A fortress in the distance, pistol packing El Gato, riding the back of a steem snort'n unicorn. Dropping fiery road apple bombs against a rainbow sky as wide as the horizon.
Annnd less bloat, less throttle-neck. What more could possibly be missing from this picture...and the only reason I suspect it's not there is because we haven't gotten there...yet.
Sorry I don't have time to read all the comments here Neo...neck deep in a comment posting challenge and still get'n slammed by that wall...sometimes every 2 posts...too often for my liking but not something I can't handle if I pace myself through the next 24 hrs...say an easy 7 or 8 quality comment average per hour...I'm certain I'm not causing any strain on the chain.
But I'm going to take your word on all this, you've been highly recommended by my coach and new friend. I now see this all may be worth investing in long term. Time to start dollar cost average them dips. Keep up the great sacrifices and the moon could be your oyster...for the shucking.
I'll sleep well in a day or so...for now this gives me more juice...more gas!
peace out...in
EDIT: L O frig'n L ... guess size really does matter...or does it...or could this just be a co-inkydink?
cryptologyx bandwidth limit exeeded. Please wait to transact or power up STEEM.
It's ok...I'll hang till I can drop it. ;)