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RE: Haejin Update - Just Under 4%, $4.68Mill a Year

in #steem7 years ago

@berniesanders makes way more!

This is the comment I left in his post, trust me it will get flagged to bits but sometimes people need to see the truth behind it all. He is simply drawing attention to other users so people won't notice his scammy activity.

The comment I left on his most recent post.

You really are the biggest hypocrite on Steemit aren't you?

You are making more than @haejin with all your scammy activities!

We know which accounts are yours.

@eatsrewards - Constantly upvoting and commenting people so that you can, in turn, upvote the comment with your bot accounts.

Then there is the ever big @rewardpool rape that comments on comments and also gets upvoted! Self voting king you are!

Currently, @rewardpoolrape made more SBD than @haejin for the last week! Over 1000SBD for doing nothing!

At least he is sharing some info where you are just passively sitting back and raping the pool with the money you made from upvote bots. Have you no shame?!

YES YES. I know this will get flagged by you, simply because you do not want others to see your dodgy activity on Steemit while you accuse others of doing the same. COWARD


I doubt he is making more but I can look it up when I get home.

Haejin has made more than 1000SP in the last week.

IDK why this has to be, oh @bernieSanders does bad things. The idea is that nobody should be doing bad things.

If I kill someone, and you kill someone, and say that I did it so its okay. It isn't. Both are still crimes.

Stop deflecting and look at the actual issue.


And I would love to see that, but rewardpoolrape doesn't even make 1/10th of what Haejin makes.

?I am currently looking for a tool that can show me the % of the reward pool by accounts, listed from top to bottom.

So how many people make over 1%?

How can I get an aggregate of every account somebody uses and add their percentage together.

I hate the fact that people try to bring up another bad actor to make their bad actions seem justified. It just means both people are in the wrong. It is exactly what people do in politics. Well, your guy does bad things to so I can vote for this PoS if you vote for that PoS.

In reality, you should vote for neither PoS and find somebody else who isn't a PoS.

But no, people are too stuck in there ways to see the negative affects there actions cause and they are stuck in their biased narrative with wanting to be right instead of realizing there is something wrong with the situation.

Just because someone is doing something bad, does not make them wrong. It just makes them a hypocrite. But you can't tell me that the amount Haejin is making, and the abuse his hard core followers that support him, AKA, @solisrex, is a good use of the platform and that it is helping the platform grow.

@berniesanders up votes random minnows sometimes. He comes into and asks people to send their post links to him and he will curate them. When does Haejin ever curate anything but himself?

You can dislike @berniesanders all you want, but there is positives to him. What are the positives of Haejin when it comes to helping the Steemit community?

Does he help Minnows grow their SP? Or does he take it all for himself and give none to others?

Seems like the latter option.