem is just sitting there not being used (from an RC purpose) and will happily delegate their RC for a small fraction of the cost of buying steem.
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.Greetings friend @intrepidphotos.
I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.
For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?
They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.
Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link: https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@theycallmedan/which-steem-project-should-i-delegate-20k-steempower-to-for-1-year/
Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.
Dear @intrepidphotos
I would like to thank you for accepting my invtation to Juan's post and for dropping by. Appreciate your reply.
We're received more comments than I ever expected and reading it all will take me some time :)
I'm not sure if I ever mentioned (probably I did) but I'm helping group of friends win 1st place in small contest. Is there any chance you could help out and open this link to dpoll?
And drop a vote on SteemChurch.
I would absolutely appreciate it.
There is absolutely accurate analysis. The problem of resource power is more effective for new people or users, who are unable to buy steem or belong from undeveloped countries. After the Hardfork 20 update, the problem of resource power has been much affected. Especially for those who have no enough steem power. As you said it should be increased from 15 to 50. Undoubtedly the operators of this blockchain must have found some alternatives about this and there will be more changes in the coming time. However, I am not much agree with this that people have hold on steem in huge quantities. If he wants to convert it to USD Dollar then it is fine but if he is in an attempt to buy BTC, then it should be kept in mind that if the price of steem increases, then the value of bitcoine will also increase.
Thank you @juanmolina via @crypto.piotr
Dear @certain
Thank you for your kind comment and for accepting my invitation to Juan's publication. Thx for sharing your thoughts.
I'm not sure if I ever mentioned (probably I did) but I'm helping group of friends win 1st place in small contest. Is there any chance you could help out and open this link to dpoll?
And drop a vote on SteemChurch.
I would absolutely appreciate it.
One thing I want to clear that I can vote only one project or more than one
Because I voted for steemchurch not any other include you dear friend @crypto.piotr
Hi @juanmolina
Here are my views:
I cannot see any purpose for the RC system.
I started way back in 2016, I also started with nothing, and even without the RC system, we could only vote a few times. At the time I just powered up everything I received, which was also almost nothing. (For some posts, I received $0.00). I note there are a number of new users that just withdraw everything they receive, thus they will never build up anything. I think we need patience to build up power and a lot of hard work to build up networks. I am not really to worried about the price of steem at the moment, it is still much higher than the lows of around $0.06 some time ago. Remember we earn steem, if the price goes up so does the value of steem you have already earned.
I believe the bidbots are the thing that really messes up Steemit, wealthy people now buy votes and reputation, taking away from the payout pool, thus negatively impacting on people who does not pay for votes.
The other thing that is annoying is that one must use different programs like stackedit to write and edit your post, why can't you just write your post directly in an interface like office word??
I must say that with all the nonsense going on in Steem inc, I now for the first time powered down and took out some money out of Steemit.
Dear @rynow
Thank you for accepting my invitation to Juan publication and for sharing your thoughts. We're received more comments than I ever expected and reading it all will take me some time :)
I'm not sure if I ever mentioned (probably I did) but I'm helping group of friends win 1st place in small contest. Is there any chance you could help out and open this link to dpoll?
And drop a vote on SteemChurch.
I would absolutely appreciate it.
Done, I see we need only one more vote to tie for the lead.Hi @crypto.piotr
You got my vote for that comment.
I've had discussions with people, enough to understand where they are coming from and I tend to feel much the way you do.
Thank you for support.
Dear @surika
Thank you for your kind comment and for accepting my invitation to Juan's publication. Thx for sharing your thoughts.
I'm not sure if I ever mentioned (probably I did) but I'm helping group of friends win 1st place in small contest. Is there any chance you could help out and open this link to dpoll?
And drop a vote on SteemChurch.
I would absolutely appreciate it.
Being the little guy on this platform can be very frustrating and disheartening.
Posted using Partiko Android
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.Greetings friend @babarakas43.
I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.
For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?
They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.
Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link: https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@theycallmedan/which-steem-project-should-i-delegate-20k-steempower-to-for-1-year/
Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.
Hello friend @juanmolina, come to your post thanks to the promotion of @crypto.piotr, although I do not have so much influence on steemit, I would like to know how to help you. Thank you for your attention and happy day.
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.Greetings friend @jeanglou.
I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.
For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?
They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.
Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link: https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@theycallmedan/which-steem-project-should-i-delegate-20k-steempower-to-for-1-year/
Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.
Good evening dear @juanmolina, of course I know these communities, in fact I am an active part and I am firmly supporting @steemchurch which is led by @sirknight and @emiliocabrera, I have already made my vote yesterday.
Thank you for your time, here we are to serve you, God bless you.
I agree that the current RC system should be changed allowing more comments and also remove following rc usages ; Follow , Unfollow , Transfer since i think RC is more suitable for comments and blog posts and upvotes
Posted using Partiko Android
I greatly appreciate the acceptance that my publication has received.
I am extremely surprised by so much support. Thanks from my heart.Greetings friend @khussan.
I take this opportunity to ask you a favor.
Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through certain communities have decided to show it´s support by delivering food throughout the territory. Also giving it´s vote of healing to Venezuelan publications in steemit.
For this I am pleased to address you on behalf of my friendly communities @VOTOVZLA AND @STEEMCHURCH. Do you know them?
They are currently opting for a 20k SP delegation sponsored by @theycallmedan. This delegation would allow us to help more people and in a better way.
Maybe you can participate and VOTE for @STEEMCHURCH. Here I leave the link: https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@theycallmedan/which-steem-project-should-i-delegate-20k-steempower-to-for-1-year/
Have a blessed day.
Yours, Juan.