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RE: Expectation vs Steem

in #steem7 years ago

Refreshing to find such an important sentiment expounded so simply. There is a tendency to hypermoralize everything in modern society, whose positive aspect is the awakening of many to an idea of true ethics as opposed to narrow survivalistic self-serving. The negative aspect is a guilt-ridden, anger-stricken populace always pointing the finger and succumbing to the allure of elitism. We need more appreciation for different types of folks and less of the blame game.

We must continue day after day to escape from ways of thinking that trap us in dead-end, stagnant conclusions. It is necessary to remain vigilant regarding this because the call of creature comforts is loud, indeed. It is generally more comfortable to remain trapped in a shallow way of being than to expand and truly increase our level of awareness. Yet, it is so wonderfully rewarding at the same time.

Steem on, my friend, and thanks for the food for thought. :-)


It is generally more comfortable to remain trapped in a shallow way of being than to expand and truly increase our level of awareness. Yet, it is so wonderfully rewarding at the same time.

We want to experience some freedom but, we also want a safety net provided for us in case we fail. In general, that net is offered by an authority at a premium cost somewhere, whether financially, ethically, morally, privacy. At least here we have a chance to somewhat build our own systems and safety nets to support each other without forcing conformity. Even if we never full make it, like you said, it is rewarding nonetheless. :)