The easier it becomes to buy Steem with VIsa/Mastercard etc the higher the price of Steem will go. The main problem right now for most people on Steem is there is no way to buy Steem Power unless the person is a crypto-anarchist Bitcoin lover.
Being a crypto-anarchist should not be a pre-requisite for using Steem.
I am a cryptoanarchist and almost everything involving banks is like pulling teeth. wirex charge a lot and hen on top the card issuer charges €2.25 to draw out cash. Here in stupidland, I mean germany and holland, half the shops refuse to accept credit caeds because the payment processors also hit the merchants hard.
I wish I could charge a few bucks to press buttons also. I hate banks.
You should see the bank fees here in the Bahamas from these foreign banks, it's outrageous!
yeah, most banks are hooked up with the communist central bank cabal. The 'tax havens' are where the bankers are not, in general.