I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling very passionately emphatic about this change. I like your idea of going 80/20, but again, I'd need to see stats and proof that it would benefit. More SP is necessary for curators, that's for sure. "more effortless not more profitable!" YAS! I am so opposed to this and I feel like the Elites of Steemit decided this on their own without consulting creators, only consulting curators. It makes me feel so poopooed as a creator. We are not going to be compensated with double the upvotes or anything like that, we are going to lose so much of what we can earn on Steemit for the quality content we create. And them deciding on their own this change, makes me feel this is a centralised dictatorship where the whales dictate everything and care not for the smaller fish in the sea.
Good grief indeed. How did they decide this without taking us into consideration? Oh wait, they didn't!