Steemit is great social network and every day it is evolving.
As of today we have around 60 000 daily active users and this is almost double than few months ago.Last few months we have steady growth and thanks to @penguinpablo we can track current state of Steemit. We are approaching to 1 million accounts but more important number than that is how many daily active users we have.
More and more people are joining Steemit and most important thing is to involve new users easier. First week of using is crucial. If people get disappointed, they will quit using Steemit. More important thing than that is that they will trash talk about Steemit everywhere and probably they will reject many new users.
Many people come on Steemit with intention and expectation that they will earn money without real effort. When they realize that it is not possible, they quit. Probably they will trash talk Steemit but I don't care about them. There is no way anywhere to earn money without doing anything and this users are not important for network.
To keep them on Steemit we need to change some things and MAKE STEEMIT MORE FAIR.
If you are new user and even if you are writing great blogs and comments, it is very hard to advance on Steemit.
First of all if you don't have money to invest in tipping bots then your blog nobody will see.
Bots are not profitable if you think that you will earn more SBD with using them but with buying upvotes, your rating will increase and your blog will appear in trending column where more people will see your blog so they are necessary evil in my opinion. I am using them but I don't like that.
BOTS are FIRST thing that I would CHANGE.
If you have money, than even if you publish some bullshit, with tipping bots you can get upvotes for that and be rewarded.
This is very bad for Steemit and it is destroying quality of network.
SECOND thing that I would CHANGE is way of UPVOTING.
Human nature is that lot of people are selfish. I am not like that but I understand selfish people.
They are saving upvoting power for them and they don't upvote any posts.
Because we can't change human nature, we should change way of upvoting.
First part would be for self upvoting and second part would be for upvoting posts of other people that you like.
Like this, by upvoting others posts you will not take upvoting power for self upvoting. I am sure that this way we will increase number of upvotes for good posts.
I really believe in Steemit and I am enjoining using it. I am not here to earn money, and earning money on Steemit should be just follow up for using social network and bringing good things to it. I am upvoting all things that I like and I don't care that because of that upvoting power for myself is lower.
My opinion is that in life you need to give and then you will get.
I am not judging if anyone is different than me and because of different human nature we should adjust Steemit to become more FAIR.
I would like to hear more opinions how we can make Steemit better.
Love getting more viewpoints of all the different ways of using and promoting on here. I just started using steemit regularly (joined a while ago) and still figuring out all the angles here to be most effective with voting, lending, powering up, ect.
That wouldn't help as many users are having multiple accounts which are upvoting each other.
'Diminishing returns' for upvoting the same accounts (own ones and others) several times would be more useful.
Apart from that one should think about changing the reward curve.
Agreed. Self voting is not an important issue. A user with 2 accounts would end up in the same result..
There's a lot of truth in some of the comments. If there's a better way to get noticed, that is to promote your post in groups and communicate with good whales on Discord. Without the use of bots or self-upvotes, it might seem fair but people will find another way to get ahead. If you have good content, 'make the most out of it', I think is a good term. Nobody is cheating unless they hack into the blockchain.
Where are the groups here? Also, isn't Discord another (competing) social network? This is my 4th day of being active here and I can't begin to express just how frustrating it is spending hours and hours here writing blog posts, even tweeting them to tens of thousands of people only to see zero comments, almost zero views and only a few upvotes worth $0.00. At least if they actually got views with those results, I'd know I really do need to tweak the content, but no views suggest something is up here to hide the new members' material all together. They should ban the bots, if they are the cause of such treatment to what I feel is some decent quality material - at least the last few. It's also a huge learning curve just trying to learn all the many complexities and language used in the steemit site. I love the concept of steemit, but I'm not sure how much longer I will last here under these conditions. All the best
I've been on Steemit for only a few days also. I wrote a quick post with the tags "introduceyourself", "introduction", "introducemyself", "steemit" and I got 7 comments. I haven't spent much time writing other types of posts yet but I do know that it is hard to get noticed on the web without advertising or having a following.
Thanks for the input, @swarmy. It's good to hear someone has had some luck from the start. That's one tag I haven't done yet and will try to get to sometime in the next few days. I know what you mean about not getting noticed online without advertising. I've been at it since the mid '90's when I got my first domain. I had it lucky then, because I published a magazine in Europe, which I put online. So I carried a fairly large niche market from the start. BTW, welcome to steemit ;-) All the best
the introduce yourself is pretty important, but I know how you feel, I'm posting and no one is seeing. I hope eventually I have have enough good content backing up my posts it'll get me more. Have to build a tribe of people here. :)
Thanks, @vgc5000 Yeah, there doesn't really seem to be any magic pill or something, but it seems to be something that really only persistence will overcome. I still haven't done the introduceyourself tag yet, as I'm undecided as to what to share there. I tried a bot or two and to be honest that doesn't seem like it does much for visibility. I added a little steem to power up my steem power and right away my rewards from day 1 came available. As little as it was, at least it gave a feeling of some accomplishment. On my 8th day now of plugging away with lots of posts I am starting to see a few views trickle in. There is soooo much more to learn still with so many intricate details here, but I'm getting there. All the best
I'm with you, it's only been since December that I began and I still don't know all the little details. If you learn something interesting, let me know! maybe we can help each other. I will follow you-
Thanks! I followed you too. I was just trying to figure out how to transfer some steem over to steem dollars, just for reference, since I powered what little I had there to steem power. Listening to one guys video just figured out I can do that on the market to trade between them.
Yes, I saw it and looked at it but haven't tried. What I bought so far was through an exchange so it went to steem then I can turn to SP. I heard it is cheaper, I should look on Youtube--
Ay @positivesynergy totally understand that frustration. Here is a great community group called the Steem Music Alliance. We are a very supportive and interactive group. So if you have any questions or need help we are here to help. Here is the link bud
Thanks, @chiefmappster! I appreciate the kind jester. I keep seeing people speak of using Discord, which adds more confusion here, especially given it's negative name. Is it owned by steemit also? I see enough discord here in steemit, albeit not as bad as the other social media sites, and thus the name itself keeps me away from that.
You're very welcome. It is not owned by Steemit. It is just an app that a lot of Steemians use for community building and interaction. It has some awesome features. Theses apps are what you make of them. Discord is definitely an awesome new breed of mobile apps.
@positivesynergy Discord is voice & text chat a. All the whales and bots are there. It is also a platform where we could find like minded people sharing views. But I felt that people are spending more time chatting away but I might be wrong I am still learning.
Thanks, @zestforlife Sounds a bit like whatsapp, which I don't like much, or messenger. Although, messenger is integrated into FB.
"but no views suggest something is up here to hide the new members' material all together."
I'm afraid you are just overestimating the size of the audience here for articles that don't even make it to hot. That audience is basically 0.
No point in tweeting your posts to people, because Twitter followers don't have Steem and can't vote.
Yeah, clearly that's the case. I remember seeing someone post the latest stats that there are now nearly a million total members and about 60k active daily steemit members. Certainly, given steemit is blog based, more could be done to balance the scales for more than 0 of the 60,000 daily members to see new posted articles.
BTW, I tried the tweeting in part because it was suggested by another high rep. Steemian.
Actually some of good content is flushed by weak quality ones. If you have no influential friends or powered up account your content will become quickly unnoticed. Take this post as an example. It represents an example of fine photo. But it will vanish quickly unnoticed, and author discouraged will return to facebook
I totally agree. Bots are adding to dilution in some cases.
Seem like that, but just for curiocity, how it is different from FB. In total you have to invest money in both to achieve something
I've been at it for a few months now. I have no doubt building a reputation will take at least 6 months and that's minimum. I'm patient because I see the bigger picture. I'm not sure others will .
One thing that confused me when I was new was - Discord. People kept telling me "Join the Discord" - Discord means "disagreement between people" or "lack of harmony between notes sounding together." It sounded like people were inviting me to a place to argue. I didn't know what Discord was, and certainly didn't want to join a place to argue with people. NOw I know wat it is, but honestly it;s still confusing so many people invite me to so many things and contests and channels and I don't know who's who and they all have different rules and rooms for specific topics and it's just enough to make your head spin if you;re new on TOP of learning the Steemit platform. lol
haha that's hilarious. Discord really does mean that...for some reason that thought never entered my mind until now. Haha I know....soo many different things. I feel like I spend all day on a rabbit trail just learning, and then I realize I haven't actually DONE anything. Been trying to figure out for weeks how an openmic contest/thingy works.
I used the "openmic" tag because I saw other music posts with it, then got a comment that it was a contest and if I wanted to use it I needed to follow the rules etc.. But, what if I actually recorded an actual open mic at a bar? I wouldn't be able to use that tag? lol Slow and steady, it sure beats Facecrap any day lol
@adammillwardart hmmm...thanks for sharing...guess I better check out those rules then. Lol I guess when you mention it, that is kind of weird that people can have "ownership" of a tag basically and then you're not allowed to use it b/c someone else doesn't deem it relevant
"Nobody is cheating unless they hack into the blockchain."
^ THIS!!!
If I wanted steemit to be like any other platform, I would not be here, enough with the bullshit!
@delusionalmadman, lol, met you in the comment section :). Wrote you at the start of my journey a couple months ago. I'm still here :D
I've been busy, working on a big project.
I agree 100%. It's not cheating unless they hack into the blockchain.
Whales :D!
Bots are a good way to work together in communities that promote the content you enjoy and to support your friends' content.
Even then it's the blockchain's fault for being hackable.
Not hackable. No one's money is stolen. It just has a pretty good api.
,Nice to read about you,
em Salman Lodhi From Pakistan am also new on streemit and Welcome you to streemit,
i Have Followed you,so can also follow me,
best of Luck!
I totally agree with this post, great post
Why on Earth do we need a blockchain?
Without that what's published could be changed at any time.
The reward system would not be able to be provably fair. We'd have to trust that one entity maintaining the records is not changing numbers behind the scenes, etc
digital Double spend, immutable ledger...
Your title is wrong, you are talking about Steem, not Steemit. Making changes on Steemit ( which is just a website) is meaningless.
The Steem blockchain is open, so how would you get rid of bots? By making the blockchain operations only workable by Steemit? Steem is a diverse ecosystem. Doing so would kill the hundred of Steem Apps that exist such as Busy Drive Utopian eSteem, etc. So how would you do that?
Self voting is an issue. But if we implement your method, whales who want to selfvote will just create dummy accounts
Rather than imposing rules, I believe that with some time, the community will self regulate, more and more initiatives aim to punish the abuses and reward those who deserve it. Of course it will take time and that won't be easy but that s the only way IMO.
Thanks @stoodkev for reminding everyone that there's a difference between wishing Steem would change in some way and having a technical proposal that could actually push the network in that direction. It turns out to be extremely challenging to engineer incentives without unintended consequences. And in a free market where upvotes have value, I don't see how you could successfully regulate vote selling.
Curation rewards are somewhat of a regulator... you have more incentive to vote for good content that others will subsequently upvote than bad content. But push the pendulum too far in this direction and people will start only voting based on what others like.
Totally agree. I think it is already generating this tendency of just liking what others like.
I wouldn't kill bots but there should be some criteria that will stop possibility of upvoting shitty posts.
Ok I don t disagree with the intention, but how do you plan to achieve that?
What does shitty post mean? Is that a concept that someone can code? Or every post should be reviewed manually? Then how do you verify that?
I think that people behind bots should do self regulation. In comment here from @ebargains which help I am using is nice explain.
I strongly agree with the self regulation comment. In fact, most bots already started to self regulate and imposed different new rules/restrictions on their voting processes, including and not limited to 3.5 days post age limit, blacklists for serial abusers/scammers, etc., limit of upvotes per user per round.
All in all, most stakeholders do realize that preserving the value of the network is the number one priority. Add features and efficiencies will come with time, but we must all make sure that the network itself is valuable and not corrupted.
Keep in mind that bots also have human operators behind them, and most of the operators are constantly on the lookout for up and coming new authors and curate/upvote/resteem content manually as well. At least I am :)
This is exactly what all people behind bots should do. Self regulation. To make Steemit better.
Hmm, I never thought of bots that way. Thanks for rhe insight.
@stoodkev - agree with your points: Steemit will likely self-regulate. I would argue that it already is self-regulated. Many posts that are innately stupid or just contain a pic- might have a couple one-liner replies, i.e."cool pic man" and this type of post will rarely make it to the Trending page where the big money is made. Good comments! Upvoted & followed.
Mob justice? Social justice?
Sounds scary :P
Steemit needs a better UI, so, I disagree with you.
I meant for the kind of changes he was mentionning, and that are at the blockchain level, nothing to do with UI.
For the UI, I couldn t agree more with you, as a matter of fact I created SteemPlus extension to solve these problems.
I saw it, personally I don't like it, needs better UX. ;) See if you can "steal" the UX from steemkr. Good luck. :)
"BOTS are FIRST thing that I would CHANGE."
How? Or are you just navel gazing into a fake utopia?
I more or less suggested this, but the problem you get is that it does nothing to stop vote trading/vote rings. They just vote each other for their "other" stake.
But, it would help reward generous voters who don't participate in such methods.
Bots can only be changed by self regulation. In their interest is also that Steemit is successful and with better content Steemit will be better. Two separate voting is not perfect but is better then current situation. If we all together improve and act less selfish then we would have much better Steemit. I am fully upvoting every good post, some of them are yours, and I don't care if I am gonna have less voting power for me. But truth is that lot of people are not like that...
Some of them will manipulate for sure but not all will do that. It is not perfect and nothing can be perfect bit I think that is at least little bit better than now.
Opinios can be different and maybe you are right and I am wrong. What is your opinion how we can improve Steemit?
People have made many suggestions.
There is always a major problem with them. All it takes is using multiple accounts, so the people that seem unfair would be unimpacted by any such changes.
The solutions are not easy or we'd have already implemented them. :(
The problem is this is a very new thing, and the problems we need to try to fix have never actually been seen exactly in this format before because this is a totally new paradigm.
This means there likely are solutions, but they are likely to be difficult, and require some seriously out of the box thinking.
So keep thinking...
Yet to save yourself some time in the future try to play devil's advocate to your idea.
If you can figure out how to get around your idea then the unfair people will be able to as well. Multiple accounts can get them around pretty much anything you propose.
Also we shouldn't EVER do things just so we can say "We did something".
We should do it if we can't figure out how to exploit it, and we see that it doesn't negatively impact people that are not being unfair.
We must also realize that reality is not FAIR. It is impossible to make something completely fair.
We can try to get closer to fair though. :)
I agree with you that two voting is not perfect and can be easily manipulated with multiple accounts but I am sure at some degree it will be better because not all people would do that. Beside that, if they have multiple accounts then they need to spread SP across them so their rating would be lower on some of that accounts and maybe they will be dolphins instead of whales :-)
Reality is not fair but we can at least try to make it fair as much as possible...
Doesn't work that way.
We had a whale who was #7 in power. He likes to flag stuff he doesn't like. I've seen posts go from $200 to $0 on this person's whim.
Eventually he broke into many accounts. Spread his power around.
Created some voting bots that people like to send money to so he made a fortune off of giving people up votes with other accounts people didn't know were his.
Yet it was still the same guy that was okay with "voting however he wanted" even if it crushed someone else.
He has many such accounts and several voting bots. I personally think at this point he may be the single most powerful person on the steem platform. He is very smart when it comes to these things.
In his defense he has supported some good causes too. He is human. We all have good things and bad things.
My only problem really with him was the "It's my power and I vote how I want" and the fact he couldn't make the leap to "these are my hands and I use them how I want" doesn't mean I should be choking and attacking people.
I figured it was better to just ignore stuff you don't like, and up vote what you do like.
He disagreed.
And like I said I suspect he is the most powerful person on the platform. It is simply spread across multiple accounts.
Spreading across multiple accounts does not decrease how much you can do with power. All it does is make it a little more tedious to login an vote with each of them, but most people just use a bot to do that.
I can't say that you are wrong but at least we can try to make Steemit better. All my life I have tried to make thing better. Even here, I am nobody, with no power to change anything and maybe my suggestions are wrong, but at least I am trying the way I can to make Steemit better. If you have some suggestion, you should say them loud and maybe somebody ho have power to change things will like that.
Easiest way is to say thing are like that and we can't do nothing with that...
Just criticism whithout any suggestion is obviously only thing that you do...
I agree with this post, bots need to go, BUT at the same time I love them because you can use them to get exposure by getting on the trending page for the whole steemit world to see and also on the promoted page so your post keeps being seen.
All that leads to followers, upvotes, resteems, and comments which leads to more success on form. It is deceiving to some people though because they see a post and wonder how it got some many upvotes, not knowing bots were paid for the upvotes. Much like this post I see you paid some bots.
Upvotes definitely red to be changed, because you’re right people are selfish and don’t realize that when they’re selfish on steemit that it doesn’t do any good to the community, just themselves. And if we get a community that is “just for the selves” then we really don’t have a community at all.
If I vote for a minnow artist because I think they're stuff is amazing, it's incredibly annoying when someone comes along with a few dollars to push them aside and cut in line. These people just end up quitting... and I tried my best to help. It's so selfish buying those votes and pushing people out of the way, I don't see how anyone can call it "success".
If I give someone a trophy, they EARNED it. If someone buys a trophy, then acts like they're "successful", where I come from we call that a fraud.
If more people with high rating are like you, Steemit would be better. But most of them are not like you...
Hmm interesting. I hadn't thought of it like pushing minnows out of the way, I thought of it a bit like Facebook ads.
It's a shot to morale, which in turns kills work ethic. The same thing happens on the job if someone shows up, acts shiny on the surface, kisses ass, then gets the job promotion before others. Before you know it, the workplace is full of brown nosers and productivity slips because the actual workers were kicked to the curb and left for greener pastures. Quitting doesn't mean they give up life, it means they're looking for something better.
There's genuine promotion and then there's folks just looking for shortcuts. Those ones taking shortcuts are causing many others to stress. Those taking the shortcuts are contributing to centralization of power. All of that money is going to a handful of bot owners. There won't be much supply and those bots will be in high demand. I don't see why centralization of power makes people feel so good, but whatever, it's not me paying to screw the place so I'm not to blame.
also calling people selfish for self-upvoting is absurd. it's like if someone was handing out free money and i went to take it and as i was walking away you told me i was selfish for not letting someone else have it
They are not selfish because of self upvoting, they are selfish if they do ONLY self upvoting...
fair enough
Tokens like Steem acquire their power and new value from increasing network externalities. Unfortunately, the steep learning curve to the site and difficulty for new contributors to break into the system makes it impractical for a lot of new users from participating much at all. Steemit should be relentlessly focused on growing new users and nothing else, best achieved by:
-partnerships with existing social media sites;
-outreach to new users that focuses on the ability to basically get paid to do what they already do for free on reddit, Facebook, and their own blogs.
The potential is there but Steemit seems focused on protecting its existing power-users instead of trying to find one. I just joined and would never have heard of this place if not for my overzealous deep reading of every relevant cryptocurrecy subreddit. There is a lot of user engagement on this site for experienced users but the tutorials and FAQs are weak, new users like me are flailing in the dark, and there is no marketing investment from Steemit whatsoever as far as I can see.
Working on getting listed on new exchanges is of no value if nobody wants to buy the token. The token achieves its value and power not from its concentration in the hands of a small number of power-users, but by expanding the userbase to the point that you have lots of people who have a genuine use for the token. My two cents.
I see that this is your first post. Welcome and good luck on Steemit. I like your comment and agree with most of it :-)
as a newbie to this system (less than 4 month) I am facing what you said personally! I dedicate some of my upvoting power daily to NEW posts which I find interesting, but they make little money in the end so I don't get much Curation reward.
I try to write quality content, but no one ENGAGES and SEES them.
I even had post which a whale liked (as he commented) and confirmed it was useful for him, but didn't upvoted! :)
I had a post similar to yours, I described Steem has a great business Idea, but not a great business model. it's not sustainable.
sustainable business model needs:
I believe steemit can use parts of ORTHODOX business models like adwords and adsense to make these goals, combining them with the current model
Got your point and i do agree with part of it. But i cant stop thinking about the sustainability of the system.
I respect your opinion, and i have mine: sustainability matters and it will be possible with reasonable growth and benefit for hard working middle class
I think your way of thinking is right, all those who today are in high position little or nothing stop to look at those who are starting. That is not fair, at the time they also needed help ... and it would be reciprocal to give to receive. I liked your post.
I think that if they are in high category, it is because many helped them. Apart from posting, comment, vote and follow do not know another way to climb category. I only agree with the post of cicbar. and if you know another way to climb the category, let me know, so that I can win. and good if they are bitter, I do not see the reason, because if nobody helped them, how did they get on? and for me this page apart from benefits that I know and I do not know is a way to drain feelings, skills, pleasant moments and because not also penalties that we passed. It is my humble opinion.
If they did not receive help and that is why they are bitter, then they look for professional help to solve their problem. I am not a cause of your problems.
And if you do everything alone, then give me the techniques, and problem solved, nobody forces another to help. The one who does it is because he is generous and I value that.
And to end this discussion against me, give me or give me ways to win votes without depending on others. That way you do not bother.
Tranquility and calmness is my recommendation for you .. Hugs.
I understand what you say 100%. We should educate newbies on the arts of networking and sharing!
Now let me add an improvement to your idea: Make the Self-voting Power (SVP) usable for others as well, while keeping Collaborative-voting Power (CVP) usable for such purpose only.
The risk of creating multiple accounts is not big. Because people will have to spread SP among all their accounts, and coordinating such operation is complicated.
Regarding SPAMMERS and abusers, we should improve bandwidth control a lot more! But that is part of a another discussion...
I like your idea :-) with more sharing Steemit would be better.
Don't you see the irony of your post? You paid for votes in order for your call to fairness be heard.
I am new here. A noob. I have read as much as I could about steemit and I have to say that this system is rigged. It's not what you do, it's about who you know. Same shit as in the real life.
The thing that goes on my nerves is how everybody is pretending and lying about what steemit is and how it works. Those who invested real money are getting return on it because the small fishes are believing they can make some of it too.
Tens of thousands of small fishes are polishing the turd while the big players are buying votes and upvoting themselves to riches. Welcome to the AnCap decentralized blockchain future. Give me a break!
I'm a new user also. You are spot on about bigger wallets getting more returns but in fairness they should, they have hard earned money at risk here. It's no different than anything else in life the more you have at risk should mean greater rewards. From what I've seen so far it looks like the community will grow and develop and as it does so should your steem power. Be patient and let it organically develop. Get friends involved and help each other out. The more you put in the more you get out, that's life.
Let me indulge in a bit of vanity and quote myself :)
The advertising says:
What I've found almost immediately is that all the beginner's guides talk a lot about good content, but as I dug deeper I've found that the way to earn $$$ here is to invest money in buying steem, powering up and then leasing that power to the bot owners. Writing good content is not the way to do it.
I have been waiting ten days or so to get the account approved and in my mind I've built up steemit to be something more than it is. Now, I feel cheated :)
The site is very basic, finding interesting topics and people is hard, you can't send a direct message to anyone,... as a social platform steemit kinda sucks. Usability is low and there are a ton of missing functionality that would make it a modern social network.
You can send a PM buy transferring a small amount of steem, and attaching a msg to the transaction.
Your right tho the site is very basic and it needs a better search function.
I would also like to see some ads or another way to earn steem.
I often post my steemit posts on reddit or facebook and can generate alot of extra views.. but i don't earn any extra for doing so it seems.
Now, be honest and answer this: Who would join if there was no monetary reward for doing so? What else does this platform offers that others don't? Why did you join in the first place? Did you somehow saw a group of people having an interesting discussion here and decided to jump in, or you did it for the reasons the rest of us did - to get something out of it?
Remove the monetary reward and see how long this platform will live. I give it a week.
I agree with you and this is why we need changes to make Steemit better.
I don't see what can be done to make it fair. I don't think that your proposed solution will work. It will boost voting on others content a bit, but it won't solve the core problem. From what I see, the accounts with a lot of SP are not doing anything, they are not posting, they are not commenting,... they are leasing that power to the bot owners and collecting money.
The whole thing depends on the new users getting engaged and profiting enough to stay and invest their time in it. No new (and active) users and the whole thing goes down.
It's in the interest of the big players to prop up the small fish, but who will do it? Not me, not me, not me,... A classic example of the tragedy of the commons. Everyone is going down, but there are no incentives for a single individual to do anything about it. Lease your STEEM POWER to the bots and collect the money while it lasts.
Perhaps, the whales should put together a Welcome aboard! bot that will upvote the efforts of the new users. I don't know.
I was very enthusiastic about it, but the more I read and the more I see the less I like it.
Also, I'm not hating on those with a ton of SP. They are doing what they think is in their best interest. I don't hate the players I hate the game. I've been mistaken about what the game is when I decided to join in. I thought it was something better, but it is not.
Sorry for ranting on your blog
No reason for sorry, I really like to hear other opinions and I agree with you at many things.
Good points, however I myself have never leased my steem power to anyone, nor do I ever plan to do so.
Why not? As I understand it is a good way to make money.
I'm not hating on anyone who is leasing their steem power. I'm just ranting a bit for I've found that the article does not live up to its advertising :)
"Why not? As I understand it is a good way to make money."
If money was my bottom line, I would be much more richer than I already am in "money"
Perhaps someday in the future I will make a blog post on steemit about why money is not my bottom line.
And when you write it I'll make sure to read it.
I think if steemit had an advertisment, and users got paid on a per click basis it might help generate more revenue for new users.
They could also spread their posts around on social media, generate more traffic to their posts and promote steemit at the same time.
Damn straight my dude. But with time I should be able to get up there without cheating! Hopefully!~
Maybe it's because I'm new here and don't understand how the system works, but self-upvoting does sound like cheating! Joined to share content that I believe is relevant to shape better future for us all. Now not so sure I'm in the right place. Thank you for sharing your concerns, @rfburton
I do hope that I am wrong.
Perhaps you will be one of those lucky people discovered by the whales and your message will be heard :)
@rfburton, you are fucking right my bro! It's about who you know and how much money you have to invest. But I don't necessarily see any bad in this. You can go to discord and get to talk to whales, you can just put more money. Some people will not survive. But just like in real life. People are dying and go bankrupt. That's just how it is. (wanted to quit steemit like 5 times, but carried on)
I have no problem with how things are, they are what they are. My problem is all the lies about it.
Write good content and you will be rewarded... NOT! Shakespeare can rise from the dead and publish his work here and still get nothing for it. So why all the lies?
Having $20+ regular upvotes on any shit you write the minute you write it and because of it automatically getting on the trending page for the subject you write about is what I'm talking about when I say discovered, but you already knew that.
Sure, they are regular people, Buffet and Gates are regular people, too.
It looks like you are the only one here happy with how things are, the only thing that makes you angry are my rants. I'm guessing you are one the major stakeholders here and baah is just one of your accounts.
To annoy you, perhaps?
Why are you so upset about what I wrote? Is it because people are upvoting it and agreeing with me?
The bot issue i do disagree with you a little. Some bots do have a purpose.
jerrybanfield bid bot funds many steemit projects.
and I am sure they are more @crpytoempire is a crypto bid bot game.
I am not against bots. I would like that there is some kind of review that would stop promoting bad posts...
That is being worked on with blacklists but still the system is too inefficient :(
Idk if their is a better way some thought of yet.
Let's make Steemit great again!
Some great points made in this.
I upvote anything that I like and also peoples comments on my blog as much as possible.
I try to keep my voting power above 60% so when I do upvote it is at least worth $01.
Getting noticed on Steemit is the same as getting noticed on Youtube/Instagram etc.
Be consistent and provide decent quality article/insights.
Also learn to be patient, too many people quit without really trying and by that I don't mean 3 months.
Just enjoy the process and learn as much as possible and the $ will follow.
Good luck everyone :-)
Splitting the upvoting is a great idea and would really help Steemit grow!!
Improvent that Im mostly looking after on steem right now is private messages between users.
Lack of this forces me to leave the platform when I need to talk to someone from here and I have to ask publicly for someone details for contact. And either mine or theirs data is being revealed while doing so.
This is a major flaw.
Also some sort of notification, when somebody answered me would be useful.
Those things look tiny at first, but once introduced they prove to be very convenient and major improvements.
I know this from experience from other websites, so its not just a theory.
I would like also private messages between users and user based search.
About notifications, I tried playing with the app Steemify once, it didn't really do anything in terms of notifications or maybe I'm just missing something.Totally agree with you @laserade, private messages will be awesome to have on Steemit.
I fully agree! I've had to track people down in all kinds of ways because I didn't want to give out private information publicly!
private messages are absolutely needed.
@cicbar - agree with a lot of your comments, especially the bots. Although they probably are a necessary evil; where if you want a post to really trend, one will have to buy some bots to help in voting.
Maybe there should be some sliding scale on how much bots cost: i.e. for a minnow, you pay X amount, but for a whale- they would pay X+ whatever additional amount based on their tier level. I am certainly not a socialist, but the votes and Steem Power a whale brings, would dwarf whatever a newbie could bring to the table. Allowing the whales to delegate their voting power & still get a nice chunk of income.
As a newbie, my vote on counts for a few cents the first vote or two ... then it trails off quickly as I upvote more folks' posts. I try to reward good content and informative posts. Upvoted!!
Completely agreed with ya, steem is has so much potential but the developers need to push hard to fix it. Solve the hard problems!
After you've been here a year or so you might have enough experience.
but right now you're just whining.
No mate, I am not whining. I have enough money and with current system I can make more on Steemit. I am just thinking how we can make Steemit better and more useful for everybody :-)
even're wrong.
the question is NOT" is steemit too hard"
rather the question is "is steemit too easy.
Who do we want on Steemit?
Special snowflakes
or people who will work for what they get?
Special snow flakes. Salty snow flakes are my favorite.
Oh wait.. no we want workers.
Especially people like me who is new in the system
I agree with your points on bots and upvoting, despite the fact that I have used bots and do self upvote. I agree these are negative aspects of the platform. Additionally,having the vast majority of upvoting power in the hands of so few causes major issues, even if these individuals don’t self upvote. They basically decide what is good and gets rewarded and what is not and disappears unseen. A better distribution of power is needed, but I accept this is very difficult to achieve!
I wrote in post that I am using bots because you need to do this if you want that your post is in trending column but I don't like that. I would like that I don't need to use them.
Right, because other columns nobody look.
I don’t remember where I did read it, but the also have a use considering the SBD. Until recently most bots could onlu be paid with SBD. This increase the buy reasons for SBD. Which will increase the price from which we all benefit.
The early days on Steemit I do call the dark days. It is hard to get noticed. It does not matter how good your post are, there will be a luck factor involved.
Lets be honest most of us were allured by the money part! But we do know that hard work is needed to achieve this.
But you are right that it is important that the newcomers feels welcome and do understand how things work here. It is also good that the number is dor the second day in a row above 10k. These people will hopefully write about new topics and tags so that new communities will be created. Which will allure more people to Steemit!
I di understand that some things could be changed, but to be honest I don’t know what and how!
Sorry for all the typos. Was standing in a huge traffic jam, when writing the previous comment.
Also want to add another opinion. I was thinking about the two separate voting options, but I do think that this will not solve the problem. There are several reasons for this.@cicbar
I don't consider myself selfish but I did upvote some of my own posts, luckily never a comment :).
In stead of doing this I'm now trying out voting bots, trying to give my posts some exposure. But I don't want to to this. But I feel that I have no choice cause a lots of us are doing this.
So after some thoughts, only popped up this morning in the traffic jam, I decided that from now on I will use the upvote bots only after the post is 12 hours old.
Why do you ask? There is a good reason for this but is a 2 side cutting knife.
I first want to have genuine upvotes and comments on my posts. So if I instantly use upvote bots, almost all the curation will go to these bots in stead of towards the people who really found my article worth an upvote.
But the problem is, that if a post is already has some value, other will be more interested by the post. Trying to get some curation or are thinking: hey some people found it worth to upvote, so it could be a great post.
This is the dilemma I'm facing at the moment.
(This time without typos, I hope)
Maybe two separate upvoting options are not perfect but they are much better than current situation. Even if usage of bots grow it still will not be significant. At today's post of @penguinpablo upvotes are less then 2%
I did read the post and was surprised how low the impact was!
grate commant.
I agree with the points you have pointed out. It is harder for newbies to get noticed. But i support bid bots but want them to be more selective about contents they upvote.
I support your idea of 2 separate voting power but it should have a twist. First voting power which will replenish like what we currently have, but self-voting power will replenish in relation to upvote you give to others.

Well if you are not on Steemit to make money, people like me are here to make money and also read and post good content.
Making it fair is a good idea, especially those who kept upVoting themselves. Great post though.
The problem is nothing would really be solved by any attempt to differentiate self-voting. If any restrictions were put in place, everybody with a significant stake would immediately spawn an alt account, delegate all their power and return to their old ways. I am pretty sure this hasn't been done because limit self-votes is simple to work around. At least now the self-voting is obvious and not obfuscated.
click here.Congratulations @cicbar, this post is the most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Hero account holder (accounts that hold between 10 and 100 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Hero account holders during this period was 439 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $5470.22. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories,
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Good points. Though I've used bots in the past it is an annoying part of Steemit. As for upvotes, I don't think there are many who only upvote themselves are there? If I had a lot invested in Steem, I could see the draw as you could make back your investment quickly.
As fairly new in the community I agree with your points. I am here for a lot of reasons, one of them is the search for quality. Somehow it seems that the upvote bits and I disagree about what is quality content! It has happened too many times already that I have seen something that looks interesting and have several comments - and after checking out the post you find that all comments are from bots. It is the human interaction that should be put first in my opinion!
Bots ruin everything it seems, or rather the ones that are used for someone's selfish gain. I thought steemcleaners would help curb some of the bot problems and promote quality!~
Besides isn't steemit's economy supposed to be centered around a free market of ideas and discussion?
Completely agree. Steemit should encourage and promote new users for quality posts.
You are totally right. This is something I noticed very quickly when I joined Steemit. But up to this week no one seemed to notice it or post anything about it.
But the statistics already show for a long time that hundred thousands of people joined Steem in the past year. And almost all of them are inactive. I can't calculate the exact number as I don't know how many users there were last year?
I think tipping bots are overrated. Nowadays over 1,000 Steemonians use them daily. So what does it help? Nothing cause I won't notice you between those 1,000+. And I fully ignore trending and hot.
As newbie I really don't understand that it is possible to upvote yourself. My suggestion would be to fully skip that possibility.
Last but not least, I think there are many more changes needed. Like getting rid off all kind of scams and frauds, stopping the greatest flagging war in history, bandwidth issues for new users and more like that.
Self upvoting is good and necessary because if you have invested money in Steemit and you have locked your Steem then you should be rewarded for that.
This might actually be the best explanation I have heard so far.
I still wonder if it's fair. Cause if you didn't invest, but started 1 year ago, then you probably have some SP now. As the rewards back then were about 30-40 times as high as now. People who have this can now really post crap, upvote their own crap and get rewarded for it. And the majority of new users could never get closer to the amount of rewards those crappy self upvoters receive (Sorry for my language, but I couldn't figure out a decent way to explain what I mean).
Your solution seems to be fair. Cause I agree that investors should get some return.
I guess we're still nowhere with me agreeing with you. As this probably won't get implemented ever.....
I have also thought about idea with block possibility to upvote yourself. It's so strange to a newbie (for me it is). @cicbar, sorry for my question, but if somebody invested in Steem and got some extra SP isn't that a reward? He spent his money to be stronger, thought that how it works
I agreed with you & i really appreciated you think about other steemit members in the circle.I like you blog
Good post..
In my opinion for new users it's a little bit complicated to understand how Steemit works (SP, bots, reputation, ...) and for what you have to pay attention. Regarding the future of Steemit this could be improved.
Yes and no. Some changes could really improve the system but I do feel that the new Steemians are coming for the money and expect to get rich over night. We should not make it to easy :)
We all had the same problems and we all did overcome them and are still on Steemit.
This because we believe in steemit and actually did investigated time in understanding how things work. Doing experiments and so on.
Once you got the hang of it, you will have a steep learning curve. I'm still learning and enjoying my time on Steemit.
I completely agree with you. Using bots denies the purpose of steemit and the worst thing, it kills original material production.
When I started using steemit I saw it as a great platform do discover new intersting original material and I don't like the way that it's developing.
Your suggestions seem very good, I hope at least some of them come ture.
Very good Idea. Seem this will bring new hope to us as accnt with lower reputation.
I think there are some technical, general UI "quality of life" changes that should be made as well. For example simple stuff like being able to see your history of upvotes, or hide posts. I think the feed could be improved with topics or interest categories as well instead of only following people. Changes like this are relatively easy to implement and go a long way towards improving the average user's (and especially newer peoples') experience.
@cicbar I agree with most of your points but changing the upvote system in such a way as you described will ultimately just result in more power to upvote sellers. But your right, the current vote system doesn't really give users a reason not to just upvote them selfs or even sell their upvote, as I sadly do. In my opinion, selling my vote, is the only way, without putting in a lot of money, to actually use for an upvote seller. Actually, Upvote bots as they exist right now are just poison for Steemit, in my opinion. As long as they exist in that way as they do right now, I don't think there is a way to improve the voting system. Gz @davsner
enlightenment very good friends, very useful, thanks for writing. @cicbar
Great post sir...its hodl meaning 'hold on for dear life' lol. but in answer to the post of why would people sell at a low price if people need the money now then they will sell some people dont have the luxury of holding invested money there are bills to pay lol! please upvote for visibility please thanks =]
Thanks but when we should upvote our own posts??? Is there any rule for it?? Or anytime we can self upvote??
I agree with the need of quality content - but as for now I mostly discovered only good content here.
At the same time: In my experience, the usabilty of the site and registration is still very low. I see much more need to work on this!
You forget one crucial point, after one week posts don't get paid and are basically buried in the blockchain because you can't find them even over the tags, so steemit's so called quality content will never be better than that of a weekly newspaper which you throw away when you get the new one.
nice post
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Hey @cicbar, great post! I enjoyed your content. Keep up the good work! It's always nice to see good content here on Steemit! :)
Great Post...especially for newbies like me, who are having difficulty understanding how this works. Hope Steemit will take these into consideration and make it better..
Excellent post and agree, people will always building better mouse traps. However, if love posting about whatever you love to post, the rest will take care of itself.