"BOTS are FIRST thing that I would CHANGE."
How? Or are you just navel gazing into a fake utopia?
I more or less suggested this, but the problem you get is that it does nothing to stop vote trading/vote rings. They just vote each other for their "other" stake.
But, it would help reward generous voters who don't participate in such methods.
Bots can only be changed by self regulation. In their interest is also that Steemit is successful and with better content Steemit will be better. Two separate voting is not perfect but is better then current situation. If we all together improve and act less selfish then we would have much better Steemit. I am fully upvoting every good post, some of them are yours, and I don't care if I am gonna have less voting power for me. But truth is that lot of people are not like that...
Some of them will manipulate for sure but not all will do that. It is not perfect and nothing can be perfect bit I think that is at least little bit better than now.
Opinios can be different and maybe you are right and I am wrong. What is your opinion how we can improve Steemit?