
True. I use #shapeshift very often too integrated into my exodus wallet. However, with shapeshift you cannot convert many cryptocurrencies /assets.They are not listed on shapeshift's website. That is where #changelly comes in handy. I exchange cryptos using changelly and pay transaction fee of only 0.5%. Here, my affiliate link . For fastest transctions, shapeshift is the best so far. I think It's always good to have options.

Options are always welcome. I just now saw someone say that Steem isn't available on shapeshift, but I know it has been. I haven't confirmed.

That is correct! There are only 41 crypo assets listed on and STEEM is not one of them. What I usually do , whenever I wast to buy steem power is to transfer bitcoin/ether from my exodus wallet, , directly to my steemit wallet. The execution is performed through blocktrades, . I have used changelly too, I think twice. It appears that STEEM is no longer available on changelly.

I prefer something that has a log in account so that when I've had problems, I can easily contact the people who owns the platform.
Anyways, thank you so much for your input!