You are absolutely right, these are very important questions.
My humble opinion - 50/50 will help attract investors, those who are so lacking in STEEM. I understand perfectly why there are so many perturbations, because 90 +% are people who see STEEM as an opportunity to earn money.
But, for me, as a person who loves STEEM and for whom STEEM has long been a place for investment - this is great news. I am sure that everyone will be happy if this change will help to raise the price of STEEM in 2 or more times. Such a raise the price, in my opinion, is absolutely real.
Вы абсолютно правы, это очень важные вопросы.
Мое скромное мнение - 50/50 поможет привлечь ИНВЕСТОРОВ, тех, которых так не хватает на СТЕЕМ. Я прекрасно понимаю, почему так много возмущений, ведь 90+% это люди, которые видят СТЕЕМ - как возможность заработать.
Но, для меня, как человека, который любит СТЕЕМ, и для которого СТЕЕМ давно стал местом для инвестиций - это замечательная новость. Я уверен, что все будут довольны, если это изменения поможет поднять цену на СТЕЕМ в 2 или больше раза. Такой поем, по моему мнению - абсолютно реален.
Dear @cranium
Thank you for sharing your humble opinion with us.
In my humble opinion it will mostly benefit current so called "whales".
Proposed system can only work if so called Whales would actually start delegating their Steem Power to quality curators. That would indeed allow those curators to be rewarded for their work and benefit entire platoform.
I'm simply afraid, that this will not happen. That at the end most whales will continue auto-upvoting publications of very few people, with their powerful votes and without putting any effort they will start earning x2 more than they did so far.
It surely would encourage them to slow down with powering down, which in effect would most likely bring up the price of STEEM. But that is the only positive outcome. And what would happen year from now, when those "whales" would start dumping this easily earned STEEM?
I wonder if you would agree with me on this one.
Your concerns are absolutely justified. It can be a very long time to guess, but none of us can predict the future. In this news there are both positive and negative sides. Time will put everything in its place.
But, the very fact of hardfork, against the background of the cosmic development speed of Steem –engine, should have a positive impact.
#spt #palnet #sct #jjj #aaa #actnearn #weedcash
Thanks for your fine thoughts on this post. This is exactly the point I was trying to make throughout this essay. I am glad that we share similar thoughts on this subject. Cheers!
ну да! мир дерьмо, но все мы любим деньги, так что давайте делать его ещё дерьмовее! @cranium
Можете перефразировать? Ваше сообщение можно рассматривать двусмысленно. #spt #palnet #sct #jjj #aaa #actnearn #weedcash
да, это поток сознания, в котором переход не с одной ступеньки на другую, а сразу на весь пролёт. не обращайте внимания. -> я думаю что в результате очередного форка удастся если не спасти, то укрепить-повысить ден.единицу, но общий уровень системы станет еще более говнистей. @cranium
"everybody knows, thats the way it goes" (c)